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Everything posted by Daizey

  1. sure keep it out of the cup! hahaha I still wanna know what this drink is made out of..... *daizey*
  2. sure i will show him the drink in NY, he can show me what its like on the beach in Cali *daizey*
  3. ummm kim....is there something else i should know about??? *daizey*
  4. hmmm i dunno...your the one whos supose to be telling me that....remember?? "daizey wants to know what sex on the beach is like...." hehehehe *daizey*
  5. oh really? ok, now how about the other??? *daizey*
  6. awww too bad viking, i was gonna ask ya to help me out...i really wanted to try sex on the beach...but you just don't sound interested.... hmmm maybe someone else out there is willing to help???? Unless of course you change your mind.... *daizey*
  7. ew yes it is luckily i wasn't talking about that *daizey*
  8. not legal to drink but legal for other things *daizey*
  9. me? innocent?? hahaha, well, ok, if you two seem to think so.... *daizey*
  10. I am sooo proud of ya!! Congratulations, thats awesome!! I ca't imagine competing in the 200 fly...luckily i have been lucky enough not to be thrown into it. I remember being thrown into the 100, i thought i was gonna die then, i can't imagine adding on another 100! I am so happy for ya!!! Wish i could give ya a great big hug
  11. Just thought i would update you all and thank you all for the great advice....tonight i was called Daddy, so i feel much better about the whole being called mommy thing....i think....lol i am not sure what i think of being called daddy. You all were definitely right though, it was a game, guess it just caught me a little off guard....now she calls me her sister...now that i can deal with!
  12. Daizey

    Movin' On

    Hey thats near me!
  13. Lucky lucky girl!!! Yes they do, especially on college campuses. With this play being performed at our college for the first time, i think it raised a lot of awareness and our college declared our school to be a rape-free zone. Without raising the awareness, things will continue to keep going the way they are. Many colleges each year report that they had no violent, sexual, or harassment acts committed throughout the year. That sounds great, but sadly, its usually a lie.... *daizey*
  14. I was originally gonna post this in Women Only, but i changed my mind because really its good for anyone to see.... I saw the Vagina Monologues tonight performed here at my school. It was an excellent show! It was funny, serious, informative, and quite entertaining. Anyone else seen it? what did you think? The play was basically about somone who interviews all these women asking them questions about their vagina. The different monologues are definitely interesting as well as entertaining. Answere come form all ages-6 year old girls to 72 year old women i believe. Its really good.... A lot of the focus of it was violence and women in the world. A lot about women and empowerment against abuse, harrassment, and stuff of the sort. The talk a lot about vday. You will understand what vday is all about if you go see it...basically Vday is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. For more info, you can visit the vagina monologues website at.... http://www.vaginamonologues.com/index.html The play was reeeallly good, if you get the oppurtunity to go see it, go! You won't regret it. And its not just for women, Guys can go and enjoy it just as much.... Well, just thought i would share it with ya....anyone else seen it? If not you really should....
  15. both my dog and cat can-i think. Usually if i am sad, my little dog comes over, lies down next to me and puts his head down on my leg and just looks up at me...its so sweet. If i am lying down, he usually cuddles up with me and doesn't leave till i am happier. hehe soemtimes he even sighs after i do...awwww My cat will usually cuddle up with me too. hes really afffectionate, but i think when i am sad, hes even sweeter than usual
  16. hehehe...no its you! All you! I bet you aren't bored anymore.... *daizey*
  17. Daizey


    lol, well, it wasn't really a "family pet" it wasn't loved my everyone and all the same way our dog or cat are...to me right now, its just a fish that is in my freezer...ew! Oh and its big too!! This thing must've been like a foot long.... *daizey*
  18. Thanks guys....very practical advice...things i may not have thought of! I appreciate it! Its gonna be one interesting and very exciting trip...oh and by the way, roomie can't go Now its just the two of us...i think....
  19. Daizey


    Ok imagine you get hungary. You go to the fridge, nothing in there to eat. Onto the freezer...hmmm, whats this? pick it up, take out the bag...and omg you see one of your family pets! Our pacu (huuuuge fish-its part of the pirahna family) died last night, so what does my dad decide to do with it? he put it in the freezer! I woulda thought he woulda at least put it in the freezer in our basement but no, he put it in the one in the kitchen. "whats the difference, its in a ziplock baggie" EW! I told him he needed to get it outta there by the time i got home this weekend. He told me i needed to pay my lasts respects... ew ew ew. his plans are to take the thing sned it frozen to Georgia to my uncle who is gonna stuff it for him. Its then going to hang in our living room over our fishtanks. Why am i glad I don't live at home anymore? When i go home this weekend i certainly am not opening that freezer! My dad keeps telling me I am crazy. He syas its not that gross. I asked him when the thing would be shipped out-he said as soon as he hears back form my uncle (JT-tell you father to hurry up! that thing better be gone-soon!) Am i really that crazy? Or would that disgust you too?? And i thought that dead mouse was bad awhile back.... lol, ok, i am done rambling and complaining now, just figured i'd share my story with you.... *daizey*
  20. smartass, hahaha....but still so cute.... *daizey*
  21. Just got off the phone with my parents Explained to them my plan, the bus....staying with JT, seeing the country....cheaply... he was quiet then he says, well....sounds like a great oppurtunity, may never be able to do it again....i say go for it!!!! Yay!! So, looks like going out there will become definite very soon!!! Oh and perhaps making the boogie might be possible afterall!!! Woo hoo!!!!!