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Everything posted by hooligan

  1. id prefer to not talk about snowmobiles..infact i think we should forget about winter as a whole
  2. well, i see that "work" is figurative term, liz..
  3. every one can just start refering to me as KING RAY!!!!
  4. all i gots to say is: thats a lot of blue
  5. theres snow on the ground, and i'm at work....me thinks i'm screwed adam j
  6. i dont know that id credit thin lizzy with it either..seeing as its a couple of hundred irish folk song adam j
  7. anyone with good credit is making damn few skydives ;)
  8. i really cannot explain why i started jumping..maybe "this" is just what people like "us" do cant say as i regret any of it. infact i cherish the day i started. fly and be free is how it was put to me, and i sorta liked the ring of it.
  9. in a wing suit? hmmm? think maybe you could kick like a dolphin as you would while swimming butterfly?? dont make me buy a wing suit to try it! adam
  10. i dig the one where lisa goes vegitarian......te congo line of "you can t win friends with salad" is classic.
  11. i'll be forced to agree with vertifly on this one...there both passions.
  12. there are few things in the world that compare to throwing rounds down range with a SAW and fun with a daisy chains. that, and you are a truely sick individual
  13. hooligan

    Purity Test

    YEA!!!!!! 23rd percentile
  14. i'm working and the weather is shite....but out end of season party is tonite!!!! were gonna party like retarded midgets
  15. search and thee shall find http://www.skydivetecumseh.com/
  16. liz, i would not joke about sucha catastrophe as snow flurries.. me thinks its a conspriacy of sorts
  17. i was just out side and its snowing...may i weep now??
  18. i finally got ma A last weekend at 165 jumps. i was to bust havin fun to be troubled with a test .. adamj
  19. in the above article it said that you must possess a B license...i was under the impression that you did not have to be USPA affiliated to attend and jump at the WFFC. am i correct on the notion? adam out
  20. was with the 3rd ranger battalion...enjoyed my time at ft benning and abroad. got out as an e-4 i'm a civilian now, and my hair is long. but i still believe i'm a hooah adam j
  21. when i was a boy, my pops told me that the older i got, the less friends id have...it took about 15 years for me to understand just what it was he was really saying. adam j
  22. welcome, from a fellow michigander! jumping is sparse these days, but its not unheard of adam j
  23. hooligan


    plato? isnt that the clay like stuff that i would eat when i was a wee lad?