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Everything posted by Rookie120

  1. OOPS, sorry for my bad spelling. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  2. Hope you have an ADD. But ranting that people are not safe without all these gadgets is a touch much. I dont jump with a RSL due to the canopy I jump. Most people who jump elliptical's loaded fairly heavy dont. If it spins up on opening I need to chop and I would like to get somewhat stable before I pull without having the rsl pull when I'm still all jacked up. I know the risks and I accept them. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  3. Thank god. I'm tired of these damn things going to hell. Warn Vic and Connie THE ROOKIE is enroute! Look forward to seeing you guys again. It's been a few years. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  4. Ok I'm coming! The Rookie is off to the west coast! Close down the town, turn on the lights, tell the farmers to hide the sheep because I'm there! anybody want to split a hotel room or need a ride from SFO? If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  5. I need to know what, when, where, and why. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  6. I'm checking flights now. Have to wait and see what happens. But the only way I'm coming out is if Chop promises to do that hybrid we never completed a few years ago. I still havent been on one that didnt go to shit. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  7. What aircraft have been confirmed for this boogie? If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  8. I fly the RJ's all the time. Plus I work on them 40+ hours a week. The OH bins are by no doubt small. Just gate check it. When you gate check with smaller RJ's they "At least the airline I work for" you also pick it up at the gate when you arrive also. You shouldnt have to go to baggage claim. Unless you have a Jav NJ or something I dont think it will fit OH. Good Luck If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  9. I used to not cringe very much. But reading a thread about someone you became friends with a few weeks before a couple times has changed that. It sucks but what can you do. When there just hurt my mind says "man what a dumb ass" but the fatalities hurt. Anymore I look hoping it's not anyone I know. I hope that doesnt sound bad. I just try to do everything right so my name doesnt get posted in the incident forum. Put me in the Bonfire and give me the Dip Shit of the month award but just keep my name out of the incident forum. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  10. I'll have to give those a try. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  11. What exactly are we supposed to be looking for. Or just that google brings up N#'s If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  12. I guess that DOUBLE-QUARTER POUNDER with cheese diet has really taken off for you. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  13. Are these reports for lightning strikes that caused an emergency landing or strikes total. 25 seems kinda low since in the last month we have had 9 planes in the hanger with lightning strikes and I have gone on 3 road trips to rescue planes that were hit by lightning at outstations and these are just the one's when I was working. Dont know if any happened on my day off. Just wondering. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  14. Un-fucking-believable! I just saw Egon at skyfest. The last time I saw him was at the Byron Boogie and I had been out of the loop for while. I even got a couple jumps in with him. This is such bullshit. I knew when I got ito this sport I would lose some friends with time but it still hurts when it happens and I havent been able to get used to it like a few people said I would. Call me a wimp I guess. The boogies I go to wont be the same without the South African flirtin with all the hot ladies. He was a total joy to be around. To his close friends and family I grieve with you. Take care my friend. The Beer light is on! If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  15. Un-fucking-believable! I just saw Egon at skyfest. The last time I saw him was at the Byron Boogie and I had been out of the loop for while. I even got a couple jumps in with him. This is such bullshit. I knew when I got ito this sport I would lose some friends with time but it still hurts when it happens and I havent been able to get used to it like a few people said I would. Call me a wimp I guess. The boogies I go to wont be the same without the South African flirtin with all the hot ladies. He was a total joy to be around. To his close friends and family I grieve with you. Take care my friend. The Beer light is on! If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  16. For some people it can be. When I was taking flying lessons I kept on doing carrier landings. It just took some time and extra flying with my FI chattin in my ear before I got it. It sounds like the spectre isnt working for ya so see if anybody has a sabre and try that with some instruction. It sounds like your not flaring correctly or at the right time. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  17. I ask myself that everytime I splash in the pond. Like I said I think you just need to start at the very begining of canopy control and flight. Try a Brian Germain canopy course. If you want to learn from the best he's it. The old timers on the dz who do rw and fly nice square patterns and have 10 million jumps are great for knowledge also. What size canopy are you jumping now and what is your WL. Maybe you should try a different canopy. But if you think for your saftey that you need to hang it up by all means turn on the beer light. I have seen some of the worse pilots become great divers. They will never get a PRO-Rating but they are safe at the DZ. Thats my .02 worth. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  18. I am sure you probably have an old timer at your DZ who can break down canopy flight and flying a proper pattern down to micro-steps and he will be very happy to help. I had one of these guys help me with canopy flight when I was fairly green at canopy flight. Ask him to watch a few of your landings and he will now whats going on. I think you just need some good instruction on canopy flight. It doesnt come natural to most people. We need what I like to call "Guidance". Someone to show us the direction we need to go. I wanted to quit when I was having trouble doing RW on big ways. Nothing can mess up your day like taking out a 40 way and having Roger Nelson explain on a huge TV in front of everybody how I screwed up. But then he took me aside and gave me about a 1 hour lesson on swoopin into a formation and docking on bigger ways. All you need in some guidance and you will be fine. For god sake you have under 100 jumps. I'm pushing 800 jumps and I'm still a Rookie "hince to the screen name" and I get information that always helps me out. Well I'm done for now. Hopefully this has knocked down your "%90 I'm gonna quit" to about 20-30 for now. Let us know how things go and if nobody want to help let me know and I will fly to where you are personaly and help as much as I can. I like to travel anyway and just need an excuse to do it. Best of luck. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  19. There are so many things that I have done already Ran 4 Marathons Swooped the beaches and lived in Hawaii for 3 years My first base jump Private pilot Awesome Job But there is so much more I would love to do 1.Base off angel falls--- Need to get some actual base instruction and a lot more base experience 2.Want to fly a Corsair or a Skyraider or F-86 3.Swoop a pont without lookin like a dousche. 4.Fly a kick ass jump plane 5.Do a Demo into a big event. Superbowl or something. 6.Shoot an elk that would make in into the Boone and Crocket record Thats enough for now. Have to get my list down a bit before I think of anything else. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  20. Oh man I envy you so much. I havent had a good Fat Tire since I left Denver about 7 months ago. I miss that beer a lot! If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  21. That being pounded into my head for 3 weeks I believe has saved my ass a few times. Or god thought the ER's had enough work for the day and let me slide but the good PLF does whats it's supposed to do. Your pride gets hurt and so does the jumpsuit but at least I dont have any extra hardware in my legs and I thank the PLF for that! If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  22. Oh I have plenty of people who would drive down here anytime. But Those are my close friends. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  23. LOL, I'll keep that in mind. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  24. Flyhi Jumpergirl Krusin I think those are the only ones who would drive here to bail my ass out if I needed to. At least the one's who are on If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!
  25. It must be following you. You brought all that rain to Skyfest with you also. Tell me where your gonna be next weekend so I dont go there. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!