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Everything posted by Daizey

  1. LOL!!! silly boy hehehe have fun it whichever you choose to DO *daizey*
  2. hmmm arthur hon, when you say that are you talking about jumping out of airplanes or jumping the girl (or her jumping you)??? hehehe *daizey*
  3. Happy birthday Lolie!!!!
  4. couldn't have done it without ya Lolie
  5. hahaha I know that, but this gets me off earlier! Otherwise I would be spending a whole day more on that bus! Plus, i finally get to meet my stalker
  6. Thats one reason why i am doing it. I can't afford to drive it, i probably could fly, but then i couldn't see the country-and that seems like it will be fun
  7. This Thursday begins an experience I will never forget. Right after my last final, I am taking the short train ride from school into Manhatten where i will be boarding a bus that will become my new home for 2 days I absolutely can't wait!
  8. Daizey


    High: I was supose to go to the DZ today
  9. hahaha....I am sure you would start to feel better really fast though...lol....hey at least the thought is there *daizey*
  10. weather for gardiner tomorrow says 76 degrees and mostly sunny
  11. ok just don't get struck by lightening. if that happened, i wouldn't have a way to get to the ranch tomorrow! *daizey*
  12. garlic??? umm i'll pass for now. lol don't worry you won't get sick! i will be all better tomorrow! enjoying the thunderstorms? *daizey*
  13. hahaha I am a poor college student, so my body is pretty much used to ramen noodles...anything better than that might put it into shock *daizey*
  14. I am sooo sick I've barely moved from bed all day. And I am supose to go to the DZ tomorrow I hate being sick *daizey*
  15. I would much rather have to write a paper then prepare for what my professor dropped on us today... An Oral final exam. He doesn't believe half the students know the material so he figures he will put us on the spot and make sure we know it. Hes gonna take each of us for an hour and ask us specific things about the course and different reading...At least with papers-or even tests you have time to think. There is gonna be no time in this, Just sitting there orally answering questions...I am soooo screwed. This is completely not fair *daizey*
  16. LOL, does he know about this yet? haha *daizey*
  17. nope, but I am in Vegas in 2 weeks!
  18. Daizey

    my new pets

    ewwwwwwwwwwwww, i could never eat them!!!! Teennage mutant ninja turtles...lol funny cause tahts who they are named after *daizey*
  19. Daizey

    my new pets

    Well, that's actually illegal and i think then they would die since they aren't used to those living conditions yep, that was one thing i knew anyone want one??? lol *daizey*
  20. Daizey

    my new pets

    Ok, while i was on vacation i came across these little turtles. I see them in Chinatown a lot and my friend from school was always telling me how badly he wanted these things. So, being the nice friend that i am, I decided to pick him up some. After playing with them and realizing how cute they are, I got 3 for myself. The guy swore to me they were great tiny, fun, friendly pets. He told me to keep them in about 2 inches of water and make sure they have a rock to sit on. As soon as i did that, i would have the perfect environment for my "miniature painted turtles" He also swore they would stay little forever Boy was he wrong. I just found out that these things get HUGE!!! we're talking about a foot long! And, they need 2 heaters (one for the water, one for the land), a HUGE tank (like 50 gallons) The real name of the turtles is red eared sliders. Oh yeah and, once they get bigger, they get very aggressive and BITE. Oh and did I mention they are gonna get HUGE!? i dunno what i am gonna end up doing with them. I guess for now i will enjoy how little and cute they are. they grow at about 1 cm a month, so i have a little time.... I attatched some pics so you all can see how cute and little they really are (well, for the time being) and if any of you wanna buy a turtle (or know soemone who does)...pm me, PLEASE. haha, i hear they make great pets
  21. hey, put in for the time off right after i hung up with ya....they said not a problem!
  22. Daizey


    High: finally getting some much deserved sleep. And lots of it-i got to sleep in till 1:30!
  23. We used to do the same thing during swim season....i could go 2 mins +...used to scare my mom that way....i would stay under water for awhile and she would freak just tried a little while ago....1:38 the first time...2:10 the next...probably coulda gone longer, but i started feeling abit light-headed loll hehe the competition is on Viking! *daizey*
  24. Hey, good luck Viking! When's the meet?? *daizey*
  25. I found out the news on one of the very last days of my vacation. Even though i didn't really know Holly, the news really shook me up. After, reading through some posts and looking at pictures, i sat on the beach for awhile. I walked up to the water and wrote a few words about Holly along with the date and that she would be forever missed. I wrote this in the wet sand with a piece of drift wood....it was weird, the tide was coming in, but as i sat there for awhile and watched, the water never did touch the words....so in my time there, the words never did get washed away. I can't wait until i get to meet Holly someday, but until then, I will just be thinking of her as an angel over my shoulder... *daizey*