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Everything posted by b1jercat

  1. Pleased to meet you, won't you guess my name? blue skies jerry
  2. Rock ON, welcome to the forums. blue skies jerry
  3. Is that a motor cycle helmet ? By the way HI. blue skies jerry
  4. Good decision, pick one and Rock ON. blue skies jerry
  5. Not a problem nowdays, come on over. blue skies jerry
  6. Welcome , there's nothing like that first time out the door. Love to hear about your experence when it happens. Rock ON blue skies jerry
  7. Gorge W Bush is one of my favorites, oh wait. you said comedians, I'm sorry I was thinking of clowns. blues jerry
  8. b1jercat

    RWS Logo

    ching, ching anythings possible. blues jerry
  9. Rain in vegas, hey mebay you'll get to see a flash flood. stay out of low places. blue skies jerry
  10. Good job Ivan,you know with an A licend you can jump with other peeps now, heres my tip. At my DZ we get all the low time , inexperienced jumpers together for a speed star five is good six is even better. NO tracking skills? not a problem just pull in place, but only one person get to do this. A couple of people do a floating exit for the base and the rest just rush the door. Exciting, fun, Exhilarateing and we got away with it twice. Seriously the fun starts when you build skills flying with other peeps. Rock On blue skies jerry
  11. Dude, AOL not only sucks it swallows, BTW the access number does'nt know or care where you live. I'm running the latest version beta aol, get this its set up to use 128 megs of ram! AS IF blue skies jerry
  12. Man I just watched that! Pretty wild stuff, He could'nt have found a worse landing hazard. hope he lived. blues skies jerry
  13. HI dude, not really advice, but heres how it worked for me. At one point in my aff my instructors allowed me to start jumping rental gear, once on the rental gear I boggied to different DZ to try different canopys. 7 cells , nine cells what ever. I've jumped 220&190 triathlon, 190 sihoulette, 190 flight concepts pro, 190 saber2. I ended up with the saber 2 190, 193r, we are the same age and weight. Soft landings ? not always, my point is you need to find your own comfort level and take your advice from the people that trained you. blue skies jerry asshat comment here.
  14. The basic's IMHO helmet, alti, goggles, gloves,log book, just some things that every beginner needs. I tend to agree, start with used gear as your first rig and realise that new gear out the door is worth 35% less than what you paid for it. OTOH that makes for some killer deals, let someone else take the 35% in the shorts for your first rig. blue skies jerry
  15. Blog On, If you do a search of the forums you'll find several logs out there, one that even mirror's my own experiences somewhat. "Lets try again." blue skies jerry
  16. Sad fact, in oregon the police don't even pursue property crimes, however if I see it at my DZ word will get around quick. blueskies jerry
  17. b1jercat


    High: new mini risers for my rig Low: I hooked em up with a full twist on one side. blues jerry
  18. Everyone knows if women didn't screw, they would open season on them. blues jerry
  19. Hey it's got a new name. It's the jump fest now. atleast untill a better name come along. blues jerry
  20. In before the lock. blues jerry
  21. here's my idea, how about a chute , scoot , and shoot event?Or some really kick a$$ boogie T/free fly shirts? blue skies jerry
  22. he who stays up latest postest lastes, or something like that. blue skies jerry
  23. I know they have been getting a lot of play time on the radio around the portland area. I also remember when there music was new, I suppose that dates me a little bit. So why don't you do a poll how many times you dropped acid and listened to the moody blues. blue skies jerry