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Everything posted by dqpacker

  1. would rather have them up on my fronts and down on the rears so that it isn't over my control lines.
  2. LOL nope. and for the dousches saying that ground launching a parachute is not appropriate... what do you think of the GLX? Is that apropriate? what do you think about skydiving a GLX? no? that's because its not a skydiving canopy, not saying you can't ground launch a skydiving canopy but your example doesn't work.
  3. rings bouncing around on my lines and slinks is extra wear i don't need. btw the design looks nice, just asking questions.
  4. do the rings slide over the dive loops? now with big grip dive loops i could see the small rings not being big enough to go over them.
  5. I kinda do. But saying they are overpriced and overrated is not really far from the truth. You can get a quality suit from Bev, Tony, or even Deepseed for half the price of a LS. Let's see who usually buys LS (my experience and observations): 1. The cool kids..or those who think they are cool as shit because they know staff at a DZ. 2. The rich kids...or those who get mommy and daddy to pay for a LS tunnel suit just so they can compete in tunnel days (mind you half these kids don't even skydive). 3. The select few...or those who really truely have skills to pay the bills. 4. The non select few...or those who are posers (again with just alot of money to throw around when they could have gotten any other suit that does just about the same thing). it's like buying a Vector container fitting a 190 and having it embroiled Micron Series on the side wall. So who's really buying LS....mainly those people who have money to throw around (which really tells them alot about them) when they could get any other suit that fulfills the same role. Liquidsky is a status thing...just like how people buy BMW or Ferrari to show off. Just saying Really? Have you had suits from all of those manufacturers and can attest to those claims? I have, and I'll tell you what, you get what you pay for with your LS suit. First suit out of the bunch that has taken the tunnel and sky beating for the last five years and just never quits. No rips, no tears, no nothing. That thing is a beast. AND, the customer service and attention to detail is second to none. I had problems with most of my other suits from other companies when I got them, IE: wrong colors, wrong cut, poorly fitted, etc, etc. Julio got it right the first time, and he did it with ease. Just my .02 and experience with all of that. ETA to the OP: check with simonbones on here. He's known for his... well..... his bones 300 jumps in 7 years. you had your LS for the past 5 so maybe 200 jumps on your suit, plus some tunnel time. not that much time on your suit for a accurate test of the suit for wear. I like my LS suit but i got it cheap for a staff suit. Would I buy another one? If I need some amazing artwork on a suit, yes. I think SimonBones suit is a Kurupee.(sp) And who would want to look like Simon anyways?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCPEfZr7-24 any guesses? this shit's getting ridiculous. give me money for my secret stunt. must not be that good if redbull won't front the money.
  7. how is this dangerous? it's his own locks and chains. he should let someone else lock him up with out "stunt" locks. this is really lame stunt in skydiving, good press, but lame.
  8. Kevin ended up making 151 jumps. Congrats buddy, you are a true inspiration. Thanks for letting me come along on your final jump of the day.
  9. Kevin made 100 one armed skydives in just under 11 hours. He is still going at 110 or so. He plans on jumping until in to the night. Proud to pack for him and proud to call him a friend. You the Man Kevin!
  10. Kevin started jumping this morning at 5am. He has 20 jumps so far and is on a short break now at 7:30am. Kevin broke the record for most one armed skydives at jump 9. http://www.perfectjumps.com/ Keep it up Kevin!
  11. I say you are doing fine. please down size and stay calm.
  12. this is sickening but not shocking knowing the owner and his dirty marketing.
  13. what ever way is the quickest, so you don't piss off groups behind you. And if your team/group has a long climb out and count, you don't need to watch the group before you's points on the hill. Get the fuck out! Also if you are training, take a 10.5k foot pass.
  14. this dude doesn't make the best choice's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWWP4Mp9DHg removing the rsl while trying this isn't a bad idea imo. make sure that the canopy is cleared before reserve deployment.
  15. swooping is still banned. but doing down planes on highly loaded canopies with a big flag in between them is still ok. looks like the end is near for lodi. my guess is bills getting ready to retire.
  16. sent my broken VisoII back to Denmark 3weeks ago yesterday. a new one showed up exactly 3 weeks later. thanks L&B!
  17. any tunnel suit will be fine in the sky, not all sky suits are good for the tunnel.
  18. can you not read? or do you choose not to before posting?