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Everything posted by Boogers

  1. And a black helmet with a black visor tint. Darth Vader baby!
  2. Convenience: getting your rig on without doing yoga contortions. Safety: quick removal, when getting dragged on a windy day, or in a water landing. And most important of all: Hit 'n Rock. Besides, it's only a few ounces. Is that gonna break your back?
  3. But... that's not cool! Nothing is more cool than a black webbing with a black handle against a black jumpsuit. Yeah, baby!
  4. IIRC, the AADs went back to the families, who declined to provide them to Airtec for examination. The family, from their perspective, may want to have some independent third-party download that data,to prevent any falsifications that might occur to hide faults by the equipment manufacturers, to protect themselves from a lawsuit. I'm not saying that such a thing would happen, but from the perspective of a grieving family, looking in at a tight-knit skydiving community, they might think like that. That could be why they're holding off on letting the manufacturer look at it. To them, it's like letting the fox guard the chicken coop, or letting police investigate their own misconduct.
  5. It will be much more fun if you post your questions here in the open. If you get private replies you'll have no idea of their accuracy or validity. But in the open, if someone posts BS, others will chime in and make corrections. That will give you the best shot at the truth for your book. So let us have 'em!
  6. Lotta talk in the news lately over unemployment benefits. They can certainly be helpful to people during lay-offs and hard times. But it can be awful easy to just sit and watch TV while collecting that free check every month. The democrats seem to want to pamper people forever, and the republicans are called heartless and cruel for trying to wean them off free government money. But at some point, you've got to give 'em a kick in the butt to motivate them to get out and really find another job. Even if it's something lesser than what they had before. The taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for them to be lazy forever. Should they?
  7. Certainly. Especially a Raven I, since that's just a parachute, right? It packs like any other ram-air parachute. Now if you're talking about short-lining a Delta II Para-wing, or refurbishing a set of Capewell releases, then you might have to look harders, but they're still out there.
  8. Quote: “The court finds there is no set of circumstances under which the warrantless, suspicionless drug testing at issue in this case could be constitutionally applied” So how come oorporations can require drug testing of employees for whom they have no just cause to suspect drug usage? Shouldn't that be unconstitutional also?
  9. A duck-cammo parachute would be great! (Until you cut it away over the woods...)
  10. Boogers


    Well, I wanted just "Booger", but that was already taken, even though the person has never signed on, and has never posted any messages. So I went with the plural version. Don't the moderators ever clean up old, unused user ID's around here?
  11. You are right, so I apologize that what I meant as strong encouragement ended up coming out as an absolute. I believe in being a grown-assed man and taking responsibility for your own decisions. Some food for thought - According to the CDC (, there were 4,698 firearm deaths of children aged 1 – 14 between 1999 – 2010. Of these, 2851 were homicides, 916 were suicides and 785 were unintentional deaths. Read this if you want a really sobering look at the issue: So sure, choose for yourself what best fits your own personal circumstances because I’m sure you’ve taken into account all possibilities. But also be prepared for the potential personal, emotional and financial responsibility that comes along with that thought process. No children in my home, so no children will be shot with my gun, which is left out while I'm at home so that it's available for self defense. None of your links apply to me. My position stands as previously stated. You do what you want, and I'll do what I want. Ain't freedom great? Oh, and I note that those statistics cover a 12-year period, so to annualize those numbers, divide each one by 12. That makes them pretty small, considering we're a country of 300 million people with 50% or more gun ownership.
  12. Boogers


    That's gonna affect your guitar playing for a while...
  13. The "thing that is not like the others" is the black child who was abandoned by its black parents and had to be adopted by a white family to get the love it needs. And MSNBC deems that cause to make fun of the loving adoptive family. Shame on them.
  14. Re: "always lock your weapons up at home - no exceptions." That may be what works for you, but it is by no means a universal one-size-fits-all rule. So you shouldn't be giving that advice as if it is what is best for everyone. Each of us gets to choose for ourselves what best fits our own personal circumstances.
  15. Even when you're home with them, with no kiddies around?
  16. Better to follow-thru on that feeling and check and be wrong, then to ignore that feeling and be proven correct.
  17. Yellow pages gives a call list:
  18. Boogers


    Yep, experienced jumper, former lurker, so somewhat familiar with protocol and ethos here, even though official account is fairly new. No past blocked account. Not Andy. Not dead John. No desire to insult people.
  19. You kind of snuck in an unrelated advertisement there, didn't you? You mean you don't jump with at least one Hotel safe? I've jumped with a few guys who probably fall as fast as a hotel safe, but I wouldn't consider that a safety device.
  20. Boogers


    Are you going to start up with your fantasy obsession about me again? You should note that your previous attacks got deleted...
  21. "Good taste" is a highly subjective thing, depending upon the people and the circumstances. If this was a card sent to fellow hunting or gun club families, for example, that would be in perfectly good taste. It's not your place to tell others what their good taste should be.
  22. Well, you kind of need at least two federal district judicial findings to disagree with each other, in order to set up standing for the SCOTUS. Absent that, there's no reason for SCOTUS to hear the issue.
  23. You kind of snuck in an unrelated advertisement there, didn't you?