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Everything posted by Daizey

  1. sorry hon, but last time i checked, swim trunks were not categorized as proper racing suits! *daizey*
  2. they'll understand.... i swear!!!!! haha yeah sure they will. And i will also understand why i receive an F for the class!!! *daizey*
  3. oooh does that mean you'd be wearing a speedo? And you a;ways said you loved how a girl looked ina racing suit....ooooh lol, looks like i have a lot to look forward too
  4. haha unfortunately we won't make it there for the boogie, probably a week or two after its not possible for me to get out there sooner though. Thanks for the offer though
  5. Yep....as of right now i should be out there from the end of may into June. Heading out to California for part of it-i guess a weekend or something. Hope to meet up with dz.commers there too (especially one inparticular ) I can't wait....should be a good time
  6. Daizey


    how bout some famous person??? haha, we always had fun doing that. Someone like Marilyn Monroe or some something like that..... Just an idea *daizey*
  7. Nice job! I told you you would get between a 24 and 26 on that 50 free! 108 on the fly, huh? hmmm....with a little bit of work, i just might be able to beat ya afterall - or at least have fun trying hehe You up for the challenge? *daizey*
  8. lol, don't worry i will. And fun is right! Its gonna be a great trip! I will make the best of the bus!
  9. shhhhhh they don't know yet..... *daizey*
  10. Hey thanks! I gotta look into getting one of those...or just using my friends if i can lol haha I gotta thank ya soo much lolie, if it wasn't for you, this trip would be nonexistent right now! lol instead of sitting at home, i will be traveliing-lolie style (or trying lol) *daizey*
  11. haha. I figure, hey I'm young. May as well learn the hard way, right? lol, plus this is the cheapest way out there. All of us being college students and me planning on making my first jump while i am out there (maybe-if i can wait that long
  12. Too bad they're all very expensive! I looked at train prices....for 3 people to take amtrack cross country...its $1500!!! Plane is expensive too, and not sure i wanna do the plane thing-If i am going cross country, I wanna see it! Car would be wayyyy to expensive...gas, potential problems...plus ot would take longer cause we'd get tired. I'm really not minding the time its gonna take to geto out there, like i said i have some friends going and we're gonna have a good time on our way out! Plus, its all gonna be worth it when i get there....Vegas....Cali...Perris...get to see my coolest cuz...and some others....
  13. lol...hmmm...perhaps soemthign could be arranged
  14. Does anyone know how to get Greyhound coupon codes? Or any other discounts? Also, anyone care to share their experience/or any information regarding Greyhound? I maybe be travelling it soon, so I was looking for some info and ways to make it cheaper
  15. Hooray! I am so happy for ya! I'm so glad she's doing better!
  16. Daizey


    lol, i showed my roommate that, then i said, omg, what if one of those gets in here? or worse, what if its already IN here. My ears are still ringing from the ear piercing bloody murder scream she let out...... *daizey*
  17. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it!
  18. thanks what should i say if she does it again? I mean today i tried telling her that i wasn't her mom, and i got the response about her wishing i was her real mom. The thing that i thought about was that I am not even really a mother figure....neither is the other coach-well, he is more than I am at the age of 23, but I'm only 18... *daizey*
  19. ok I was at work today and an interesting situation came up and i didn't know how to respond to what happened at all. I work as a swimming coach at the pool on my campus. I coach a team of kids 4-10 years old. Usually I leave after practice, but today i stayed around to play with the kids. By 7:15 all but on e of the kids were gone. The one that remained was a little 5 year old girl (she was waiting for her older brither to finish swimming). The other coach was there with me (who happens to be a guy) as well, and we were just having some fun with her. We were playing in the water and just having a good time. All of a sudden she stops and says says "hey...." then bursts into giggles. She then says , "hehe i almost called you mommy and daddy" I was stunned, she said this right in front of her father! I just dropped it until a little while later. We were still playing when she started calling me mommy and him daddy. She jumps into my arms and yells "mommy mommy mommy". I was like, do you want her? and she said, nooo, you're my mommy. I said, nooooo. Then she says, "well....I like you more than my real mommy and daddy-so how bout you guys be them instead-please?" Then she tells us to hold hands with her so we can be "like a family" I don't know what to do! What if she tells her parents? Or what if they heard? I am sure her father did...i wonder whats going through his head? Sorry this is so lengthy but i really need some advice.... *daizey*
  20. I am sick Haven't moved from my bed in awhile. So instead of going out I had a friend come visit me. I was hoping she could chear me up Too bad she went to sleep *daizey*
  21. haha well, one good thing did happen....i fixed my computer! yay!
  22. haha thanks that actually brought a smile to my face
  23. This has been a horrible week. First, earlier this week i got snowed in, then i try to go out and find that practically all of the snow in the parking lot was plowed against my car It took 5 hours and a whole lot of guys pushing to get it out. Then yesterday i try to go on my computer when it decides to crash on me, causing me to lose EVRYTHING i had on it Thennn, i wake up this morning to find out that my fish died and that i am incredibly sick Can this week get any better? *daizey*
  24. oops, ya already beat me to it! lol *daizey*