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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. Cowboys dont have monkeys. Home, home on the range.. where the deer and the monkeys play? I dont think so...
  2. Thats too bad. Cowboys are sexy.
  3. Why is that ironic? Do we have to know you to see the irony or something?
  4. Again...?? There was a nice little break we had in subject matter for a while...
  5. People can call themselves the Queen of France if they want.. who cares? You like to jump out of planes? Cool! Jump!
  6. Yes, of course it does!! You just had a needle stuck in your knee.. you can have all the ice cream you want! (my jumpsuit obviously has a lot of spandex...)
  7. ((((((((((((((BIG HUGZ))))))))))))))))) Girl.. you just brought back some of my worst nightmares.. calc and chem! However, I am here to say that it does come to an end! Not to make this about me, but I'm enjoying the first December in a LOOOOONG time where I'm not super stressed over finals, holiday plans, working enough to have money for christmas gifts, etc... However, you always do much better than you think you did on exams. Its all good! Vibes to ya girl!
  8. Check to see if theyre listed as Adventure Skydiving Center?
  9. Ooookay.. its been a while since I took physics, but I'm glad you understood what I meant.
  10. Thanks, Ron. I dont want to hijack this thread, but I'll answer your questions real quick. It bothered me that I couldnt pull the cutaway handle (pad) as well.. trust me. Thanks for the insight, I really didnt know why I couldnt pull.. I'm not a weakling or anything. EP.. I was trained to put my right hand on cutaway and left on reserve, pull right, then pull left. In this situation, I was pulling my cutaway pad with both hands. Once the line twists came out, I had no trouble with the cutaway pad. I do not have cable guards, but I will discuss this with my rigger. I'm jumping a really OLD talon container that I'm about to replace anyway. I checked the cypres, it did not fire. I had enough canopy over my head even with the line over, apparently. I agree that the cypres could have fired after I cut away, but in this case it was the RSL that deployed the reserve.
  11. Three Six Mafia.. ass and titties
  12. This past weekend I had my first malfunction and cutaway, (yes, Beer, I know). Long story short, I pulled at 3,000, had line twists and a line over so I was spinning so violently it was practically impossible for me to pull the cutaway handle.. centrifugal force maybe? The line twists stopped and slowed the spinning down enough to where I could cut away, by then I was somewhere around 1,000 feet. I had my hand on the reserve handle when I realized that my reserve had already been deployed by my RSL. I was in the saddle at around 600 feet. Had I not had an RSL that might have been 400 feet. Its designed to work faster than me, and thats exactly what it did. I was not relying on it, because I certainly would have pulled my reserve, (or my cypres would have fired), but the RSL worked properly in this case. I was not anywhere close to stable when I cutaway, but my reserve opening was fine, and I landed on my feet. For all you Incident forum types, It happened on jump 89, I'm jumping a pd210 wingloaded at .8, reserve is a tempo 170. I just wanted to give my njasshole my personal experience with an RSL.
  13. Well I cant help it, I was raised in Texas.
  14. AWWW you guys don't want to play along? you guys suck I lean to the left if youre standing behind me, to the right if youre standing in front of me, but only if you are standing up straight.
  15. I met him when he was Governor of Texas. I was 22 years old, and played a significant role in securing 10 million dollars in investments/venture capital for the firm I worked for. My boss gave a speech on large frame network security at a breakfast at the Governors mansion. Both Governor Bush and President Bush were present, and I met them both face to face. .
  16. I know.. your post made it seem like you havent. But thanks for the compliment darlin! And I have to agree with you that Rosa is both sweet and beautiful.. shes such an angel.
  17. I met him when he was Governor of Texas. I was 22 years old, and played a significant role in securing 10 million dollars in investments/venture capital for the firm I worked for. My boss gave a speech on large frame network security at a breakfast at the Governors mansion. Both Governor Bush and President Bush were present, and I met them both face to face. I dont expect to change your political views. I felt the same way about Clinton as you do about Bush, but I respected him as the leader of our country and was thankful that it was a not a permanent situation. Do you think the Iraquis ever believed that they would see the day where they did NOT live in fear of Saddam Hussein's regime? I'm thankful that I have never had to fear our leaders.. regardless of what I thought of them personally or politically. You know.. we are all very lucky to be Americans. We enjoy freedoms that peple in other parts of the world cant even imagine. How about laying off the piddly shit and saying.. yeah this isnt so bad after all..
  18. Ok then. Just dont call President Bush a poser unless youre calling Senator Clinton a poser as well. Besides, it was the tosser and kicking in the nuts that bothered me. And that wasnt you.
  19. I'd rather you express your opinions respectfully without imposing name-calling.
  20. Welcome to the forums! I hope you are prepared to be known as "aggiedave's girlfriend". And yes, you do have yourself quite a handsome fella!