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  1. hey i liked the video. it is very kewl and everytime that i think of givin up cause it is to hard i will think about that video and rember what my goal is thanks
  2. Hey Guy! this is Kim thanks for all the support. I am doing really well I can not wait to go skydiving.
  3. I can;t watch it anymore it is too sad.
  4. Today i was shopping with some friends and then my Dad called me to tell me that their was going to be a big bombing in Iraq. Then I started to think about what a girl my age would be doing, and it is not shopping she would be fearing for her life. It was a really weird realization.
  5. Hey, guys thanks for all the advise.
  6. I have always sayed the word like all the time my friends tell me that i am a blond with brown hair
  7. That really sucks i know how u feel not only can;t i spell but my hand writing sucks. But now i try and type everthing
  8. In New York State system (suny) their progams are not that great. The private colleges have better programs
  9. They both have good programs. This is like the hardest thing in the world
  10. Hey, it is ok. I jut thought that i would like explain that i am not just some bum that got in to college. That i really do have a reason why. Becoming pilot was a good idea
  11. ok listen i have a learning diablility i have dislexica i have a problem with spelling and stuff and this is not some formal thing if it was then i would have to go threw alot to make sure that everything is ok it takes me like all day to write a papper for this kinda stuff
  12. hey thanks viking, you know i can't spell
  13. The school that i go to now has like no partys we have to make the partys and sneek the beer on campus