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Everything posted by FreeflyPlaymate

  1. yes the FRUCINATOR has already tapped onto this subject. If you don't know who he is he is a legend of his very own, I can assure you NO ONE on this planet is like him... (oh that's just for you Fruce) **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  2. lol being that I have jumped naked before and have done numerous bathingsuit jumps as well, I can tell you that is alot of fun. I mean aside from being the only girl on the plane naked and you just want to get out lol I mean I am comfortable with myself and how I look but I don't want my naked ass in someone's face for a long time as we give the count to exit the plane. It's not just the excitement of it but you're also like dude I'm butt ass naked!!! I don't realyl know about the flopping in the wind part of it though I've seen pics of soem funky looking stuff that can happen to someones body going that fast...fortunately I have my surgeon to thank for that one for being able to keep my boobs in place when I go naked lol. But yeah if you want to jump make sure you swing by out in so cali...I'd be first to strip down with ya lol Oh I just have to say how funny I think I am...There was this ad slogan/campaign lol whatever and it was for FEMALES yahooo!!! anyways it said "the weaker sex my ASS" I blew up one of my pix from the naked jump and put it on my little sisters folder, it was priceless there were about 8 guys in the pic all clothed and one bare ass, of yes a chick!!! me !!!! Attached I had that slogan, that girl waltzed all around school and didnt know it was there and was like oh God what has she done now lol **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  3. lol teach me? oh thanks I needed a laugh...I already knew planes had two throttles.... Have a great wwekend! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  4. I must add that I'm full of myself today...well only my toy...but I don't think that counts **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  5. SkySlut... I believe that is my line...less talk alot more action lol and TODAY??? Excuse me, more like everyday!!!!! lol **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  6. Fruce... I'm trying to go easy on them, but I don't want to hurt them, that could cause some damage. But you know I don't really know how to tone it down I'm not used to **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  7. wanna play?...skyslut I don't think you realize what you would be getting into...alot of boys say they can play hard ball but in reality they just never seem to measure up **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  8. SKYSLUT you are giving me way too much information for me to handle at work. You know it's so funny how much we have in common....I'm busy working on handeling myself **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  9. *THE FRUCINATOR* You made it seem like I have metal going through the twins frucey-baby....I do not have those pups however if you go down south... **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  10. That is just so giving of you boys, thanks... **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  11. Fruce, Wow, thank you for clearing that up for me. All this time I thought the staring was checking me out...ok ok....they're looking out for me. Isn't that so boys are just so thoughtful....thanks lol **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  12. hmmmm video clips...well in all honesty maybe you might have my video clips. There's two cameramen along with 10 other jumpers lol who swooped my 100th jump, yes yes how nice of them to join in on the However they um....docked and yeah there's angles lol yadda yadda yadda...I've yet to see them and that was a year and a half if you see em could you send them my way? thanks! Oh and yeah I will send in the SkyPorn once I get my lead role lol **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  13. I can only personally speak from my AFF experience. I took it over at Perris and passed with flying colors...AND even though I had to leave early on the last day of my AFF they managed to pull some strings and even switch jumpers around so I could jump load after load. And in all honesty I've been to 2 other DZ's int he states and I was treated with the exact same kind of brother/sister love. I've jumped with the best of the best and never knew it at the time, I've never been treated as anything less as how I would expect to be treated, equal. I've sat co-pilot tons of times too without having to like pay lol or might be because I am a chick, maybe, or maybe the fact that I'm not very gullible...I don't know. But I've yet to run across any snakes in this...and honestly I hope and don't think that I will. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  14. DAMN 77 it just me or does hearing about that make you incredably horny lol. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  15. *Sky Mama* You know reading what you had written was absolutely awesome. It reminded me of a story from Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul...if you have read it, you may know of a story titled "I was thirty-Seven years old at the time" It lists amazing feats women have taken and what age they accepted these awards and accomplishments ranging from, 37, 46, 76, 71, and so forth. The author of this story then writes "you can tell yourself these people started out as exeptional. You can tell yourself they had influence before they started. You can tell yourself the conditions under which they achieved were different fromy ours. Or you can be like a woman I knew who sat at her kitchen window year after year and watched everyone else do it and then said to herself, "it's my turn" The author then adds I was thirty-seven at the time. Even now I get teary eyed re-reading it as I type it to you. It's never too late to start anything, or to learn anything. I am always asking other jumpers when they started...I am always astounded at how it has totally transformed their lives. I mean for me, I almost say it was a given...I was raised around planes and at the Dz, so when I was 18 I jumped. But I always find it so amazing how people have totally different paths and we all meet on the same one when we jump. And it is just an awesome awesome family too...I thank you for sharing your story. Your oneof the reasons why I stay in skydiving **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  16. I did the whole Skydive U thingy too...really good investment, well for me at least. The one thing I can NOT stand is NOT knowing something. Anyways I'd love to make a jump or two with ya! I'm the only BITE ME there so I'm sure you won't have trouble spotting me lol **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  17. It's hard for me to say the exact words to trigger the right response in you. Flying is AWESOME. I not only have skydiving in my blood but flying as well. My first memories aren't of playing with any barbies it was flying with my dad. When I took my first flight lesson I may have had the upper hand about growing up around planes, however I didn't know the terminology.... If you look at all the material you have to read and learn and instruments to learn and figure out how they work....seems like alot...but it'll all come second hand to you. IT isn't hard to fly no that's easy and hell of alot of it always gets the guys jaws dropping when they ask how'd you get to the dz and you saw oh I flew Flying itself isn't hard it's becoming a pilot that is challenging. Just make sure you meet the instructors beforehand...don't let them "put" you with someone because it makes their life easier. If you don't click with your instructor then you'll maybe even resent flying and not look foward to the flights. and in my case if you do click with your instructor lol get a new one lol. It is SO worth it nothing like being free... **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  18. Dutch... Do Perris AND lake smellsomemore, they're only about 20 minutes apart from eachother and that's drivign time, even less if you fly. *note* I am jumping PERRIS lol well jumping Friday I am pretty sure and jumping back at home...Elsinore... over the weekend **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  19. THE FRUCINATOR KNOW how I feel about including other chicks ...I usually ask to bring them in hehehe **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  20. Sis, Pilot's do NOT get paid alot of money, regardless of what rating they hold. You'd be amazed at how many jump pilot's have their ATP and still fly's so they keep their freedom. Airline pilot's have a very strict schedule...jump pilot's fly VFR...and get to keep alot of "freedom"...the freedom that drives most pilot's I would imagine, myself included....still a student pilot in 172s actually. I've sat co-pilot many times in the otters out's very hard sometimes to watch everyone leave and still be in the plane...but then you just nose it over and race them down lol nothing like watching the jump from the plane lol....go for it sis! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  21. THE FRUCINATOR Very cute Fruce...the I do have a question the wind tunnel are there windows? Because it wouldn't be worth having sex at if there wasn't an audience. haha ok I will behave now. Bruce too bad you don't live out here...I have an on-going bet with my friend we're going to leave in a 69 and whoever lets go first has to do the next jump naked. lol yeah I think I'm going to lose the bet too lol...I'll send ya the pix for sure! You know I couldn't get though...for some reason I still float in the air....hehehe ya like tunnels do ya... **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  22. I realized something that I already knew today...again, for the millionth time it seemed. That there is never a good enough excuse to keep you from jumping. I actually never even gave one. I saw alot of people today that I haven't seen in over a hasn't been that long, I just hadn't been back to that DZ int hat long. And people still approach you the same, all smiles, and welcoming you with open arms. Strange how they can tell though, every single jumper knew I hadn't been in the air...I was all smiles as usual, but I didn't have that extra bounce they were used to seeing me with. I was asked "where have ya been?" about at least a dozen times...all with the same answer...doesn't matter. Like me saying anything would justify staying out of the air it would to them, but not to me. It is so incredably awesome to be back home...and even better to not be the skydiver turned whuffo anymore lol. Hope everyone else's weekend was as awesome as mine! **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  23. Mike, You have me at a loss for words. What do you say to someone who is so easily swayed by one comment it could make them ashamed to say they grew up in so. cali. I don't know if you have ever been out to Riverside, it's not far from LA...if you have I am sorry, it's not the prettiest cities, and has a bad rap for alot of things. However, there's not one thing anyone could say that would make me deny my roots. To accept something is to take the good WITH the bad....can't love something in slices. I don't have to agree with anyones choices they make and how they lead their lives...however I do have a choice to accept and respect don't have to show me the same respect. I may not say the brightest of things, I partly blame it on all the bleach I use, and well the crack me and my mom smoked earlier this morning...I don't know if you are a jumper even, I didn't check, and in all honesty it doesn't matter...because regardless of who you are, if you we're ever stranded I'd pull over to help still. It's just how I have been RAISED....that's a part of who I am...and so is Riverside...fruity fags and all... It's easy for an onlooker at a ball game to point out's another to be playing the game and learning from them and working with others. **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  24. A LITTLE GAY? My friend there hasn't been one jumprun over at Perris OR Elsinore where at least half the load doesn't do that to eachother....I guess southern California is GAY then too lol...wait they don't look into my eyes, they stare at the twins...nevermind but really, the jumpers out here do included ...I'm not gay...but I have had, wait nevermind... **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P
  25. Stacy I'm beginning to see that I'm not the only chick who has a tendancy to get naked and dance on tables, and bars lol I'm seeing that alot of skydiving chicks are the same. We must really be the most exciting people in the world wonder why the boys love us all so much hahahaha **BLUE ONES** BITE ME.... :P