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Everything posted by FreeflyPlaymate

  1. Due to the fact that my phone is downstairs and the volume is way low for the answering machine I wasn't woken by my friends' calls about the incident. I woke up...took my shower, and went downstairs like I normally do to go feed my princess cat. Now normally I would have turned on the TV...HOWEVER, I shut off my cable due tot he fact that one, I think TV shows suck (except Jackass)...although the AMC channel with all the old movies I miss watching, oh yeah sorry getting sidetracked...and two I'm moving so why should I pay for it I can make due without. So I press play to hear my friends inform me that everything is blowing up, fires, crashes, planes into buildings, but I wasn't told heart litterally went into my throat, I seriously thought Jesus came back and I was left behind! I didn't know it was just on the east coast, nevertheless humans doing it. Finally the last message left explained the hijacking, and the towers, and the pentagon. I don't know if anyone holds the same belief as I do...but I really thought I was left, and I have never had that feeling before, it made me rethink who I was, and where I was in my walk with God. I prayed right then not only for the souls involved...but for my own....I can't wait until I finally go home. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  2. B.O.B. it stands for Battery Operated Boyfriend i didnt name him silly thats what everyone calls it i gotta go home to bob lol yo uknow its funny **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  3. kelly thank you for the update...God Bless **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  4. sunny LAKE ELSINORE...beware of the naked people falling from the sky!!!! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  5. I didn't leave leave, I came back, when are ya going out to elsinore? **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  6. dude those pics are sweet....STOP posting skydiving pics please!!!!! My batteries are running low in my B.O.B. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  7. lol yeah you know I have had alot of quick I have had the biting of my ass in freefall, wait maybe because its says BITE ME on my ass lol...and all three bit it too hard, easy boys that hurts, i think the teeth marks are still there! I had luigi spank me as i was leaving in a 69 with Andrew, oh and that was a naked 69 hehhehe....and everyone always makes sure my chest strap is routed correctly whenever I go naked or topless...good thing cause i could just see the headlines...naked skydiver found lol...nice And there's the knocker docker, but thats a manuveur so that doesn't count I knew about it happening.... The guys get more ass grabs from me I think lol **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  8. Ok, before anyone yells or whatever at me...please please, just think about what I am saying, and yeah i admitt I'mnot right...just a know how I see the's heads on my side, you may be seeing the same quarter as tails. Sorry if I get too inspired or pissed, I'm watching Braveheart right now. I fully believe that these assholes, no bastards, hmmm somehow I an't find a word to correctly describe them...they should die, should pay for it. Look at the lives forever changed...the children who lost parents, parents who lost children, aunts, uncles, moms, dads, grandparents...lives... I know what death smells like, the feeling that something was taken away, I can sense that...I believe we all can too. Years from now that feeling will remain. Literally, walking down the streets of where these planes went down, you can smell death....the innocence that was taken away. I used to work at John Wayne Airport ...and yes I had "security" "clearance" to be in designated areas. When I was hired I was like one of the only ones who first of all knew anything about planes, or airports, most of the people there were regular joes just looking for a job, any job. That's great. So ok cool, i'm hired along with these other people who don't hmmm appreciate or have a positive drive, to even be there. so we go take a test so we can be outside with the know so we can legally be out there. orginally you could only miss like 2 or 3 questions, there were people missing half, they were just told the correct answer, and still given an airport badge. Hmmm how comforting, wait so let me get this straight, I can apply for an airport job, and get a badge, basically i can be amonkey and get a badge. But that's just from one aspect...inside the terminal one can walk onto a plane and legally carry a knife, nice....sweet that's what like to hear, we make it legal. There have been tests performed on airport security and what a shocker...they've failed numberous times. I believe this is a tragedy not because people died against their will, that is much more than just a tragedy. The tradegy of it all is that we had flags from years ago, threats, made on the twin towers even. You know growing up I used to go toilet papering....because it was funny...well we jazzed it up and would call our friends and say hey we're going to toilet paper you tonight, and we wont tell you what time, but it will happen. We always got a kick out if because we could find our victims camping outside waiting to catch us...but they were asleep, apparently they didn't want to have their house toilet papered, but they got tired from waiting. lol dude one time we got the whole house done while a friend was sleeping in a they never even knew!!! well until they woke up and saw the aftermath. Please do not think that for a second these thousands of people are the equal to the analogy. I have been spending alot of time crying over this, and I didn't know anyone personally, well not that I am aware of yet, who was killed. I believe everyone has been affected by this. But I think we also need to fess up to some of our short comings. This wasn't a surprise that these people wanted to destroy the twin towers, specific threats were made years ago. So we basically camped out waiting for them, and we got it, when we fell asleep. In an industry where we need to be anal about things,we aren't at all. We allow just about anyone to get an airport badge, ok....and then we have people undercover making it past security...ok, we are aware that there are threats, so why didn't we do more? I'm worth the wait for proper inspections. I am willing to bet my life all the people who have died in this, or who have been affected...would wait as well. But when we are there, we forget how precious life is, I wonder how I do that waiting in a line for my turn, waiting, waiting, I forget that I am healthy and breathing. We have it all backwards when we say our freedom is being taken away. Freedom I believe comes from safety...and with all due respect we have never been safe in the air. There's a rinky dink "door" to the cockpit that my mom could kick down. And the flight attendants aren't trained to defend hijackers, they are actually told to do whatever they say. We have it all backwards if we think that because there will be regulations that we have less freedom. And yes freedom is safety...and stop signs are safe, but unfortunately we never put them up until people die. Look at skydiving, how have we evolved? How do we make it more finding the weak links and waiting until it breaks, because it's ok right now, it can still work. Are we even more pissed because there were warning flags the whole way? I am to blame, maybe I should have yelled louder at the lask of sercurity when I worked at John Wayne. As skydivers we check gear, check the plane, check our spot, check to see what direction the wind is coming from, check the weather conditions. We make sure we have our helmets either on or buckled in for takeoff? Why is that...and was that before or after the incident with loose helmet hitting someone when that was enforced. After. Seat belts...overloading the plane even, we take percaution even more after tragedy strikes. after we are left with that pain for us to carry until we die. Not one soul deserved to die that day, they deserved to have a 3 hour wait just to get on a plane. We rush everything, fast cars, fast food...hell even the fastest car isnt fast enough, and neither is the fast food, I've bitched about waiting a whopin 5 minutes in a drive though, geeze what bad service right? I mean making me wait? I'm not exactly smiling when I'm geared up and it's hotter than hell outside and the plane lands and then we discover they need to take on fuel as well... when we make things fast, and faster, we cut out steps, cut out maybe a second safety inspection... maybe a second one would catch what the first one missed. These inspections are for our safety, for our freedom, and we now complain that that very same freedom will be taken away because of more time it will take... sounds like a no win situation. This is a wake up call for come together, and yes to fight back, but to also rebuild a stronger foundation. Those people, those souls, will never go unforgotten, they have left footprints in our hearts. I read posts about damn!! I probably won't be able to take my rig on know what screw the rig, I will take the hassles, the inconvience, the waiting, because we all deserve it...the extra precaution. It's just like rushing a pack job to make a you can forget to overlook something? like cocking a pilot chute? maybe forgetting your chest strap? Why do that, why risk it so much...there will be other loads. You are late to a step back, look around, and take it in, maybe it happened to tell you to stop rushing, and enjoy life. there arelessons to be learned in long lines, people who you can meet, lives that you can touch...and yes strangers do touch lives, just listen to just one of the thousands of lives that were taken, listen to their story...and it will effect you. We are all responsible for this, everyone, not just these people who committed this. I can only hope that this post doesn't ignite some sort of fight, just to realize hey, maybe I could have done more, you may start viewing life from a whole different angle...I do, every single day...and it's the strangers who impact my life, as well as my family and friends. There were yellow warning lights blinking the whole time, caution, there's weaknessess in our lets right it...because those people who died, deserve that. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  9. Yes I will be jumping this weekend iff the dz's arent still grounded. If not I know the flyboys film thingy is still on. It's just way too weird there are no planes out. My two things that love can't do, skydive and fly...ok well one other I could do, but it sucks doing it solo, I want to at least do a 2 way lol. Randy if ya wanna check out Perris if the planes are still grounded I'm up for it. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  10. I was at the nail salon getting my nails done, partly to just get my mind off of things, yeah I know so I go to a nail salon...hi what did I think everyone would be talking about. To my right was a united FA, so we had a conversation about what was going of her friends was on one of the planes...God rest her soul. The nail lady chimes in and says why didn't the pilots eject...hmmm...ok I will forgive her on that one, some people really don't know anything about planes...but my response was a true pilot wouldn't leave the plane....which was neat because the FA said your a pilot aren't you. So we chat about flying, and then I had to tell the nail lady to keep my nails really really short cause I need them short to skydive. The person to the other side of me chimes skydive? Do you have your A? My eyes totally were like, you know about jumping...I wa slike yeah I do I jump jump? She jump sover at Perris, and has around 60 jumps...I was like no way...we both live in different cities but were at the same nail salon the same day and were sitting down right next to eachother, and she's pretty young too, around my age...and jumps...I was like this is way cool. Anyways...I know yeah wow so I bumped into another jumper...just rad you know...I love all of you guys/girls!!!! Just had to share...hopefully I'll everyone int he's maybe the planes might be moving tomorrow at the dz's but that looks iffy as well...and I can't fly...double grounded. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  11. thank you for sharing that...I'll be buying one too!!!! you really should put one out!!! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  12. lol very funny, I am a fellow dz kid all grown up, wait I think people at the dz never grow I have no pics like that maybe I was jipped **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  13. contest my you play shy hon...but us girls can tell...maybe a wolf was too much, but I would say you were like a bear, with these claws... **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  14. I didn't start trying to freefly until I was very comfortable on my belly first. I figure if I don't know how to fly myself at 120 why in the hell would I jump to the faster speeds? I know people get things quicker, slower, or just differently, but my first 60 -70 jumps are mostly all instructor jumps....well free of course one benefit of being a chick. Then after I was liscensed at like 25 I headed on over to Perris to skydive U..... Alot of people questioned why I did that whole course to only just swicth to freeflying, but it's something I deinitely learned alot from, I know alot about my body in the air now...just check out your options, it might set ya back cash wise....but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It is a good thing to know how to be safe on your do have to deploy I mean and if something happened I guess really freaky you would need ot be on your belly...besides that is tough ass stuff, RW...I'm serious too, I mean I see our Matrix whopping some butt and I'm like dang how do you do that....sorry I'm **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  15. Yes I totally know the feeling...well actually on Sunday after my first jump with my new rig hehehe yes it's all new I still just look at it with amazement like it's Christmas every I know I'm a dork. My jump was rad I was like totally comfortable for the very first time that rig fits me like a glove...and then it gets better...I see my brand new spectre oh my I seriously squaled like a kid I was so excited, it looked awesome!! I wonder if it's a good thing though to be this exited I mean I still get the cheesey smile every jump, and now this...I'm sure I'll be bouncing around everywhere now... I just had one of the best weekends, y aknow I ate crap on one landing, my own fault thank you...let's here it for the crosswinder lol however you know it was neat...met alot of new people and saw alot of old friends and shared air with them too...and a new doesn't get any better than that. Dang, I can't wait til the weekend!!!!! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  16. Hey tommy boy!!!!!!!!!! Yes I am from's Marissa...have I met ya yet? If not I'm sure in all due time we will..are ya out on weekends? **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  17. lol it wasn't that great of a landing, or was is only because I was naked. And unfortunatley I didn't make another naked jump, although I made a nice one clothed later on. But I did get Andy and the boys so some extra alt for the sunset load, which was absolutely breathtaking!!! not me, lol silly...the sky. The sun was setting above the clouds and just seriously was a piece of heaven...if ya ever need any help with the alt let me know I can hook it up heheheh c'ya on sat **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  18. In all honesty if your yourself, that is the biggest turn on. Guys in general, well skydiver men, see a new chick and literally it's flies on shit...I will admitt it's nice attention at times, but I just want to jump. And I can't speak for the other women out there, just what I know. And I've never been swayed on someones status or ability to hot dog, it's the ability to be themselves and not be afraid of that that inspries me. I may be a bad person to ask that question from considering that I believe the whole fate thingy...ig you don't push it, let life'll lead you to that person. That and since I'm 22 I realize there's a lot to learn...hey and by the was good running into you at elsinore...and yes my 200th was awesome!!! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  19. Shark although I am sure people would pay good money to sit right seat on that load but that slot will already be filled by yours truly... **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  20. Ladies I'd like to ask for 1 minute of your time..that's right, I'm inviting everyone who is willing, for a very special celebrate the wild side of us sky sisters. If you read on there's a story that I hope inspires all of you! (it's from "It's a Chick Thing" awesome book) Alegra and I were freshman roomates at University of California, Santa Cruz, better known at that time as Uncle Charlie's Summer Camp. Studying was almost unheard of when there was coffee to drink, music to crank, and gossip to share. The two of us were as different as we were the same; she had grown up among the Northern California redwoods, and I had fled the thick air of Los Angeles as fast as I could when I found out places like Santa Cruz existed. Like soul sisters, we filled our days with easy conversation and comfortable silences. Some people said we looked alike, an observation I took as a high compliment since Alegra was many things I only hoped to be, and beautiful was on of them. today, like any other Saturday afternoon, we had our books spreaad in front of usin our tiny shared room with a view of the trees, made misty and damp fby the recent storms. Alegra sat with her back to her bed; I was curled up on my bed, reading the same sentence about "basic" genetics three or four times. Halfway down my seventh page (7 of the 157 I was supposed to finish), I sighed and dropped my head to the pillow. From the way Alegra was softly singing the words to "Sugar Magnolia," I could tell she wasn't absorbing much either. It had been raining for days, weeks, and we were halfway to stir-crazy. I closed my book and watched Alegra. she caught me, laughed quietly, marked her page. "All I want to do is go outside," she said mournfully. "I know I just can't concentrate" "We should just go out into the field now, even though it is raining," she said, alluding to the large grassy field at the bottom of the hill where we lived. It was less than a quarter mile away, but it felt like acres of land stood between us and our usual sun spot. "yeah, whatever,girl" I replied. "You go get soaked. What I don't need on top of everything is to be sick right now." "you won't get sick. Let's go. Now. Let'r run." I could tell she was serious. I started to consider it. I was reaching for my shoes when she said "Naked." "What?" I snorted. "You smoking something and not sharing again? Like, I'm going to strip down in front of all these maniacs and just streak down to the field." This is not something you did in L.A. "Well, then you stay here. I'll tell you how it was." She started untying her hiking boots. By the second sock, I was over my consternation. I mean, who was really around? And anyway, who would care? The truth was, clothing seemed optoinal around here anyway, with people sunbathing nude all over the place on hot days. Why not rain bathing? we stepped outside onto our tiny porch, bare feet recoiling from the cold cement, towels wrapped around us, barely. Alegra touched my hand. " On the count of three, we run. If we run fast enough, no one will even know what went by. One, two, three..." We shot off the porch, heading down th efamiliar path, past our friends' doorways, past the offices, past the cofeehouse. No one was outside, and if anyone was watching us from the windows, we were moving too fast to know. The rainw as pelting us, and our desperate attempts to keep the towels around at least least our bottoms were quickly surrendered. At last, we felt th eloamy forest floor under our feet, but we didn't stop running. It felt too good. Like we had leapt off the highest cliff and discovered we could fly. I dropped my towel in a patch of high grass and ran alone until my legs gave out from under me. I found myself surrounded by bending field grass. I lay back, listening to my heart and breath, quick from the running and the daring. I could hear Alegra panting nearby. For one moment, everything made sense. We were pure, perfect. I stretched, and there was Alegra's hand, a spark of sisterhood's promise passing between our fingers. We wrapped our drenched towels artound us for the walk up the hill, not caring about how odd we ust look. By the time we reached our door, we had come to a few silewnt conclusions: That our bodies were to be cherished, that some moments are meant to be seized, and that there is no feeling int he world like rain on an unashamed heart. -Jennifer Bernstein-Lewis. all of you know there is a Chick's Boogie over at Skydive Elsinore in load, 23 chicks, bubbles, cat ears, colored shoelaces, and laughing because you can't believe your doing it, but seizing the moment, and joing all the other Thelma and Louise's of the world....that's right go naked! And your naked jump will be paid for! hey in some ways you will be covered..hehehe!!! Anyone interested in jumping can email me at [email protected] Dance like no ones as crazy as you want to be...ladies!!!! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  21. I have no friggin clue, but id guess bottom row 8th from the left **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  22. I was wondering if anyone has seen Fruce lately. I tried calling him the other day and it's not like him to return calls...was checking to see if maybe he was at Cross Keys..anyone? **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  23. Well I guess it counts as a Dropzone rule, it's sort of an underlying thing, JUST at Elsinore though...if I go to other dz's it's way way different. sort of the rules for any given jumping day for me 1. Every 10 jumps I must go naked -excemptions...automatic naked jumps are like when there's a team or a friend visiting, or someone's monumental jump # -NO NUDITY WHEN FAMILY IS PRESENT -includes children & my family members 2. Each day I jump there has to be some sort of nudity - flash the pilot for alt - topless jump 3. monumental jumps... -69- mandatory loop jump...can also do it naked - 100 MUST jump naked any big jump after 200 must be outdone by the previous, cant just be naked with a...surprise lol Many people say...why do you jump naked...simple...because I laugh my ass off everytime The cool thing is that you get veto-ed from getting pied and being thrown into the swoop pond...sick! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  24. On the contrary ...comign from someone who is a very fluent naked jumper...69 is not required to go naked. It is required to do a loop or as I call it a 69 out of the door...however it always helps doing it naked...but not required. any other questions on naked jumping you can email me I'll be here all night thank you **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  25. I am the first time jumpers a strip show was high on my list of things to do... actually a jumper who continued with AFF ont he ride to alt I was in right seat flying and he leaned over and said you were on my first jump...I'm like yeah great trying to seem as if I remembered, no offense but there are alot of faces at a DZ, and he goes yeah, you went naked...thanks!!! hahaha thank you thank you anything to help the sport grow!! Another note, this is a branch off from the nakedness and the yelling for more alt....get naked and get more alt...two birds with one stone **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P