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Everything posted by mistercwood

  1. I figure the only reason Trump hasn't come at her is firstly, it's his exact words so it can't be spun as "misquoting", and secondly it would be the most meta thing in the world if she got to do a new vid based on him criticising her personally.
  2. Can you elaborate how though? I'm just not seeing it. One wants the platform to be accountable for user content, and thus monitor/police said content. The other wants the platform to stay the fuck away from the user content and let them post anything they want.
  3. I don't get what your point here is, Trump and Biden are taking almost completely opposite stances. The article re: Biden has him wanting to remove the protections that social media companies currently have from the content posted on their platforms, making them put better efforts into policing and removing inappropriate content. Trump is wanting to prevent social media from policing content (specifically his) so that lies and propaganda get left alone. You can critique Biden's hardline approach for sure, but you really can't paint this as hypocrisy.
  4. And if I recall correctly, that is both in per capita AND absolute numbers.
  5. Dude, just no. Olof has been clear and reasonable in their case and I don't know why you're looking so damned hard for something to oppose here.
  6. I don't get the flu shot, because my normal immune system kills off almost anything the world throws at me - I've had a handful of colds in the last decade, the flu maybe twice across the last two decades. I'm still pretty sure I'll take the vaccine for this when it's ready.
  7. While it's certainly wise to take China's numbers with a grain of salt, I have absolutely zero doubt that they got their outbreak under control early on. If transmission and subsequent deaths had continued at the original rates you literally could not hide the presence of that many bodies.
  8. I think the numbers right now give us very good guidelines, but as with any pandemic the real numbers aren't going to get locked down (as much as they can be, anyway) until after we're through it. For every case that the "it's no big deal" crowd say is an over-report (the ones allegedly where a shooting death got listed as CV-19 because they had symptoms), there's probably going to be an early case that was listed as pneumonia that counts as an under-report. Not taking sides here, just saying the early data has a lot of uncertainty.
  9. What am I wrong about? Be sure to provide a quote where I've made any kind of judgement on the subject at hand. Good luck.
  10. I'm not mad, just really, really disappointed.
  11. Not to pile on, but this bit is genuinely perplexing. The quotes you started this thread with and think are just great only work as a "gotcha" by removing the context of when they were written, and that they got their info from the admin. Why is context only relevant when you're defending a press sec statement, but not when she removes it? Anywho putting all that aside - we now have a large enough sample size to know that absolutely anyone that Trump appoints as press sec is going to lie, lie about those lies, spin everything and anything like a centrifuge, and lie about having done any of these things. The role has absolutely no integrity or earned trust anymore.
  12. Honestly I don't hate the idea, I just am extremely wary of Zoom itself. They have an atrocious security record in recent years, and their attitude when exploits are raised to them has been just as bad in many cases. For the curious, this was the first one I was made aware of (last year): https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/zoom-zero-day-4-million-webcams-maybe-an-rce-just-get-them-to-visit-your-website-ac75c83f4ef5 EDIT: Added link.
  13. That's gross too. I'm planning my 40th for later this year and (even if I were single) I would have no interest in dating a 20 year old - our wildly differing life experience just wouldn't make it viable. On the plus side, at least you seem to be migrating from "it's just harmless fun" to recognising "sexualising literal children is creepy as fuck". Keep at it, you'll get there soon enough.
  14. "Trump is quoted as telling two 14-year-old girls at a holiday-singing gathering that “in a couple of years I’ll be dating you.” My maths is fine. Also in the example you've chosen to highlight, he'd be 56 when dating the 20 year old.
  15. Dude. Just no. A 46 year old "joking" to a teenager about dating them when they'll still be a minor is fifty shades of wrong.
  16. The irony of this thread's initial premise is that it acknowledges right off the bat that Trump's handling of this crisis has been absolute dogshit and may damage his re-election chances. This was a perfect opportunity for him to rise to the challenge and actually show the world he can do the job he was elected to do - and if he'd done that, he'd have secured another term with ease. Regarding the question posed in the OP - I'm not happy that he's fucked up the response, because I have friends and family all across the US who are at risk from his inactions and I'm not a psychopath.
  17. You're not this dumb. EDIT: I just saw your earlier edit, missed it before. I retract my generous assertion.
  18. You're not ready yet, daily cases have not reduced nearly enough. These figures are WITH the restrictions you've been facing, lift those and they will explode. EDIT: For comparison, here's Australia's figures (yes, I know the population totals and densities aren't entirely comparable). Aside from a few dumb misteps, we locked down early and we locked down hard. We're just now starting to ease things up a little.
  19. It's well established that Brent will never listen to reason on this specific topic, but this might be of use to others as a neat illustration when debating the "iT wAs wArMeR iN tHe pAsT" brigade: https://xkcd.com/1732/
  20. If they ever do Hands Across America again, at least everyone can breathe easy knowing you got it covered with that reach.
  21. a) He didn't tell anyone specifically to inject themselves. b) No media outlet is stating that he specifically told people to inject themselves - you've been corrected on this already. c) Suggesting in a live broadcast that injection was a possibility worth investigating is the idea of a naive child or an adult moron. d) Trump is 73.
  22. Greta has been part of a bunch of viral comedy vids, and is aussie like me, but I couldn't have told you her name. Like, I used quotes on "celebrity" for a reason. I don't think it's unreasonable for her to call out celebrities like Ellen saying quarantine is like prison, or JT saying full time parenting is an insane workload that's unimaginable because it's the first time he's had to do it. The platform's just aren't comparable. EDIT: Wait, maybe I'm misunderstanding - are you thinking Mark's calling out Greta as a hypocrit? I thought he just posted the vid because it's funny.
  23. Yesterday, this post had over a hundred views and no responses after 6 hours, and this was a good thing. Then all it took was added bait from the second most ignorable poster on the entire forum, and you all had to take a bite. This was a great opportunity to leave him shouting into the void, and you failed. Every one of you should be ashamed.