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Everything posted by NightJumper

  1. Here is some pics. Very Freefly friendly, tuck tab riser covers, delivery time is 6-8 weeks.
  2. Try the new Racer 2K3. No velcro! Has tuck tab riser covers. Very freefly friendly. Delivery time 6-8 weeks.
  3. Glad you are getting back to normal and that things are better at school. It was great to finally meet you and Marc at Rantoul. Now it's time to start jumping your ass off again. Stay safe, Mike
  4. Only you could end up with a Lic. number like that....hehehe
  5. That's probably because your number has a 69 in it !!!
  6. Congrats and welcome to the "D" club
  7. It is all about the airflow over the top of the wing (top skin). The amount of "pressurization" needed is insignificant in comparision with either materials capibility. Sure, come to my loft with any canopy you want and we will take permeability samples on a certified Permeometer and you can look at the fabric under a video inspection microscope. Then you can see the results for yourself.
  8. As ZP ages it becomes brittle and is more susceptible to catastrophic failure than F-111. Also it is the top skin that produces your lift. And after about 50 jumps the ZP no longer has zero permeability.
  9. It extends the life cycle. Yes/ 2,000+ jumps per canopy are typical There has been no premature degradation of the bottom skin or its performance.
  10. Already on the way!!!!!! Left today.
  11. If you are coming to Ranroul stop by the Jump Shack tent and demo one. We will have plenty available,
  12. And when you get there make sure you have the beer with you since "It's my first WFFC"
  13. You win, you got the last bunk! Should be there Wed. See you there.
  14. Shhhhhh, I was trying to trap him for you
  15. Did I not offer you a trailer with A/C to stay in???????
  16. NightJumper

    my dogs...

    Here is Cara.....and she rules because she jumps !!!
  17. Honestly officer, I was just helping that sheep over the fence.
  18. You tell the story your way and I will tell it my way. You can keep the cows and I'll keep the girls
  19. Thats because you don't know the difference between BOYS and MEN! Boys run down to the girls to get one. Men walk down and get them ALL
  20. Or Tampa (TPA) Tampa is 66 miles and Orlando is 57 miles. Shop both for the best deal. It is nice to have a choice.
  21. FYI, It fits Bonehead's Medium D-Box
  22. I use what is called a clearing or sweep account. As soon as the funds hit the account they are transferred to another account. I have used this system for over ten years and have never had a problem.
  23. 1. Duct tape the thumb and quit whining! Drink more wine. 2. Head still hurts....Drink more wine! 3. Tape 4th toe to 3rd toe in case it is broken....Drink more wine! Oh, I forgot that you are Princes Andrea.....ignore the above and I will send over the servants to take care of you