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Everything posted by happythoughts

  1. Two groups - 1- people who would like to receive money from the taxes the govt collects. 2- people that those people would like to be taxed (the "rich" others). Definition of rich - people who make twice as much as the person you are asking. (It doesn't matter who you ask)
  2. Namazu Earthquakes happen in Japan all the time. Seems like something would be done to placate this fish. Perhaps we now just recognize that it was the tale of a fish, and not a provable fact. There is no scientific evidence to disprove the existence of the fish. Plate tectonics is merely a theory also, as no one has ever personally journeyed miles and miles into the crust. People in California could do some fish-praying and get their daily earthquakes under control too. Anyway, no Christians should laugh at this deity until they have provided proof that it does not exist.
  3. I question one set. Who would want to pay for a set that small ? Most aren't going to stand out like a shelf after the age of 17. So, large non-sloping ones are fake. Do I care? No. My main interest is that they are naked.
  4. that's based on the theory that attractive women will not treat you as well as less attractive ones.
  5. After you pay taxes on your income, the rest should be yours and you can do what you want with it. I should be able to give my money to anyone I choose. Only thieves believe they have the right to take it.
  6. they don't realize that your story is your life, not fiction. :)
  7. Jerry Bird once told me, "If you don't want to go low, don't go below the formation." That is the most infuriating statement in the world. Guy Wright - organization and fine tuning. hard work. Boxman - design, skills, and engineering. Sally H - improving my flying.
  8. I told K, "The party was going well right up until the stabbing." (Among my social skills, Consolation isn't a strength for me)
  9. I was told by a person who did time for burglary that he cased a place by riding his bicycle down a street. You can ride a bicycle as slow and casually as you wish. Plenty of time to look. At 8am, which ones had cars. At 10am, which cars are gone. He robbed people when they weren't home. A quick picture would have gone a long way, in terms of describing people to the police. We don't get a lot of walking traffic because the rednecks that cause trouble do not like the neighborhood. (our rednecks vs other rednecks) A scruffy look is always a bad sign. Bums will steal anything because they aren't afraid of jail.
  10. It isn't some "consciousness" issue. It is an attempt by primitive people to answer what they do not understand. Perhaps if they understand, they won't be frightened. Today, we all know that Thor caused lightning from the sparks on his anvil and thunder from the sound of his hammer hitting the anvil. Thor is a blacksmith and people can identify with that. Good thing that we have that explained now. Now if we could only get the water-sprite out of the stream because he keeps poisoning the water in the summer.
  11. happythoughts


    I enjoyed it because it is great science fiction. You invent your own world. Modify the structure of the society, add/subtract some rules or assumptions. Good sci-fi is sociological. Tron did that. It plays a good game of "what if".
  12. Some of the Democrats favorite presidents are from the South - Carter, LBJ... even Clinton. I'm sure that they would be objecting if someone made such statements about an area of Central America. That would be a discriminatory statement about a region. Remember the Bill Clinton statements in NC and Miss during the Hillary campaign? No apology ever occurred. This is just another example of the thinly veiled racism, sexism, and discrimination that exists in the Dem party. Wait for it... "just kidding"
  13. the Grinch who stole reality A possibility of some Christmas stabbin' going on. (After all, so many candy cane stabbings have happened before. Columbine, for instance.) When Christmas candy is outlawed, only Jews will have candy... or something. Wait til the school admins find out that the students have The Sharpened Pencils of Death. The solution to suicide is... less happiness? What school of logic teaches that little gem?
  14. At last, a one-sided issue in SC. Everyone agrees that you don't need to apologize for saying "Christmas". Well... it's early yet. Next Christmas, someone's fee-wings will get hurt and... Interesting. Either I am the only one who reads the news on the Interwebs, or the only one unafraid to speak. I can understand if it were Spain or Britain. The political climate there limits use of "offensive" religious phrases, but the US ? Christmas? Really?
  15. If a person earns money, and saves it, they have the right to give it to anyone they want. However, BF believes you do not have that right because those people have not earned it. He and I disagree. I don't care if my kids did not earn my money, I did. BF believes that only he can determine what is right, or who has rights.
  16. Two great suggestions. Catballs (pic attached). For the cat-servant in your life.
  17. i'm in fla. all the ice is smaller and cubicle. where in fla are ya? zhills. oh you are just BARELY warmer than us. it's 42 here in Jax, I think it's 43 there... true. i just like to tease our friends in The Great White North that it is rare when an entire building freezes. plus, i think it is a cool pic. i like the pics of boats going through the arctic also.
  18. i'm in fla. all the ice is smaller and cubicle. where in fla are ya? zhills.
  19. According to JA, the truth will not make you look bad - well... except if it looks bad. JA, the new champion of privacy.
  20. i'm in fla. all the ice is smaller and cubicle.
  21. if you click on the video, a voice, that sounds like a stoner, will tell you all about it. lighthouse is in the US on Lake Erie. water blowing off the lake during freezing temps.
  22. Lake Erie lighthouse Complaining about your drive to work ?
  23. I thought this was going to be a re-hash of Prince Edward and that American strumpet.
  24. Nina What is the "approved" list? I was at a... birthday party Hannukah party anniversary party wedding reception bar mitzvah Is the unapproved list just Christmas parties? Could she have said that about parties for other religious groups without immediate outcry? Last week, I attended a Christmas music special at the local junior college. I was invited by the clarinet player. He told me that many great Christmas musicals were written by people who were Jewish... like him. I'm not religious at all. I listen to NPR most mornings. This is just stupid.