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Everything posted by timski

  1. BEER after jump time IS the time for serious debriefs... Stay in the harness, it gets easier, we promise! I have an opinion on tunnel time, It can't replace the plane... Speaking of, what are you jumping from? If you truly feel that your not getting everything you could from the staff, go somewhere else(with a big plane!).
  2. step 1, get licensed. step 2, buy gear. Any questions? Most DZ's will provide ALL equipment needed for students and as stated above, for safety concerns first and foremost. Gloves and goggles are a good first step. ASK your instructors NOT the trolls!!! lol
  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/american-woman-23-australian-boyfriend-24-found-dead-along-highway-n1031981 BAD people know no boundaries.
  4. The same basic info you will find on any search engine... telephone, addresses, and possible family members... It's the links they provide that send you to PAY for more info... TROLL Alert.
  5. The Sabre 1 has a long history of "hard openings", hence the need for the "2"! You should have scored yourself a nice 7 cell. ;^) Pack for yourself, that way you know who to thank for the opening!
  6. Stay focused on the topic please, "The thinning of the heard". Who, where, why and how did it happen in Merica today... America, the facebook of the world. Come connect and see.
  7. Insane that you didn't factor in the NINJA element!
  8. look at the quote dude! Someone wanted to argue heat VS cold related emergencies... Which of course is silly.
  9. I do believe I've put my finger on the issue with our northern neighbors and there "problem" with "The Greatest Super Power" on the planet. Part of it is being shadowed by the U.S., we get it. The other part, Penis Envy. I mean, I get it. It must be hard some days looking at EVERYTHING we have, compared to what you don't. Try living one day at a time and being thankful for what you do have. Life is wonderful, enjoy it. My only envy toward the north is the leadership that governs you and you legalized it before we did!
  10. https://filmgoblin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/judge-dredd-under-arrest.jpg
  11. I'm still using a traditional D bag and rotating up. My only mods are dynamics corners on my vector with a sky snatch. I'm getting comfortable consistent openings and fly suits with a good flare... But thank you for the input.
  12. Tips are for the one and done's. BEER however is ALWAYS welcome!
  13. Fresh out, HOWEVER, I can give you advice on what it means to be a responsible gun owner. Solves pretty much 99% of these problems... 1st Train, train and train some more. You know because operating a "killing device" should not be taken lightly. 2nd, keep the weapons/ammo locked up and out of reach. 3rd, see number 1. Any questions? I know, I've clearly over simplified this very compounding issue. The larger part being just how many firearms exist. That in and of it self is the problem, and one that simply will NEVER go away. ~Merica
  14. looks just like my C-race, only sexier!
  15. It's very clear that you live in an extremely mundane world when you choose to focus so much attention to the south. By all means, solve ALL of our problems by pointing out all of "America's" short coming and down falls. But I digress. Our "divisions" aren't scratching the surface of our "worldly problems". Think outside the box...
  16. Because thoughts and prayers are worth there weight in... Positive vibes I can get behind. Have a non violent day.
  17. https://shop.lego.com/en-US/product/Sky-Police-Parachute-Arrest-60208
  18. so whats your take on the why? Why is it that "we Americans" are more pre-disposed to commit murder? I have a few ideas, but I really want to hear it from you. Obviously you have some passion on the topic...
  19. You put a LOT of faith in our justice system! You do understand the corruption with politicians and them funding the jail systems, right??? Tip of the iceberg as far as corruption go's, but you get the gist...
  20. I don't see the Canadian referencing this one! But I digress.
  21. Just a thought: A couple of years ago while jumping in Z-hills I met a man. He approached me and kindly asked if he could look at my rig as I was jumping a certain one piece tracking suit and he stated that he was writing an article for Blue Sky Mag about wear and tear of equipment directly related to zippers and containers and the like... Naturally I said look all you want. Later he showed me his novel approach to placing his deployment bag inside the container and rotating it down instead of up (WS specific naturally). We talked that day and he gave me a T-shirt and a business card. It wasn't until I returned home and looked him up that I discovered I was talking to a FUCKING LEGEND! Moe Viletto. If by the odd circumstance you BASE jump and don't know who he is, look him up! I bring it up because I've never heard anyone discuss his approach to the D bag positioning...
  22. Perhaps start with the cocooning and not wrapping it so much. For an example: https://squirrel.ws/public/manuals/Epicene_Pro_Manual_v201903rev2_WEB.pdf, perhaps not quite so loose, but you get the idea... Test jumping is fun/pull high!
  23. Fully altitude aware and knew straight away what the mal was and how to fix it... As a very new wingsuiter I had pulled at around 5000, for reasons! So Travis gave me a debrief, the likely cause was poor body position during deployment (dipping shoulder/maybe a little head low). Also NO WS mods on an older Wings rig didn't help any! Learn from others.