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Everything posted by happythoughts

  1. at the outset, it seems like a bad idea. probably just alien teenagers anyway. flying around the galaxy, knocking over mailboxes on rural roads. nabbing some drunk rednecks and probing them. i mean really, "wanna look out the window at the wonders of the universe... or look up Wilfreds butt ?" it makes no sense otherwise. however, the parallel is when the vikings used to stroll around and nab the hot chicks. ("pillage, then burn" - order is important) so, if aliens are doing that - some areas seem to be hit more often. are these just the alien version of hot chicks that they are nabbing for a quickie on the spaceship? is it better to be considered hot by aliens or not ?
  2. Your participle is dangling. He ended a clause with a preposition. Wholly different infraction! Bill, I think you need to be spanked instead! is "willing victim" an oxymoron ?
  3. How about Regional GL Commander? (grammar librarian) If I tried to be the GP and point people to this list whenever they make one of these mistakes, I would irritate too many people. http://www.skydivestlouisarea.com/misused.htm there is a certain level of public image for the job, so you'd have to get a haircut. ;)
  4. let it go. the world is too big a place. perhaps he will talk her into a tandem and bring her out to the dz. all will be clear then.
  5. Your participle is dangling. it has been mentioned before. i can see that this should be a team effort. perhaps a committee should be formed. rules and such. maybe just one Moderator per forum. that would take the pressure off of the self-appointed ones that lack any real power to take action. put some teeth into it and people would not be so chalant about this. two errors a week and it's a week off.
  6. In that case, one would leave "got" out of the sentence. sometimes, people confuse "i ain't got no learning" as a double-negative. if you leave out the "no", then it is a denial of all knowledge. you have to identify that small volume that can be taught to tourists.
  7. exactly. who's to know? it's not just the grammarization to contend with, it's the spelling too. far too much for one person to deal with. content of a post is almost inconsequential compared to the lasting impact of a misspelled word. even if the basic premise is correct, shouldn't it really be deleted to protect the public ? let's not think short-term here. think of the little children.
  8. on the interwebs, i keep seeing the Grammar Police correcting spelling/grammar because it is such a necessity. after all, who will stop this appalling tragedy from continuing, if not the brave actions of this tireless few ? my favorite was today. "he IS in Florida so how many people will even notice it's got so many spelling mistakes?" someone from the GP was mistaken in the correction. should have been "it has got", not "it is got". so, isn't it about time that someone assumed a supervisory role in these instances ? should we involve the TSA ? i need contact information for the Regional GP Commander.
  9. it is less irritating to have a discussion about childish illusions with a child. when adults start talking about their invisible friend with superpowers, it is immediately boring because they should know better. to redirect back to the original question... patience shortens a little each time the topic comes up. (even if they have a special book, with secret knowledge and the decoder ring)
  10. 4yo: Superman can fly and has superpowers, is superstrong and is really good. adult: Honey, Superman is just a comic book. Somebody wrote that. It is just a story. 4yo: No it isn't. I read it. It's real. adult: (growing exasperated) 4yo: (growing insistent) I can prove it. Look at my book.
  11. roommate. i had two. the key is picking good ones and having clear house rules. check among your friends at school. like-minded serious students. it can save you time. - whoever cooks, the others clean and put away. - everyone does one evening of cleaning of the common area each week. (if you are a slob, keep your door closed.) you split the bills. rent and electric. so, that solves two problems. less time spent on chores and paying some bills.
  12. there are two types of article writers. ones that cover the topic in one article. ones that cover the topic in a series of articles, each more exciting than the least. which one gets more publicity and gets paid more money?
  13. put the spark back into your relationship Just getting the information out...
  14. Earthquakes happen in Japan all the time. Seems like something would be done to placate this fish. Perhaps we now just recognize that it was the tale of a fish, and not a provable fact. There is no scientific evidence to disprove the existence of the fish. Plate tectonics is merely a theory also, as no one has ever personally journeyed miles and miles into the crust. People in California could do some fish-praying and get their daily earthquakes under control too. Anyway, no Christians should laugh at this deity until they have provided proof that it does not exist. There have been over a dozen recent earthquakes in California. People, please, we must placate Namazu with offerings. Think of the little children.
  15. Like most towns, it was named for its most prominent citizen - my great, great grandmother. In the US, we have a national park named by French explorers. Grand Tetons.
  16. (former airlock owner) The main advantage is that they are more difficult to collapse. That is considered a safety advantage. If there was a style of canopy that collapsed a lot, they would not be in business long. So, most canopies are reasonably safe about this (except if you are flying in 25mph rotors - you can't fix stupid). The major advantage is not a huge problem among other canopies. The disadvantage is that in a 10mph wind, you can't easily walk back to the packing mat because they stay inflated unless you wrestle with them. Personal experience - I consistently had my softest openings in the approx 700 jumps.
  17. Anyone who is associated with the SPLC has lost all credibility in my view. I base this on their decades of history as the worst type of attorneys. They stir anger and use it to make money. Their style is that of "making money through Victimology". Anyone who has ever actually read any of his articles would not quote him.
  18. the best in subliminal advertising
  19. exactly. if 8 items are character, then it is a good list. why should people decry the list because it contains one item regarding one expectation of good health?
  20. People only support the rules when the rules support them. When people are young and attractive, they are in favor of all the advantages that youth and looks provide them. When looks fade, they are in support of the idea that personality and character are now the most valuable. Unfortunately, there isn't any absolute linkage between age and increase in character. Character is just as easy to find in the attractive. In many cases, it follows the rule of the Tea Ceremony. A person who works diligently in one aspect of their life, is more likely to work diligently in others. Continue your search.
  21. someone who gets a $3.5 million inheritance... When your parents die, I want all their money given to me, not you. sounds like you want to have inheritance tax at 100% - the majority of us just want to double the present rate (that still leaves $1.75 million to inherit tax free) - much more sensible wouldn't you agree
  22. someone who gets a $3.5 million inheritance... When your parents die, I want all their money given to me, not you. sounds like you want to have inheritance tax at 100% - the majority of us just want to double the present rate (that still leaves $1.75 million to inherit tax free) - much more sensible wouldn't you agree
  23. someone who gets a $3.5 million inheritance... When your parents die, I want all their money given to me, not you. (Since you are ok with that. We'll call it a tax. I have determined that I am more deserving of it than you. According to you, your parents have no right to determine where their money goes.)