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Everything posted by chutingstar

  1. No problem. And there are some hand-written notes one of the riggers here made as he was trying to get the lengths to match the instructions on one of the pages that may help when you get these in. He found that making the staging loop 2" shorter than the overall stretched reserve closing loop resulted in the 1" difference needed when both loops were set in the respective grommets. Definitely more tools and a little more time to get everything set and routed properly. Mike
  2. Can you post some photos? Here ya go...see the attachments. This is the paperwork that came from UPT with the two new rigs we assembled, inspected and packed last week. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos as we were packing them, so this is all I have for now. Mike
  3. Mike
  4. They are closed tomorrow, so don't expect anything until at least Tuesday. Well, I can at least scan and post the info/packing instructions tomorrow. Mike
  5. WHY does this NOT apply to a sport Vector 3/Microns with Skyhook and Collins Lanyard? We received a Micro Sigma with Skyhook and a Vector3 without a Skyhook over the past two weeks (new) from UPT. Both had the new mod installed, which essentially is a second grommet on the #1 reserve flap where a bungee hesitator loop is fed through (anchored at the second reserve closing loop grommet in the back plate and fed through the freebag alongside the closing loop). The Micro Sigma also had the new Collins lanyard addition, which is secondary piece of webbing/tape that splits off the main lanyard...and is where the cutaway cable now feeds seems to give a bit more play/length in what it would take to cutaway the non RSL-side. The two rigs came with updated packing/info sheets. I don't have a copy at home now, but I'm sure UPT will have them posted tomorrow. If not, I can post them when I get into the shop. I didn't know they were recommending retrofits until the USPA note, but I guess we'll get the scoop on Monday. Mike
  6. You might try a local tailor and just bring the Wings measuring guide...or pull up the web page that shows where the measurements need to be taken and show that to the tailor. Mike
  7. The PD Optimum 143 is slightly on the tight side in the MT, MO and MOS...I've found it fills out the container better than the Optimum 126. As for the M1, it's pretty loose/soft in there...standard 143 PD reserve fits much better. I would go with the MT. Mike
  8. Here's another version: Mike
  9. Relative Workshop told me several years ago that they did testing on the ripcord pull force on bent pins for their systems and found that slightly bent pins actually reduced pull forces. This was during the time when they went to a slighty larger diameter closing pin... Anyway...FWIW...just passing along the info. Personally I leave minor bends alone. I will straighten larger bends once, but if it occurs again, I'll replace it. From what I've seen, bends occur during closing...when a rigger uses the pin to pull-up the closing loop from below the top of the grommet...or from handling of the rig such as weight placement for packing, leaning up against parts of the plane during climb or throwing/dropping the rig on the floor. Mike
  10. I have found Sigma 340, Icarus/Precision 330 and 365, A2 350 and HOP 330 to all fit without a problem in Micro Sigmas. We currently are jumping all those combinations a Skydive The Farm. Mike
  11. The black "Argus" batteries definitely don't last a full year. The brand-name batteries are lasting a year for your average fun-jumper making a few hundred jumps a year. But for your working skydiver, drop zone rig or active jumper, I'm seeing more around 9 months on the typical set of batteries. Mike
  12. Looking forward to helping you to you soon. Mike
  13. Mirage recommends the S containers for those 5'7" and below. And as Deyan said, it's just a shorter container from top to bottom, and a bit thicker from backpad to container flaps. Mike
  14. Hey Kurt, It sounds like you may be in the pressure sensor calibration mode instead of the altimeter mode, which is used to put the altimeter on zero. There is not a way to have it permanently on zero every time you are on the ground, you will have to zero it out at the beginning of the day...and sometimes later in the day as well if there has been a pressure change. Look through the manual link I gave you at the pressure sensor calibration paragraph as well as the altimeter mode entries. If you're still having trouble, give me a call on Saturday when I'm back in the shop and I can walk you through it when I have a Vector in my hands. Mike
  15. Hey Kurt, I remember having something like that happen with one of my Vectors years ago...but I can't remember what ended up being the issue...I think it was just something I was doing. I don't have a Vector with me right now, but I'm looking through the manual to see if I can find something about that. Here's the link as well: I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out... Mike
  16. A common misconception. Unless you have a genetic abnormality that allows you to articulate about your upper chest, they don't actually do anything worthwhile except add bulk and decrease structural strength. Round (not D-ring) hips rings, correctly located over the iliac crest of the pelvis, with snug cut-in laterals will anchor any container properly and articulate in exactly the same places you do. (I see a lot of freeflyers with double sets of D-rings with their chest straps cranked down so tight that they've essentially locked a lot of movement out of the whole system.) Gareth, My comments, if you read in full, had to do with where the hip rings are located on the hips for the two different options from Mirage. I wasn't commenting on whether chest rings help or not. But the Wings hip rings as you've described is in my preferred hip ring location as well (like in the chest/hip ring configuration on a Mirage). I don't doubt/question you on strength. But I do like chest/hip ring rigs for ease of repairs or adjustments when it comes to chest straps, MLWs and leg straps. Mike
  17. Yes, depending on how long the Argus unit was on the shelf or when the batteries were originally put in, we have seen the first set of batteries go low within a few months occasionally. I have been installing a new set of fresh batteries with new Argus units installed here in the loft to make sure the batteries from the factory hadn't been sitting on the shelf too long. As a side note, in dropzone rental/student/tandem rigs that are used every week/weekend, we have found that the batteries are lasting about 9 months. So with this new U.S. repack schedule, we will be replacing Argus batteries every 6 months to avoid issues with batteries going low/dead during the middle of a repack cycle. Mike
  18. MO & MOS, tight, but will really fill out the container well with the Optimum 143 and Stiletto 150. M1 for a more comfortable fit and softer overall rig. Mike
  19. But if you read it that literally, then you can't even reseal the rig if the seal gets broken. Do you inspect/pack the reserve if a rig you just packed last week comes back to you with a broken seal since it must be sealed only after packing it? Anyway, yes, I do seal the rig after packing it. I also seal the rig if the seal gets broken. And the seal can get broken just from normal use or from myself when having to put a new ripcord in, or service an AAD, or the like, within the same repack cycle. I understand how you are interpreting the reg...just not convinced we have to take it that literally. But, you could be right...we'll see... Mike
  20. Yes, I will pack a rig with an AAD that will or may need service or new batts before the due repack date for a variety of reasons, but always with a note on the packing data card of the applicable due date. Yes, I will open/reclose a reserve/container to replace a battery, service an AAD, install/remove an AAD or replace/shorten a closing loop. The actual work will be noted on the packing data card for what was specifically completed. No, I'm not 100% convinced I'm right in how I handle this, but I am certain enough to do it at this time. Mel does make an interesting point and I'm continuing to read on how this plays out. But I'm not changing my interpretation as of yet. Mike
  21. Locals here have been loving the SkyTie, but haven't heard of the you have any photos or description? Mike
  22. Not really pertaining to this overall argument so much...but... There are only 39 boxes on a PD reserve, so when the last box is marked, you haven't hit 40 yet. Last month I sent a PR-143 back to PD that had 39 repacks (full label). PD completed a porosity test, 30-pound fabric clamp test, visual inspection and line trim check. They also replaced the steering lines. A new label was sewn to the side of the old label that extended the life for another 30 repacks or 18 jumps. Total cost: $32. Mike
  23. A standard harness is stronger than a ringed harness because the webbing is stronger than the hardware. But even a standard harness has some hardware, such as the leg-strap adapters, so having chest/hip rings really doesn't affect the overall strength of harness. Of course a more seasoned rigger or gear manufacturer may set me straight...and show me the error of my ways. Mike
  24. $300 is correct for articulation. You can choose hip/chest (Unisyn) or hips only. Personally, if going with articulation, the hip/chest ring configuration on a Mirage is a much better design than the hip rings only. On the hip/chest ring configuration the hip rings are at the hip junction of the lower lateral and MLW. On the hip rings only configuration, the hip rings are added to the bottom of the MLW below the lower lateral/MLW junction...and sits lower than the hip ring on a hip/chest ring configuration on a Mirage. Hopefully that's not too confusing... Mike