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Everything posted by BartsDaddy

  1. Unfortunately I think we are going to start seeing more attacks similar to this in the US. We have been fortunate in the past that not many fanatics tried attacks on our soil. But times have changed. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  2. My guess is for the same reason the left wing media doesn't use it. I don't think it's the same reason. I think the right loves accentuating on Obama's middle name, just to remind everyone how really foreign and out of place he appears to be. So your saying they don't use Ted Cruz's full name, because Obama's middle name makes him sound foreign and out of place? Some weird reasoning there. I don't see how Obama's name has anything to do with Cruz's name. But link them however way you want. Just shows your biased reasoning. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  3. His brother is now saying it was an accident. That he was just pretending to shoot it off his head to make people laugh, and it lit without him meaning to light it. Yea right. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  4. I don't understand why this is not getting more traction. It checks off all of the boxes; green energy, sustainability, carbon neutral etc.., while filling the tanks of F-350 duellys. Why isn't everybody getting behind this? Because it is still in pilot plant status. Give it time. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  5. Looks like my normal drive home from work. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  6. But your not a Bush. They have to be financial marvels,it's in their genes. Come on they are a dynasty. You are not worthy to compare yourself to them. I am 52 and have never had to claim interest income. Damn I must be poor. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  7. There are a bunch of dipshits in SC who need it far far more than me..... I bet they might even find some humanity.... .........nah.. never happen. That is your viewpoint, and it just shows how much you need to read it. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH Stop farting online please. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  8. Not angry at all. Sorry the best you can come back with is spelling corrections. Send them to auto correct. Now why are you looking for Bristol Palin love dolls? You got an empty spot in your closest? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  9. Jealous much? Of course that is as reliable as the onion. Nope.. not in the slightest.. but you guys can order one... have fun Like I said as true as the onion. But get your jollies pretending. You really come across as the angry old cat women. I hope you are better then that in real life. And as far as ordering one, no. She does Not turn me on in the flesh, why would I want one made of rubber. Maybe you would like one thouh,with the butch attitude,right up your ally. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  10. Jealous much? Of course that is as reliable as the onion. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  11. Yes I love a Belgium style beer. But don't get used to them they are expensive here in socal.
  12. There are a bunch of dipshits in SC who need it far far more than me..... I bet they might even find some humanity.... .........nah.. never happen. That is your viewpoint, and it just shows how much you need to read it. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  13. Yep because only republicans voted for the sex offender list and laws. and in this day I would think most rapists are on the sex offender list, the ones that have been caught at least.. Now go look for something else to slam the Reich Wing Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  14. Look who's talking. When was the last time we saw this much anger out of you over a democrat. You spout off about the Reich wing all the time. If you could bring disscusions to the table without the hyperbole people might want to talk to you about it, but when you can only see the wrongs on one side And bring soo much vitriol with it it makes people tune out and ignore you. Politicians suck on both sides. But there might be a few good ones in there. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  15. By the way I read that he is meaning the wearer of Daisy Dukes is hungry for dick. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  16. Well a lot of people would like you to believe it is morally better to be raped and killed then to use a gun to protect yourself. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  17. I'm not for Palin, but the left is going to blast any republican candidate. They have all ready started. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  18. Oh I did not watch the video or conference. I was just being a litle smartass with wording. I am sorry to see the setback and wish them we'll in finding the problem and fixing it. We need a viable space program, and if private sectorcan get more into it. Then the government sector doesn't have to foot the whole bill. Which at this point in time they can't afford it or don't want to. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  19. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  20. Is overpressure event the new way to say explosion? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  21. I wouldn't jump to conclusions in the last year they were 4upheld 6 overturned on enboc. From what I have been told. And this is also a chess game. It ain't going to be won in one battle. It is a long-term strategy for both parties. One the gun rights activists were slow to come to terms with. But they are catching up and doing well. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  22. Fake story. Too bad, I was hoping it would catch on and do away with the gang problem. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  23. Not that I follow religion,but I agree with you on this. Mega churches is just to get the mega bucks. The small churches I knew growing up are gone. A church that can only hold 50 people,no way it has to be 1000 people at least. That is because most churches have become a money macking machine. And that machine makes more money with more followers. The smaller congregations usually show more support to the needy. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  24. I agree. It is beyond comprehension to most. I would never participate. But I can see how some might see it as a way to see brother fighting against brother. But I doubt most or even many would see it that way. I can see why some might like the reenactments. I just can't understand why. Hey maybe we can have a Okinawa reenactment? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle