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Everything posted by jumpwally

  1. What did Kank in? Not enough volume? wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  2. Should not have Tim cutaway first? Sounds like he was in the wrap and could have been cocconed by both canopies and unable to do anything,,yikes,,i'm glad your'e all safe,,but that one made me nervous,,it could have gone bad,,really bad.. smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  3. also its agood idea not to keep anything in your pockets,,even a rolled up pull up cord will leave a mark................ smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  4. jumpwally


    One more day,,can't wait... wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  5. jumpwally


    2 more days !!!! aaahhwwwhhoooooooooo!!!!! wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  6. Dave,,Sorry buddy, but that hat looks goofy on you,,it would look best on my wife,,, naked!!!! hahhh wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  7. jumpwally


    4 more days...yahoo!!! smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  8. Hey ,,i'll buy the rig for my bar as a museum piece,,e-mail me what ya want for it. wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  9. jumpwally


    If any one wants more info, ie. pics of the resort activities and trip reports go to www.dennyp.com its a site dedicated to the carribean area. its cool wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  10. jumpwally


    Where did you jump? smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  11. Andrea,,, I know a couple of salepeople who refuse to work weekends,,and they make big bucks. You could do anything you put your mind to,,,hey you could just sell one weekend a month and that be yo jumpn' dough...keep smilin..your'e beautiful wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  12. And the bottom line is, get this now,, An owner gets to do what ever he pleases. Don't forget its America still. If you can create a frenzy of "i want one too" well thats the idea, it happens all day everyday on every product you can think of. All i smell here is sour grapes. wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  13. Mike,,How come your'e not out there filming the record? wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  14. It was also stated that they were going to make the plane available to the movie industry,,, smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  15. jumpwally


    hey all,,,My wife and I are going to Jamaica for 10 days. Yahoooo. Going to a place in Negril called Hedonism ll ,any one ever heard of it or been there? Its our third time.....can't wait..naked beach wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  16. anyone know why? and who the seller might be? smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  17. JRAF,,just what is your experience level any how? I didn't see your name on the World Team roster. geezzz smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  18. jumpwally


    Cool,,you best buy her a new run of sext lingerie,,,,and a day at the spa.....wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  19. is there a graveyard in Yuma, Az ? i know they store a lot down there.....wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  20. I did it twice,,it was awesome... wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  21. tried that, thanx, was hoping someone knew someone at one of those airline boneyards..thanx smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  22. I need help in finding old airline seats.I am going to do an avaition theme for my basement bar.They must be in good working order, tho i dont care about the fabric,that will be redone new and fresh. If you saw the " New fridge - Naked wife " thread, you'll know pics will show up in the avaition theme ;-) wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  23. check his profile,,somethin's amiss..... smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  24. Alan,,lighten up,,,enjoy the dz.com and be happy you live where you do and have choice's,,geez wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083
  25. whats newbie LO ? I can't keep track of all these acro's...wally smile, be nice, enjoy life FB # - 1083