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Everything posted by Daizey

  1. Daizey

    JT's birthday

    Happy Birthday Cuz!!!
  2. umm, stay in central park after dark and lemme know what happens ... ok? *daizey*
  3. you're quite welcome viking.... Central Park is beautiful...except for the fact that my roommate almost got killed on that rock! lol... *daizey*
  4. plenty of sunshine heading my way *daizey*
  5. I do i do! but its a one way only and its to New York....still want it? *daizey*
  6. how about taking all of your roommates clothes and sticvking them in the fridge or freezer? hehehe or how about COVERING her in shaving cream??? Just watch out for RA's who are trying to sleep! Ours was not happy! (my roommate wasn't either when she realized she was allergic to the shaving cream-oops ) hahaha. Its only 1230 am here in NY and I am already having a ball! Just wait until later......lol, this is gonna be great! I lOVE this day! *daizey*
  7. same here on eastern Long Island...and I, being used to the warmer temps, chose to go out in a t-shirt with a fleece over it and sandals needless to say, i was quite chilled by the time i got back! *daizey*
  8. lol ok, it was bad enough dz.com was distracting me while i was doing my paper, now i have TWO things...lol
  9. Heyyy e-cards don't count! Thanks for the interesting card though lol *daizey*
  10. anyone else wanna add to my collection??? Please?? *daizey*
  11. Daizey

    hang gliding

    Just like skydiving, hang gliding can be as safe or as dangerous as you want it to be. I know you can start off doing it as a tandem - then you can take a course in which you begin by flying solo under the supervision of an instructor-i think its all done by radio though. There is an introductory course and a novice course. generally it takes a few months to learn-up to about 6 months . In that time you learn to fly from a few hundread to a few thousand feet There are some great sites which can help you leanr some more. This site is great, it tells you all about hang gliding....http://www.all-about-hang-gliding.com/ Also check out the the U.S Hang Gliding Associatiosn webpage...their message board is great too, it answers a lot of questions and is pretty informative as well http://www.ushga.org/ Hope thats helpful
  12. hahaha. I wanna make sure you don't forget! That would suck if noone was there to pick me up! lol *daizey*
  13. Its hard to tell you really which is better. It depends on what your tastes are. If you are a roller coaster freak (like me) you will love Great Adventure. America is good, but not as good as Great Adventure in my opinion. I believe America has eight roller coasters....to see the rides, go to this link.....http://www.sixflags.com/parks/america/rides/list.asp?rideid=full Great Adventure has a brand new rollercoaster this year, so i bet the park will be crowded..its called superman-the ultimate flight. that brings the total of that park to somewhere over 10 rollercoasters. Go to this site to see their rides...http://www.sixflags.com/parks/greatadventure/rides/list.asp?rideid=full Hope that helps!
  14. Kids are on vacation usually the week before easter...so their vacation ends on easter...soem schools have it the week after *daizey*
  15. I'll be there in May ...i am leaving here on the 15th and will be getting there on the 17th. Not quite sure what time though...it depends on how I end up arriving (and who i am with ) *daizey*
  16. Good Job!! You dropped 10 seconds! Wow! Congratulations! *daizey*
  17. You're welcome...I am glad that you guys find it interesting as well. *daizey*
  18. thank you....i found this to be interesting.... theres a lot more where that comes from too..... *daizey*
  19. I got curious what the media is like over in Iraq so I did a search and i was able to find some newspapers and other media sources with english translations...just thought you would be interested what its like from the other side..... http://www.iraqpress.org/english.asp?code=newsinenglish http://www.iraqjournal.org/ also you can check out this site which lists a lot of the newspapers and other things in Iraq http://www.abyznewslinks.com/iraq.htm this is another one just liek that one...http://www.kidon.com/media-link/iraq.shtml but it seems as though a lot of the sites are down right now..... this is interesting too....its called postcard form Northern Iraq.... http://www.oneworld.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi?root=129&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ealternatives%2Eca%2Farticle474%2Ehtml hmmm....someone told me i am weird for doing this haha. So maybe you will too....i just found it interesting....so i figured i would share.... *daizey*
  20. hehehe mee to!!! hooray! had one test this week....and if i did poorly on it, i get to re-write it! *daizey*
  21. hehe you got just over 2 months...think that'll be enough time?? lol *daizey*
  22. hahaha, you were the first who replied... I'm sure viking would love to have it to, the question is will he be able to handle it??? *daizey*
  23. thanks misskriss!!! sorry though, you don't get the reward... really? is it that gross??? *daizey*
  24. Tell ya what? the first person who tells me what the drink is just might get the reward of having it on the beach! *daizey*