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Everything posted by Taylor610

  1. Some of my favorite rhetorical questions my father used to ask: *** Are you begging for a butt whoppin??? (Begging not to get whopped)
  2. I thought it was to control us? mezmorize us with the boobies.... then take advantage of us... *** {Zombie Voice}Must Cut Grass...Must Do Dishes...Must Do Laundry...Yes Mistress...{Zombie Voice}
  3. Also, since we are going SC here, who was the first Pres to fly in a big cushy helo instead of being tossed by catapult into a net at his destination? I bet it was not the current one. Brent *** JFK?
  4. Nope. Everyone adores me . At least in my world, and that's the only one that matters *** Hey, aren't you the one who post the misleading avatar??!! I adore you!
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- there's really only one way to find out, little one..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop talking to your penis! *** BWWWAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHA (wiping off screen) BWWWAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHA You are too good GFD!!!!
  6. Im a lesbian trapped in a mans body. I think thats about as close as one can get! I'd have to get permission first though... *** Permission??!! As much as Skymama has going on, I figure one would need an appointment!! Oh great, now Skymama's never met me and she don't like me...
  7. She also likes to spank the bad ones. im looking forward to being really bad! *** Yes Hippy, but are YOU enough woman for her???
  8. I get a lot of nasty pm's from people I'm ok with it though; *** Wow, Skymama likes it when you talk dirty!!!!
  9. That clearly do not like you and yet you have never met them or interacted with directly?? I know of at least two that fall in this category for me. I’m sure there are more but two make their distain pretty obvious. *** Wow, how ironic, I was just thinking that I really liked you because of your post and I have never met you. I guess the good thing is once I do meet you, you probably won't like me, then I can be a stalker!!!!
  10. I have found that if you want to score points.. The room is great, take her somewhere nice for dinner, and make sure she gets ALL of your attention. Reminder her why you fell in love with HER and married her. An added gift is nice, earrings, bracelet, something like that, but the paying complete attention to her...that almost always works out good!
  11. Just remember... 99% of all statistics are made up on site... 50% of all marriages end in divorce, the other 50% end in death...I don't see any bonus points there...
  12. It didn't, Captain Redundant *** oops... Does that mean I had a premature ... I'm out!
  13. And I can't believe it has gone this long without... Erection Zone (Drop) Point Erection (Break)
  14. The Sound Of Erections (Music) Brians Erection (Song) Debbie Does Erections (Dallas)
  15. Nope, I ususually find them in me *** Ah, I um, oh my, I mean I, whew is it hot in here??? Wasn't there a laughing orgasm thread somewhere...
  16. Why am I so amused by these? ________________________________________ You find humor in erections???? I mean they are all just tiny little quickies... Of course I could have misspelled humor and made it hummor
  17. Alright, just cuz... Field of Erections (Dreams) The Longest Erection (Yard) Major Erection (League)
  18. I did not mean to imply that you had PMed me again.Everyone,I have only recieved one rude PM from Jumper410.I would not classify him as a stalker yet. *** That does it!!!! Now I am mad You just made me spit my drink all over my monitor!!! Chris, where would my day be without your post!!!!
  19. If anyone has taken the tour? Or any other guitar factory experiences Taylor Guitar Factory in El Cajon, Ca. I may plan a weekday off and visit. *** Man I would love to take that tour. I would love to bring mine with me, take the tour and then watch them give my 610 the once over... Best guitar I have ever played.
  20. Hahahahaha, aren't you a funny boy! And what, pray tell, piece would you prefer we buy? *** Ah, Neither....Show up naked, with a sammich and a beer, you'll be just fine... Please wifey don't be readin' the forums today...
  21. just don't get why they are not sold together???!! I'm sorry...yes their swimsuits are pretty...but they are not worth 80 to 100 bucks...thats just insane!!! *** So only buy one piece...I mean really what's wrong with you women???
  22. I married young, 21. Been married for 14 years now. Age played a factor, I was young and didn;t know any better.... lol Can't change things now, too damned expensive. You can get away with murder alot cheaper than you can get a divorce these days! Ganja *** Dialing phone...Hey M, I was reading dz.com this mornin'... You ain't right bro!!!!!
  23. Age really played no part in my decision. (Nor did an unexpected pregnancy) I will add that when my son was in his freshman year at college he was in a co-ed dorm. He said to me, "It's like a buffet Dad, anytime, anywhere, just pick what you want. I think that times have changed as well as moral standards. Younger women are way more willing to have "casual sex" than they were 20 years ago. Men don't have to get married to keep a woman, because it seems like every corner they turn, there is a woman willing to sleep with them. I am not singling out younger women either. There are plenty of women who are out and on there own, a lot of them divorced, who are willing to "sleep around" without commitment. And then there is Skymama, still saving herself until the right one comes along! If she ever does commit, there will be a million broken hearts...
  24. Have you ever noticed those women who... Can call you anything they want while they show you their boobies and you will never know they said a word...
  25. Congrats and God Bless Billy!!! Get some pics of your little girl out here for us!!