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Everything posted by radical_flyer

  1. Why? I was thinking of going there to jump when I collect my G3 (when I get my B license). The people in DZ sports are nice, what's wrong with the DZ?
  2. So that's where that quote comes from...only thing is I can't remember who had it as their signature...it's really bothering me.
  3. Oh right, I thought it might be something unrelated to the crash since you didn't mention it in this thread but another one from last year about jumping with neck injuries and hard openings that's been bumped by some recent post(s).
  4. Damn, that's rough. Sounds like you've really been through the wringer. What caused the herniated discs?
  5. Were you one of the TIs on board? What was the extent of your (and others') injuries?
  6. What do you mean they paved the runway? Like it used to be an all grass airfield or what?
  7. I'm no expert but wing loading provides forward speed. Forward speed keeps the cells pressurised. I don't know how much underloading would make a canopy not be able fly but I think it makes it less stable, particularly in turbulence. I think think the canopy would collapse easily and there wouldn't be much brakes before stalling since brakes reduce airspeed, so little to no flare power. Also you ever seen a tandem rig at the DZ? They're bloody massive, and they have like 300 sqft or more. Good luck trying to haul a rig of that size. I've never picked one up but I found a 260 rig heavy, 220 not so bad.
  8. Flanders looks like a nice DZ. Unfortunately since you're going in August you'll miss the boogie. http://www.pcv.be/en/price_list/ Don't know what you're into but found some cool FF and
  9. Commercial aviation? If so, I am a complete dipshit. I thought you were talking about priority boarding for tandem passengers in jump planes…
  10. First in, last out? Do they realise this? I never liked being at the back of the line, especially as a nervous student on levels and they have to make a second pass to get a good spot.
  11. Yeah. I'm sure the AFFI explained it to me at the time I just don't remember what he said.
  12. What's wrong with that? I think I got told off once for doing that.
  13. I was talking about experienced prices for coached jumps (I know almost everywhere else you get coaching as a student so you can jump with others when you get licensed). Obviously AFF levels are more. Also what do you mean ride-the-bench time? And why is it the best thing to happen to instruction, surely it means students are paying fewer repeat fees?
  14. Not saying it's not expensive but per minute, coached tunnel time works out like 1/4 or 1/5th as much as coached time in the sky (£10.50/min tunnel, £55 coached jump). even more with rig hire/pack job
  15. What are you talking about dude? You're there to do something fucking awesome. Every time I see FB posts from the DZ of people having had a sick day/weekend of jumping I'm like wtf am I NOT doing there. All my skyfriends are progressing and I'm not. I'd say get down whenever you can, depending on how far it is.
  16. What do you mean by "you don't lose…just your place in line"? Sorry.
  17. Ok thanks but what was he saying about "you're lucky that van's showing up and no one can hear it" or whatever?
  18. https://youtu.be/kztmDZncqQk?t=1m55s I don't get it, what was that guy at the end talking about and why was he gonna rip him a new one?
  19. Tell that to wing suit proxy flyers. I think that looks more awesome than sky jumps. Fear's already gone for me from #19 (at least it had for the last 3 jumps). Don't know if it had anything to do with having a cool coach that I was so chill. I didn't really like my consols (solos). Found it really boring. I think I'll only have fun jumping with others.
  20. Weird, I get error 403 permission denied.
  21. Anyone know what happened to the site (skysystemsusa.com)? I swear it was accessible recently but now it's forbidden.