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Everything posted by bch7773

  1. After he came down, did he visit the bathroom right away? That would be a pretty obvious answer right there MB 3528, RB 1182
  2. I'm guessing you're right. I wonder who the TM was lol MB 3528, RB 1182
  3. funny stuff. That pug was stupid. you should have beat that. I liked the base jump too. For a memorial jump, I think it was not so great. But for a funny base jump, it was pretty cool lol. MB 3528, RB 1182
  4. ummm... if the US really wanted to "kill all what is moving" in iraq.... we could have done it in the first week we were there. Thats utter BS what you posted. you are right though... those patriots suicide bombing crowded civilian markets... those are the real heroes eh? MB 3528, RB 1182
  5. We've started requiring our students to PLF their first jump, no matter how softly they land. It seems to have really helped, because students who are off radio, seem to PLF now when they have a bad flare, instead of plowing in. if someone on their first jump stands up the landing, we scream at them to PLF and fall down. MB 3528, RB 1182
  6. ask an instructor to wear it for you on a jump. and why did you buy two visual altimeters?! MB 3528, RB 1182
  7. I use some leather-palmed scuba gloves, and wear some silk glove liners under them. They work pretty well, but don't have much of a grip (more of a C182 problem then a turbine problem) MB 3528, RB 1182
  8. depends on the BB gun used. Those cheap spring loaded walmart ones will just sting. midrange or expensive pellet guns could penetrate a dogs body quite easily. It totally depends on the bullet used too... a BB will just sting... a pointed pellet will penetrate easily. MB 3528, RB 1182
  9. well ya gotta get in there with some bleach and a mop. MB 3528, RB 1182
  10. simple: They could become our sugar mommas, and pay for all our skydives with their rich doctor money. of course, the real question is, is what female doctor's pants you are trying to get into by posting this bozo? MB 3528, RB 1182
  11. that would make "show and tell" a lot more fun. MB 3528, RB 1182
  12. Amen. I think a lot of people don't want to leave Iraq because they are afraid it will make us look weak. I think that dead american soldiers and billions of dollars spent over there is not worth us looking "strong" MB 3528, RB 1182
  13. spend the $2.50 at walmart to buy him a new towel. Then throw away the smelly one. Tell him if he doesn't wash that one, the next one you buy for him will be pink. or a backstreet boys towel MB 3528, RB 1182
  14. worst? hell no best? hell no I'd put him below the average of other presidents though. MB 3528, RB 1182
  15. I call BS on that one too. I know everyone likes to exagerate how much they drank, but cmon make it realistic. bacardi 151 is double the alcohol of normal rum. So you are saying you bascially did 2 liters of rum in one night. from your profile you weigh like 200 lbs, so your BAC would have been above .8 Coma starts at .4, and 50% of people die at .5 MB 3528, RB 1182
  16. no i am serious. assuming you weigh 180 lbs, and drank all of that over 12 hours, drinking that much would put you at a BAC over .66 you would be dead. MB 3528, RB 1182
  17. I call BS on that! 1.5 liters equals 51 fluid ounces. So that means if you drank it all in one night, lets say 12 hours, then thats more then 4 shots per hour for 12 hours straight. something tells me other people were drinking form the same bottle, or you spilled some, or kept misplacing your drinks. MB 3528, RB 1182
  18. yeah I wonder if the news left that part of the story out. even if she did clean it between uses, pretty damned stupid to use the same one. MB 3528, RB 1182
  19. iraq is very quagmireriffic. MB 3528, RB 1182
  20. I got to do a Vector Skyhook intentional chop this weekend, and was very happy I did it. I at least got to experience the feeling of cutting away... which reminded me of stalling a canopy... that weird backwards drop. I also got to practice flying a reserve from the experience. MB 3528, RB 1182
  21. I get scared of clouds when they are in a thick layer at breakoff altitude. Theres nothing so exciting (in the bad kind of exciting) then turning to track and hoping everyone picked different directions. MB 3528, RB 1182
  22. I had the PC "disappear" one time after purposly inducing a stall on an old PD230. It was behind me as usual before I stalled, but after I reinflated the canopy after the stall, I couldn't find the PC. It wasn't behind the canopy, and it wasn't over the nose. After landing I found it INSIDE the D bag, wadded up. Bottom line, PCs can do weird stuff when opening. MB 3528, RB 1182
  23. buy me a phi and i'll start flocking. MB 3528, RB 1182
  24. heres a couple of my shots. this was my 400th jump MB 3528, RB 1182
  25. I've done both pumpkin-passing jump, and a pumpkin head jump, although I got that idea from seeing aggiedave's photos. the pumpkin we chose to pass around was pretty heavy, so it fell at headdown speeds. I passed it to someone who dropped it, and we could never catch up to the damned thing. It apparently made one hell of a noise when it landed though. I'll see if I cant post a picture when i get on my computer MB 3528, RB 1182