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Everything posted by happythoughts

  1. The best power shift that a president can aide is the appointment of a SC justice. It doesn't matter what laws are passed by Congress if the SC interprets them to apply in tandem with their goals. The SC has been stepping on rulings of lower courts and trashing states rights for years. The legislation of states is valueless.
  2. The constitution states general guidelines. Then, the laws passed by Congress define them. There are many laws that protect us from things like "upskirt videos" in public, or people exposing a womens breasts in a public area, or touching children in private areas of their bodies. There are laws against all these things, for good reasons, and there are videos/links posted on this thread that illustrate all these examples. In one link that I posted, they frisked a young child because she wouldn't stand still enough for the scanner. Frisking a screaming 3 yo., that makes me feel safer.
  3. gift wanted Make sure to read the comments "To boldly go where no man..."
  4. Rapiscan Todays nomination for the most ironic name for a product. Rapiscan Secure 1000
  5. The situation is like when a mentally-challenged person learns skills or knowledge that everyone else knows. "Oh, look! The Pope just tied his shoes. Yaayyy"
  6. Most of his memorial is based on the romantic ideal of "what could have been" without any actual proof. There are many instances of celebrities that we romanticize because they died at the peak of their careers, before reality set in. While "good intentions", his social programs were largely failures that were gutted by his own party over the years. A presidency is the composite of many programs.
  7. "what a nice guy... i hope he finishes sweeping before my b/f gets here."
  8. my cousin is an avid golfer. there are lots of movies about golf. fun, enjoyable to watch, but unrealistic. his comment, "it's just a movie. i'm watching it for entertainment."
  9. 7.According to a British law passed in 1845, attempting to commit suicide was a capital offense. Offenders could be hanged for trying. In the US, suicide is illegal, but the mandatory sentence is life in prison. 9.Cat's urine glows under a blacklight. Health inspectors use blacklights to find rats by the urine trail. You don't want to know. 11.Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants Donald was on Dr Phil to discuss his long-term relationship that he has had with Daisy and the undetermined real relationship with his 3 "nephews".
  10. in the late 70s, the police closed a bar. they had two pages of legal paper with names. your name was on the list, you had a warrant. that is the legal way. a couple of year ago, a friend went to bonaroo. cops searched whatever cars they wanted to, at the gate. complaints were handled as, "so? call the chief and complain." they confiscated a bunch of pot. so, it goes on in the US. who can you complain to?
  11. Some movie where it seems like somebody's neighbors got together and made it themselves. Sci-Fi always has a head start on this. It easy to remember the guy pushing the Chinese dragon (Mothra) out of a subway tunnel. Or Day of the Triffids, where the trees would pull up roots and chase people down. (We've had summers here in Fla like that. The trees were so dry, they'd chase the dogs down)
  12. I hear that the best religion to change your lightbulbs is the Pentecostals. They've got their hands in the air anyway.
  13. Next time I'm in an airport, I'm going to chat with the nice woman in line behind me wearing a burkha. I'm going to mention that the scanner sees right through your clothes. ...and the pat-down begins in 3... 2... - no wait - That would be violating the religious principles... I'll bet anyone that there has never been a pat-down of a woman wearing a burkha because (get this) it is offensive. Ironic. That makes your head hurt.
  14. No one's stopping you from putting on a tiara in Florida. I'm just sayin'. I was at Couch Freaks the weekend that Princess Di was killed. I was in town and the ATM didn't work. That Sunday, I bought a paper. I found out that the ATM network had issues for a while. Also, the printer for the Univ of Iowa has misspelled the word "University" on their diplomas. And, sadly, Di was in the car wreck. (Not making light of someones death.) However, all that news was on page 3. One third of the front page of the Des Moines Register (newspaper) was a pic of a two-headed pig. That's just weird.
  15. Has it? Can you link news stories where the TSA have captured terrorist that were about to board an airplane that supports your claim? Logical flaw time. The 9/11 terrorists gained control of the aircraft. They flew the airplanes. These TSA idiots are frisking the airline pilots for whatever they think the pilots are going to use to take over the aircraft. Newsflash !! They ARE in control of the aircraft. They don't need nailclippers to take it over. Ask the TSA if they know where the crash-axe is kept. Retards.
  16. ...and today's lawsuit that illustrates (again) that groping is a TSA agent goal, not a duty. clicky "just have to watch the video" ? F-in really ? Thrown in jail for complaining about that ? I'm done. Police are the people who are supposed to protect me from molesters. Where is the police protection now ?
  17. How many evangelists does it take to change a lightbulb? None, it must Repent From It's Darkness.
  18. It's the fascination with the life. No basic job, all the money, fame, fashion. What's not to like ? I'm going to run for King in the US.
  19. TSA Opt Out Day - Kilts National Opt Out Day is a plan for Nov 24th, the busiest day of the year. You opt out of the scanner and choose to get the "frisky frisk" about your naughty bits. This guy has come up with a novel twist. Traveling without underwear is not illegal. Show up wearing a kilt sans underwear. Perhaps a little Vaseline applied in little clumps... That should get that party started.