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Everything posted by BartsDaddy

  1. Hell I have guns sent to me at work. Nobody says a thing about it, Except wanting to see them.
  2. No my concealed carry is a little smaller. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  3. Judgementle much? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  4. Congradtulations, would not have been my choice but that is why there is more than one choice. Everybody is different in thier choices. And since people want to jump on you for posting your getting a gun, I just ordered this one a week ago. can't wait till it arrives. Gonna ring that gong at 1500 yards or more. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  5. How the hell could anyone possibly get through that process without lying? Politicians are people, voters are people, people lie. Some people call it "bluffing" so they don't have to use the L word. A politician that does not lie would be incompetent. You can't handle the truth, at least not all the time. I would much prefer to be told the truth regardless if I like it or not, than to be told a lie. I guess your ok with dealing with liars. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  6. Too bad PHD programs don't have a "How not to be a condesending dick" course. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  7. I'd prefer a SC that judges cases on their merits, and justices whose positions can't be predicted ahead of time based on the party of the president who nominated them. Right now we only seem to have one of those, and he's marginal in that respect. I may have a heart attack, I agree with this. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  8. No I said intellect is not the same as educated. Don't try to put words in my mouth. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  9. Ah yes, Our liberal friends judging and stereotyping, the very thing they accuse others of doing. The inclusive, being...........well............un-inclusive, mainly due to their superior intellect. LEAST educated states in the USA: > 5. Louisiana > Bachelor’s degree or higher: 22.5% > Median household income: $44,164 (8th lowest) > Pct. below poverty level: 19.8% (3rd highest) In addition to the only 22.5% of adult residents who had a bachelor’s degree in Louisiana, a low proportion of adults 25 and older even completed high school. Further, less than 21% of 18 to 24 year olds had a high school diploma or equivalent in 2013, the worst among all states. Intellect and educated are not the same. in·tel·lect /ˈin(t)lˌekt/ noun noun: intellect the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters. "he was a man of action rather than of intellect" synonyms: mind, brain(s), intelligence, reason, understanding, thought, brainpower, sense, judgment, wisdom, wits; More informalgray matter, IQ, brain cells, smarts "a film that appeals to one's intellect" •the understanding or mental powers of a particular person. plural noun: intellects "his keen intellect" •an intelligent or intellectual person. "sapping our country of some of its brightest intellects" synonyms: thinker, intellectual, sage; More Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  10. Its not the State of Nevada that wants him back there, It is the Federal government that wants him back in Nevada. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  11. I don't either, Turtle. I don't think my thoughts espoused have anything exclusive, or how you look at it even pertaining to this case. It is just something that buys me about our system. The government can railroad you into the poor house and you have no control over it. And it does happen. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  12. Well that is different then them just going up and telling the judge there client is clearly guilty, isn't it? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  13. If that is such a stretch to you, why do we have public defenders now. Are they there just to prove the state's case? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  14. While I am no Bundy fan. I think his reuest should be standard.. If the state or Feds are bringing charges against you, I would think they are the ones with the deep pockets. If I was charged now I would not be granted a public defender, but I also would not be able to afford a lawyer for anything more then a simple one or two apperance case. And that would be pushing it. I think if the government wants to bring charges against you they should also have to provide your defense attournies. Some people wouldn't recognize hypocrisy if it stood on its hind legs and bit them on the nose. And some people have to just continue to be assholes. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  15. That's some kinda logic you got going on there and I don't mean that in a good way. Bundy and his clan don't trust the government and thinks they're incompetent; except you're saying he should trust the government to competently defend him in a case in which he's clearly 100% guilty. Bundy is going to go to jail on this regardless of who defends him. He's going to lose his farm and whatever fortune he may have amassed over the years. On those grounds, perhaps he can claim he can not afford an attorney, but he could only make that claim in the future, not before he's actually found guilty. In this case against Bundy I can see how you would not grasp my thinking. And that is where it can be tricky. There are cases where the DA has no case but they want to prosecute, so they charge with something big. That they can draw out with continuonces and postponments and 2 or 3 years later when you are broke have sold all you can sell. Offer you a plea bargain knowing they don't even have a case for that. That is what I am talking about. And it happens often. It is a very well and often played tactic. Now if you are rich it might not be that big of an obstical. But if you are of moderate wealth it can ruin you financially. Evan when you are found innocent 5 years down the line. The DA just says sorry if you Evan hear that from them. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  16. Well you are comparing dream jobs to actualling succeding in life. And if you want to nit pick on the posts made you can come up with that conclusion. But I could dream of being a opera singer, and work my ass off to make it happen. It won't. That is why I am a millwright. I can make a decent living of it. You can dream of many jobs but you have to understand what ones your ability will let you succeed at. And work at those. I am a high school dropout making a 6 figure salary. That didn't happen cause I stood back saying I deserve more. It happened cause I stepped up and showed my bosses how much I can do, and how much money I can save them by me being able to do repairs they never even imagined rather then buying new equipment. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  17. While I am no Bundy fan. I think his reuest should be standard.. If the state or Feds are bringing charges against you, I would think they are the ones with the deep pockets. If I was charged now I would not be granted a public defender, but I also would not be able to afford a lawyer for anything more then a simple one or two apperance case. And that would be pushing it. I think if the government wants to bring charges against you they should also have to provide your defense attournies. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  18. Not at all. The problem is that there are many, many, many jobs where you can work yet still live in poverty. Just look at the many WalMart employees who have to rely on social programs to make ends meet. Having to work 18 hours a day 7 days a week to have a living wage is not a normal existence. People should be able to work a job 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and live a regular, normal (lower) middle class life. For many the American Dream is to be able to be a part of the working class. Not everybody wants to work 24 hours straight, nor should anybody be required to, to make ends meet. For your daughter and her generation it is very unlikely she will do as well as your generation, or your parents generation. I have no idea how my children are going to afford real estate in an urban environment when they are older. There has been almost no real wage growth in the last couple of decades, yet expenses and costs have increased significantly. The middle class isn't disappearing because everybody is now lazy. Your sounding just like the people that are demanding higher wages for a no skilled job. I am doing all right now. But 30 years ago I had been working 2 full time jobs with mandatory overtime for 4 years to build my resume and wealth. Some days I was lucky to get two hours sleep. People that want to get ahead will find a way. People that want it handed to them will whine. Nothing says you are entitled to a living wage working a minimum wage job 40 hours a week. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  19. I love it . it starts out as a defend the cops post and in 3 post it goes to a bash Ron thread. This place is amazing. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  20. I have plenty of sympathy and will offer help to any newbie who seems lost in how to make the web site work. I have very little sympathy and will continue to make fun of anyone who still can't master the trivialities of making a clicky link after being on the web site for 9 years. Get over yourself. Guese I hit a nerve? I have been on here for over nine years and would not know how to make a clicky. Because I have never tried. Now does that make me ignorant and worthy of scorn or just uneducated? On other sites I am on they have sticky posts at the top of the forum to educate people on how to do this before they try. Or they actually realize what somebody is inputting is a link and treat it That way. But you can still be insulted because somebody doesn't know how to make a clicky. Get over yourself. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  21. Wow. Maybe the website could post a few sticky posts so people would know. Or mods could continue to be condensending. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  22. How many of us here would like our ramblings from when we were 18 define us when we were in our 30's or 40's or 50's? I know I would not. And I venture to bet no one else on this web site would either. But I am sure there are ones that will take the other side and say that shows who he truly is. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  23. Aparently thread drift can only happen in some threads not all. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  24. And what makes them interesting? Or do I have to click on any link to find out what is meant? I do believe there is forum rules against that. If you are going to drop a link at least explain it's relevancy. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  25. And I fully agree. In #1, #2 & #3, I am very sure that all are a potential scenario. However, my thinking is if I'm the bad guy and I want to rob you then kill, I'll reverse that: I'll kill you first, then it's much easier to rob you. I do believe that, no matter how armed you are, if someone is intending to kill you then rob you, it will happen. You will not see it coming. Just my additional $0.02; and yours are just as valuable. Jerry Baumchen PS) Two managers at work stepped out of an elevator in a parking garage ( neither was armed in any manner ). The bad guy stuck his gun in their faces and told them to lay facedown. They would never have been able to bring up a weapon in time. They were not injured in anyway ( other than their pride ), he just took their wallets and split, but he did keep his gun on them until he was far away. And I know that this is only one incidence. But as the incident posted it was a store owner closing up. If you kill him first it is hard to get him to open the door and turn off the alarm. And face it You are not a killer and criminal, at least I don't think so? So you do not think like a lot of them do. A lot of strong arm roberies are an act of power and not just wanting what the other person has, but to show who's boss. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle