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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. I'll be more than willing to boycott all future versions of the Bachelor for crushing WrongWay's dream of dating 25 whuffo women at the same time.
  2. Paige gotcha on that one baby. Oh well... hey what are the requirements for the next Joe Millionaire? That would be cool.. to have them find out youre just an almost 21 yr old broke skydiver... at least you have a good reason for being broke. And you clean up good, right?
  3. Oh good.. I cant wait to see a photo!
  4. Dude.. a GOURAMI is a fish. See attachment. I couldnt find GOULAMI on or anything pertinent on google. I think your neighbor stole your crack pipe!
  5. I'd be kicking some dorkface ass and getting my gourami back instead of complaining about it to a bunch of skydivers. What can we do about it? PLAN and EXECUTE! And when you get it back, post a pic, cause I still dont know what the hell it is. (edited: or how to spell it)
  6. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to sacrifice myself and see you naked to make a proper determination. Thats TWICE today that you've made me laugh, Clay! You so crazy....
  7. See what I mean... that wasnt as funny... nice try though!
  8. hahaha... omg Clay.. I usually dont think youre very funny.. but ya got me there!! hahahaaa!
  9. Oh no, thats still up in the air. We are not yet for sure. Maybe I'm a late bloomer? I posted a pic earlier in this thread. Some seem to think theres hope for me after all... Thats just terrible. I got carded for a rated R movie a few weeks ago. That was a bit ridiculous...
  10. Well YAH! And unlike your photo of Catherine Bell... they are not airbrushed! .. thats not to say shes not a sexy mama and I'm not completely jealous of her body, because I am of course! Lets keep it real..
  11. Shes my neighbor. I'd hook you up, but theres that whole Tim McGraw thing going on...
  12. Okay I'm with ya now. And sincerely, thanks for the compliment :) Sorry about your whuffo princess...
  13. Thanks for the um..compliment, Brent. Now what the hell are you talking about? Sounds like youre saying that skychicks arent any fun in the sack. If thats your experience.. pity...
  14. Thats pure trickery!! Of course I cant compete with Catherine Zeta Jones Douglas. I've only got three names. Alright.. go have your celebrity fun. this was posted in the hottie thread already... I am not the bride...
  15. Too late.. you've done it now... we're ALLLLLLL pissed! Me and Skybytch, and all they other sexy skychicks are waaay too sexy to be shuffled off in to an "other" category..
  16. Ehhhh.... maybe its just because I have less of an interest in boobs than you guys... but all that video made me think about was lactating. And the size proportions were a bit disturbing. Either she was a giant or those were very tiny babies. The thigh shot.. where the babies are flying in between her legs... did anyone else see the "sperm connection"? Shes screaming to get pregnant! If anyone tried to land on my boobs, I think I'd have a problem with that. I know.. its "art".. I'm too practical.
  17. Kick ASS!!!! I told ya you always do better than you think you did... An A in Calculus... WOW!! Congrats and hugz!!
  18. Think you could find one for me?
  19. oh if I had a nickel for every time I've heard THAT one!
  20. WOW!!! Good job girl!!! Where are you going to school?
  21. Whatever it is... its DRUNK! hehehe