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Everything posted by NightJumper

  1. The Jump Shack Tandem: The best safety record, most comfortable, easiest to use, lightest, easiest to fly, best reserve pin protection, lowest cost and easiest to maintain tandem rig period! The latest tandem rig kicks ass. The Racer tandem rigs have always been known for their comfort. Now the riser covers and main flap are Velcroless. As for using the rig, simplicity is the key. There are two drogue release handles, main cutaway and reserve handle, that’s it! No complicated decision trees, extra balls and handles (four handles vs. six). The drogue three-ring release passes straight through to the passenger laterals and is located between the main and reserve canopy containers which puts the pull from the drogue more towards the natural center of gravity of your body and not your butt. It also pulls the passenger closer to you on drogue opening making it easier to fly. The whole three-ring drogue release system can be changed in less than one minute and requires no tools to change it. The main canopy cannot be released unless the drogue is deployed. The reserve pins are between the TM and the rig thereby providing the best pin protection of any tandem rig made. The reserve deployment is incredibly fast. The rig weighs in the lightest of all tandem rigs at 37 lbs. It is the easiest rig to fly. The main components are modular and are easily field replaceable. All Racer tandem rigs now come standard with the new Firebolt fully elliptical canopies. They are available in 296, 396 and 496 sizes.
  2. NightJumper


    A tourist walked into a pet store and was looking at the animals on display. While he was there, a CWO from the local air base walked in and said to the shopkeeper "I'll take a 933 monkey, please". The shopkeeper nodded, went to a cage at the side of the store, and took out a monkey. He put a collar and leash on the animal and handed it the Chief, saying, "That'll be $2,000." The man paid and left with the monkey. The surprised tourist went to the shopkeeper and said, "That was a very expensive monkey. Most of them are only a few hundred dollars. Why did that one cost so much?" The shopkeeper answered, "Ah, that's a 933 monkey. He can build pallets of freight, plan aircraft loads, rig loads for airdrops, drive forklifts type manifests, heat meals for officers, and perform the duties of any Traffic Tech with no back talk or complaints. It's well worth the money" The tourist then spotted a monkey in another cage. "That one's even more expensive! $10,000! What does it do?" he asked. "Oh, that one" replied the shopkeeper. "That's a "Maintenance Supervisor" monkey. It can instruct at all levels of maintenance, supervise maintenance at the unit, intermediate, and Depot level, and even do most of the paperwork. A very useful monkey indeed" The tourist looked around a little longer and found a third monkey in a cage. The price tag was $50,000. The shocked tourist exclaimed, "This one costs more than all the others put together! What in the world can it do?" "Actually," said the shopkeeper, "I've never actually seen him do anything but drink beer and play with his dick, but his papers say he's a Pilot."
  3. Is that what you call that half page spread of you in all of the publications?
  4. As frisky as you are I think that we would have to label you as an "enemy combatant" And I would not use handcuffs as that would take all of the fun out of the chase!!!
  5. Jump Shack teaches rigging for free. And they are about 30 sec. from Skydive DeLand.
  6. North American Aerodynamics, Inc. 110 Carver Drive Roxboro, NC 27573 Phone: 336-599-9266 Fax: 336-599-9442
  7. USPA 5.2D3 A License USPA A-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within-- 1. 60 days: should make at least one jump under the supervision of a currently rated USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating altitude awareness, freefall control on all axes, tracking, and canopy skills sufficient for safely jumping in groups 2. 90 days: should make at least one jump beginning in Category D with a USPA AFF Instructor or in Category B with a USPA IAD Static-Line, or Tandem Instructor before proceeding to unsupervised freefall B License USPA B-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within the preceding 90 days should make at least one jump under the supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating the ability to safely exercise the privileges of that license. C and D License USPA D-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within the preceding six months should make at least one jump under the supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating the ability to safely exercise the privileges of that license.
  8. Well, if you come up to DeLand there are plenty of rigs and free jumps waiting
  9. NightJumper

    BOS Cutaway

    You mean when I pack those reserves, people actually use them? I didn't even know the darn things worked. All kidding aside, I am glad to hear everything went well. Today was a good day to be a rigger. It is a pretty awesome feeling to know that something you did saved someone. Stay Safe, Mike
  10. Jump Shack (AKA Parachute Labs.) makes the Nighthawk and Blackhawk military canopies. They also make military tactacal containers and tandem systems.
  11. Strong runor has it that Skydive Michigan or Tecumseh is down at Palm Beach County right now neg. a contract to start a second DZ at Pahokee. They started tearing down the old Skydive America this last week.
  12. You are just jumping (or not) in the wrong part of Florida Blue skies 82F with a 8mph breeze in Palm Beach, jumped until sunset.
  13. So Ray, what do you think? Going to pass any of this on to the folks (Bob) at DeLand? Think they will be receptive?(I bet they will)
  14. Jump Shack makes regular complete sport rig for guys your size. All you have to do is add a second side insturctor handle. They have made them for skydiviers up to somthing like 360lbs. And these are sport rigs not tandem rigs.
  15. I use mine about once or twice a month. It is an MT-1XX with a 370 camo pattern canopy. Lots of canopy time and gets attention.
  16. Isn't anybody holding a course somewhere warm? Yes, Jump Shack in DeLand, FL. I looked at the different courses when I wanted to get my riggers ticket and wondered if the manufactures taught rigging. I called all of the top manufactures and only Jump Shack said yes. They are great people to work with and another great part is it is FREE. The other thing that I like is that I could learn at my pace and take as long as I wanted. After getting my ticket I was able to go to most of the other manufactures in the DeLand and ZHills area and pick up their factory tips and establish contacts. With the exception of two manufactures I found everyone to be very helpful. So come on down, learn a lot and use the money you save for tools and jump tickets!!!
  17. That's funny since it was one of the items that the people that bought them liked. I guess it is a personal preference thing. OK, tried it and it released. Have you actually tried it?
  18. Ray, I have been jumping off and on at DeLand for over a year. You have brought up a lot of the things that makes DeLand a great drop zone. I don’t view the issues that I have seen and heard there as being an issue of a “team factory” which it is, and that’s OK, because I believe that you can have teams, manufactures, and fun jumpers all at the same time, and if anyone can do it, Deland should be able to. The only part that new jumpers may not understand is when the manufactures reps. are there doing test jumps etc. I know when I am there doing test jumps I am focused on what I am doing. But I do believe that you hit the issue on the head that DeLand has lost the personal atmosphere. And this is not from the staff (which are very friendly) but from the skydivers. I have jumped at 15 different drop zones and been to Rantoul and in all of the times that I have been at DeLand there has never been anyone who has introduced their self or asked if I would like to jump with them, etc. I have gone to other drop zones and been stopped at the door and told that I was going to base a hybrid jump or asked if there was any type of jump I would like to do or learn. At other drop zones I have been asked on the way up whom I was jumping with and what I was doing and when I said I was doing a solo I was often asked to join in their jump. This is what is missing at DeLand. Ray, if you remember the other day when I introduced myself to you I said, “Hey, are you Ray?” and your response was “why”. And please understand that I am just as guilty. As a result of the lack of atmosphere there, I usually just jump with the people I work with. I think this could be turned around pretty easily by just doing a few things like having load organizers putting jumps together for different types of fun jumps. And I am not talking about the old monotone announcement over the PA, but actively having someone go out and ask people to join in. And all of the skydivers saying hey to the new people and making them feel welcome. Do this and friendships will form and people will be there after the last load lands or at least until the beer is gone. I would like to thank you for taking the initiative to start this post and ask the tough questions to find out how to make DeLand the best drop zone it can be! Mike
  19. I sold every one that I took to Rantoul. The are light, very quite, comfortable, have an inside pro-track pocket on each side and look cool. Conclusion.....GET ONE !!!
  20. Well Andrea, after reading the above I think you found that stalker your friend was talking about......sure didn't take you long to get him to come out of hiding Now the question is, who is going to get your gear?????????????????????
  21. To take this a step further, why can't a rigger sign off on the packing or a pilot on the aircraft part?
  22. I don't think, I know! Please read my post again, tuck tabs on the riser covers, translated, no velcro!!! and since the 2K3 in the picture is one of the first off of the production line I would have to ask what you are basing your comparision on since you probably have not seen the new 2K3 much less tried one. If the 2-pin is an "OLD" system then why is it still the fastest non- RSL deployment reserve system made? You might want to at least be objective and look at the rig and maybe even try one before you slam it.
  23. You get what you pay for! The main flap is bomb proof. Remember that quality is not is priceless