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Everything posted by gjhdiver

  1. Is Scalia goes, then Clarence Thomas will have to go too. I mean, that man can't do anything without Scalia. I realise that the makeup of the SCOTUS won't change dramatically, but what it will do it cement the liberal wing of it in place for decades. Next after them, the oldest are the conservatives.
  2. It doesn't. We're just meat that thinks. When we're gone, we're gone. Enjoy the ride while you have the senses to do so.
  3. With Mark Begich's victory over that old fart Ted Stevens, it's getting closer and closer. Actually, who an I kidding ? With Leiberman back on board and the other independent senator caucusing with the Democrats, they have it already. It's about time. With 110 judicial appointments ready to be filled and no way for GOP obstructionism, it's time to remake the courts. That's the real prize we were fighting for this election. Roll on the Freedom of Choice act too. It's about time for the long overdue push back. I fully expect two of the most liberal (and oldest) members of the Supreme Court to retire now they know they will be replaced by liberal justices half their age. Unlike George W, I expect Obama to actually nominate competent jurists, not his cleaning lady or whoever the fuck she was.
  4. Obama's "change" refers to a fundamental change in policy over the last eight years of neocon stupidity. I fully expect him to come through on that. Who he appoints to implement those changes in policy is immaterial. Actually, I see his appointments of experienced qualified people from the Clinton administration as change. It's a pleasant change from the current administrations policy which appears to be to nominate the least qualified partisan hack or personal friend to key positions. Cases in point; "You're doing a heck of job Brownie" - FEMA Harriet Myers - Supreme Court (Still laughing about this one) Bolton to the UN - Worst choice for this body ever Alberto Gonzalez- AG - Now indicted in TX Condoleeza Rice - Will go down as the worst Sec of State ever. And on and on and on....... For once, it's nice to see the important jobs going to the brightest people in the room, not the dumbest.
  5. It's a dumb policy whose time has come and gone. Since there have been militaries, there have been gay people serving in them. Passing laws one way or another doesn't change that. You'd think with the current US military failing to meet recruiting goals on just about every front, they wouldn't turn down any able bodied citizen that wanted to serve. This policy has actually made the US military weaker. A case in point was of the gay Arabic and Pashtun interpreters that were thrown out of the military at a time when such skills were (and still are) in crucial short supply. Also, when you've lowered the bar to accept convicted felons and retards, you've effectively conceded any moral grounds and "unit cohesion" arguments.
  6. Have you ever seen a racehorse strecth before a race ? I submit you have not. I never stretch. All racehorses do is wander around in a circle and have a poo. That's all I do before a jump.
  7. Byron just dropped their prices $2 per ticket to reflect the lower gas prices.
  8. I doubt she can overcome 40 odd years of ignorance and superstition in just four years, especially when she'll have a mountain to climb in the public perception of her as a monumental doofus. Bill Clinton had a great quite about George W. "He doesn't know anything, doesn't want to know anything, but he isn't stupid". I think this could also apply perfectly to Palin. If she gets a basic education in the next four years, I'll giver her credit for it, but her basic smarts are just one side of the equation that make her unpalatable to a lot of centrist voters. Her fundamentalist religious views, and her determination to overturn Roe vs Wade amongst other things make her toxic to huge swaths of the electorate on both sides of the partisan divide. I think religious conservatives should form a third party. The GOP is no longer a good fit for them, and there aren't enough of them around any more to take it over as they did 25 years ago. They would be happier, and they wouldn't keep torpedoing the Republicans with their voodoo bullshit come election time. They could even hold a certain balance of power with just a few seats.
  9. [reply She is a dirct threat to the libs. Hence, the vitriolic (mostly false) attacks You're way off base here. Liberals (myself included) thought on the whole that she was best thing to happen to the Obama/Biden ticket. She was a direct threat to the GOP ticket, not the Democratic one. Also, after her first two disasterous interviews where she appeared woefully clueless, the campaign basically shut her off from the media so she couldn't insert her foot in her mouth. Added to that, McCain staffers trashing her anonymously, and what do expect the media had left to report about her ? She was a glorious goldmine of ignorance though. (I particularly like the video of her having a witch doctor pull witches out of her head.) And her husband ? I think I'll miss that clueless oaf almost as much. I hope the GOP wheels that ignorant snowbilly out again as a candidate in 2012. I can't think of any better way to ensure a second Obama term. Let me just clarify one thing though. I don't think she's stupid. I think she's ignorant. You can be born stupid, but ignorance is choice. It's a trait displayed to full effect by the current occupant of the White House.
  10. Yup. Me. Well, I'm not from here, but I live there.
  11. Nov 11th 1215 The Fourth Lateran Council meets. They adopt the doctrine of transubstantiation, meaning that bread and wine are literally transformed into the body and blood of Christ. This means all Catholics are essentially cannibals on a feeding schedule, but who are we to judge a theology? Nov 11th 1634 Under the urging of Anglican Bishop John Atherton, the Irish House of Commons passes "An Act for the Punishment for the Vice of Buggery." Seven years later, the good Bishop Atherton is himself the second man hanged under the Act. A lesson the Catholic Church seem not to have taken to heart. And so on and so forth....... Ahh religion. Providing cheap laughs for mankind for 10000 years.
  12. Yes. What church did you step into that discriminated against anyone? All of them. Latest example, The Mormon church pouring $23 million into CA to eliminate the right of gays to marry, and the full throated support of that effort by churches to get their congregations for vote for prop 8. A pretty good example of religion discriminating against a group of people I'd say.
  13. Because it's the last bastion of stupidity in a rational world, and the last bad excuse for discrimination and oppression. That do for an answer ?
  14. That's why I didn't begrudge Clinton the odd blowjob from a fat chick occasionally. She probably stopped him from getting backed up and nuking Norway on a day when he had a bad pice of cod in the commissary,.
  15. Not only is this a great series (based on the Stookie Stackhouse books), but you get to see Anna Paquin's tits in just about all the episodes. I find them quite attractive. If she played her cards right, I might let her touch me inappropriately if she promised to go make me a sandwich afterwards.
  16. It was judged on Tuesday. His performance over the last eight years is perhaps the most major factor in the overwhelming support a black liberal junior senator got to become president. If W's administration hadn't been so utterly, relentlessly, mind-bogglingly incompetent, Obama would never had stood a chance. That millions of new voters became engaged in ways never before seen, just to drive a stake through the heart of the Republican party speaks to his massive failure on every level. Obama carried states that Bush won, and had never voted for a Democrat in decades. There's your judgment of W right there. You can spin it all you want, but the votes are in. As for Palin. I really do hope they wheel her out in 2010 or 2012. It will only prove that the GOP haven't learned a fucking thing from Tuesday's massacre. Her folksy, superstitious bullshit will probably guarantee added congressional seats for Democrats. McCain's ticket started sinking once she opened her yap and people realised that she was an uneducated hick. Do you really think that the people who were put off the GOP ticket by her will suddenly love her in two or four years ? Bring her on is all I say. I could do with a laugh. By the way, there's only going to be two books in the George W Bush presidential library, and he's already colored one of them in.
  17. It's a Dornier. They jump them in the UK and Europe.
  18. The McCain campaign needed to throw a hail mary pass to get moving. They needed a game changer and that was the best they could come up with. He also needed to get social conservatives on his bus, as they had a deep distrust of him, and no enthusiasm for his ticket. He got them on board with her pick, and a measly two point bounce after the convention. that disappeared very quickly once she opened her yap. Then it blew up in their face. In their rush to get that game changing result, they added someone to the ticket that was superstitious, ill informed, woefully out of touch with the issues people were facing in the lower 48, and of course displayed the hallmark of every stupid person. That is, she refused to shut up and listen to people brighter than her (a group that would probably contain housecats also). She went from unknown, to rock star, to punch line, to loser is less than two months. There are some in the GOP that see her as the future of the party. I sincerely hope that they do. Punting that Wasilla hillbilly out as a candidate again will be the best thing they could do for the Democratic party. She should stick to having witches pulled out of her head, and maybe attend a basic high school civics class before she shows her face on a national stage again.
  19. I am once again proud of my adopted country. The deep embarrassment that I've felt for the last eight years at having to explain to to others why we voted twice for a barely upright simian that couldn't even manage to eat a pretzel without banging his head on a table is finally gone. America is a cool place again. Other countries might want to have sex with us again now.
  20. Sack it up dude. You've enjoyed gloating at liberals for the last eight years. Now it's your turn to go lick your wounds. Last night was a transcendent night in US history, and the GOP were rightly repudiated for the eight years of mismanagement and deceptions they indulged in. If they have any sense, they'll go away, do the necessary bloodletting, and return as a real party with values, not just a shadow of them. Last night, the US elected a bona fide unashamed liberal. The pendulum has swung back left. Enjoy the ride. The GOP had all three branches of the government for 6 out of the last eight years, and fucked it up royally. Did you really think that the GOP had a chance this time around ? As for the majority in the Senate, the Democrats already have enough seats with the independents and Democratic voting republicans like Arlen Specter and Olympia Snow to break any filibusters. At least two of the outstanding four senate races will probably go to Democrats too. Hopefully, the judicial appointments will now start flowing. It ain't the end of the world, just the end of the Reagan era republicans, and not before time. The world is ready to work with America again now. It's gonna be OK.
  21. In the sweet sweet tears of the GOP. Mmmmmmm, feels goooooood..... Almost enough to wash away eight years of deceit and bullshit. Not that I've been counting of course. Now before all you conservatives start droning on about the death of the USA, just remember, this too shall pass. You need to go off into the wilderness for a few years and decide which faction of your party you want to prevail, the fiscally responsible - small government faction, or the socially conservative and religious faction. Then you can actually stand for a core belief again to attract voters on your merits. This alliance was what Reagan managed to do, and is why he's revered as the second coming amongst conservatives, instead of the senile bedwetter he actually was, who fell asleep during an audience with the pope. The GOP is at war with itself more than it is with the Democrats, and they really had no appetite for McCain as their candidate. Until they return to their roots, they can expect to be a minority party for a long time. (Remember, this is a liberal telling you this.) This year, the Democrats nominated an unabashed liberal and generated a landslide, and a watershed moment in history. You should be proud of your country, not upset. For once, the US has lived up to it's rhetoric. Anyone can be president. As for me, if a black man can be elected president. I hereby announce that in 2012, I, a white Englishman, will be the presenter of Soul Train. Until then, enjoy the ride.
  22. You know, morons. (I love a Blazing Saddles moment). It's nice to have a man who can string a cogent sentence together and be able to eat a pretzel unaided for a change.
  23. I'll do it for a cameo and two points on the back end. Can The Ghosthookers do the soundtrack ?
  24. Man I was running bad last night. I don't think I've ever had such a run of bad offsuit starting hands. It was just one 7-2 9-4 5-2 off all night. You can't even bluff in position with those. You'll get away away with it once or twice, and the first time someone calls you down you're done. The two times I hit pocket pairs, everyone folded to me. I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did. Still, I was running good earlier in the week and made a nice little pile of cash in the online cash games so I can't really complain.
  25. I deal with those guys (a famous big four club) from time to time because of the vintage bike restorations, and a good friend of mine was the Sgt-At-Arms for a local chapter. It's quite realistic in it's portrayals, and in a case of life imitating art, the fictional battle with The Mayans is clearly a take on the current issues with The Mongols in CA. Of course, it can never be entirely realistic, any more than The Sopranos could be. The club system is closed to all but non members, and no good can come from prying too closely into their dealings. There's a pretty clear line that a non-member can't cross. I like the guys a lot, and they are good fun to have a few beers with, but when club business comes up, it's time for me to go home for a nice hot cup of cocoa.