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Everything posted by mistercwood

  1. Bullshit. Cops aren't random civilians, they're trained and authorised with the usage of much different force levels. They are to be held to a much, much higher standard due to the power they wield.
  2. I did the googles to see what happened with this poor guy. He was murdered, with the suspect at large and no motive known at this time. Floyd was killed by an on-duty officer of the law while in custody and presenting no threat. If Trammel's killer turns out to be a police officer, you *might* have the teensiest connection to tie the two together. Except, not really. And honestly we can all be pretty damn confident that's not going to be the case. The reaction is different because the motive and power differentials are different. This isn't hypocrisy.
  3. I genuinely think he'd be relieved (but never admit it) if he loses. He doesn't want the actual job, he wants the attention and the adulation. Losing is the best of all worlds for him - he gets to go off and do whatever he wants again, while still claiming everything was rigged against him and claim how badly he was wronged.
  4. I'd argue the intent of the power they are rebelling against is intrinsic to the message being portrayed, so any equivalence is kind of being shoehorned in there. The intent of the power in the original is to control the people for their own gain. The intent of the power in your version is to get people to take basic steps to help protect the populace at large. There's arguments to be made about how well thought out the implementation of those protective steps is, but the intent remains benign.
  5. Ok in that context I can see what you're getting at, and yeah I could see them unironically using it without any awareness of RATM's political leanings. It wouldn't be the first time people have completely missed the point of certain songs lol... Born in the USA springs to mind.
  6. But this is exactly my point. You don't have a free market. You have an incumbent industry who has been - and continues to be - propped up, and a newcomer being denied the same benefits then pointed at as unable to compete on its merits.
  7. You always tout how great FF's are - cheap, abundant, plenty of established infrastructure - and that Renewables just can't compete and shouldn't be given a leg up. Yet FF's have been subsidised heavily for most of the last century, hell to this day the industry is still propped up by your tax dollars. If you were being consistent, you'd be calling for an end to FF subsidies and a boost to renewable investment to the same level and length of time.
  8. "I've found myself very annoyed with the rise of right-wing populism," he said. "So I thought I'd do my own thing to push back against them." Except all he did was add fuel to the fire. None of the people he targeted were ever going to be concerned with the legitimacy of threats, just the fact that these things were online gets them added to the pile of nebulous examples they can use when rage-posting. Honestly by the end of the article all I thought of this guy was "oh yay, another fuckwit desperate for attention online"...
  9. While I know this is a joke, and don't want to sidetrack things too much, this is the only part of Space Force that actually makes logical sense. Spending extra cash on designing and implementing a brand new uniform for the branch would have been a complete waste of time and money - slapping SF patches on existing in-use camo is an almost refreshing example of thriftiness.
  10. Ben Shapiro - it “suggests all pathways to success — hard work, stable family structure, individual decision-making — represent complicity in white supremacy.” Trump Jr - “These aren’t ‘white’ values. They’re American values that built the world’s greatest civilization. They help you succeed here, no matter your color. So make no mistake, Biden’s radicals aren’t coming for ‘whites,’ they’re coming for the entire American way of life.” The actual origins of the chart (it's older than I am): The chart came from a 1978 book, “White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training” by Judy H. Katz, according to the museum. It lists about 50 attributes white people used to describe their culture. These attributes, it said, “have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States. And since white people still hold most of the institutional power in America, we all have internalized some aspects of white culture, including people of color.” Man, the bigots are SO close to gaining self-awareness, I'm sure they'll get it sooner or later...
  11. The first time I saw the photos of the wife in particular and how she was holding the pistol, my immediate thought was, "She has never fired that weapon in her entire life". Being in Aus my firearms experience is limited - but not non-existent - and I am always fascinated by people who are the loudest and most passionate about gun rights frequently being the absolute worst with safety. My last trip to the range a few months back, there were 2 separate examples: First was a father/son duo, who failed at following the most basic initial instructions of the RSO - "Please stop trying to set up your bench right now, we just called cease fire and are clearing the range so people can go check/change targets". Had to have it explained about 3 times in increasingly basic language to get him to just stand still for 5 minutes until told he was clear to proceed. Second was a solo shooter with all the bells and whistles on his rifle. On at least two occasions I watched him reposition the entire rig (clumsily, not ready to shoot) while leaving his finger on the trigger. All of them were South African, a very pro-gun country last I checked.
  12. My (obviously anecdotal) perspective: I have parents of different nationalities, so subsequently have family (and friends) spread all across Australia and the USA. Out of all the parents among them, the only one who has had to have The Talk with their kid about how to act around cops so you don't get dead is my cousin in Boston with a mixed race son. He's also the only one I'm aware of who had a complete stranger go off at him in a store for the colour of his skin. He's 9.
  13. Thankfully all indications are the investigators saw through that bullshit excuse instantly, based on some of the quotes.
  14. Those certainly might be the responses they use, but they in no way qualify as counter-arguments...
  15. Yes. When dealing with infectious disease, your choices impact on other peoples bodies, so the connection you are trying to make is invalid.
  16. Two weeks, a visual aid:
  17. No one on this forum is extreme left or even remotely close to it. Like, maybe Funjumper101? I think I've seen them post maybe twice in the last year or so, and I pay as much attention to their screeching as the right-wing noise-machine who's gone quiet lately. If you are absolutely married to this idea that extreme left thinking is infecting this place, you need to start putting up some concrete examples for reference - I'm happy to listen if you can list something to debate. Others have already pointed out how badly you missed with your poster example, so I'm not going to pile on there.
  18. 1. Yes, all the time. 2. No. It looked bad enough without the overlay, but someone else did it and saved me the effort of doing it myself. I assessed the composite against the source, and concluded it was legit. I used to use Photoshop professionally, I'm not a novice to judging fakes or creating composites myself. My turn. Has it occurred to you at any stage of your unending water carrying for Trump under the guise of "centrism" that he is an OBJECTIVELY shitty president, just like he was an OBJECTIVELY shitty candidate? Condemnation of Trump does not in any fucking way equal condemnation of conservatism. He is not a conservative. He never was. It does not reflect on YOU in any way to admit as such. I genuinely miss when you used to contribute to this forum as a voice and perspective I may not have otherwise considered. All this cheerleading for an absolute dumpster-fire of a human being is beneath you.
  19. That's why dog whistles are designed the way they are, yes. So that you can leap to defend what is at a bare minimum an insanely tone-deaf design. You're not the target of the whistle. I mean I still don't really think it's necessarily on purpose. But on the other hand I'm also well aware that Stephen Miller is one of the few OG members of the admin who's still on staff, and that little lizard man is a stone cold fascist.
  20. Well yes, that is how you would overlay one over the other to show the glaring similarities. Do you mean it's been significantly manipulated in some way? If so can you elaborate please? I mean, I don't honestly think they did this on purpose, I think they're so fundamentally incompetent that they wouldn't even think to review any problematic alignments. There's literally dozens of eagle examples already in use that they could riff off (all facing left), they just happened to choose the clip-art** of the one facing right, that also matches the direction of known Nazi iconography. **They are also too cheap and unoriginal to commission new media, they apparently just made basic alterations to something they found online. Absolutely on-brand for Trump tbh.
  21. Just an innocent coincidence guys.
  22. It's amazing that the "martyr" narrative is still doing the rounds. The only people using the M-word are conservative talking heads angrily insisting he not be held up as one - meanwhile I have heard literally NOONE on the left use the term. It is completely and utterly a made up narrative.
  23. Still a very, very, very long way to go before this plays out: