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Everything posted by timski

  1. Bro, you gave SOLID advice for the WS family/flock!
  2. https://www.dropzone.com/classifieds/
  3. timski


    I was thinking the exact same thing!!! Just imagine if we fed Ron a large psilocybin dose!!! Then perhaps he'd be REALLY WOKE!
  4. I'm no expert on the topic, but like you, wingsuiting is my passion. I started right at 202 and now 540 jumps later I think I can shed some light and experience... I bought a brand new 170 storm for a worthy wingsuiting canopy. GET RID of it! I've put only 9 jumps on my new WINX 166 and well, JUST BUY ONE! Can't rave enough about it... Secondly, you need ALL the modifications, 9 ft bridle, dynamic corners... The biggest piece of advice I can personally give: PROPER FORM ON DEPLOYMENT AND FLY THRU IT. Also, when you start flying a suit that can flare, the spicy openings tend to go away!
  5. Brother Brent, help me to understand you better. Do you have children? I'm guessing we are around the same age(50)? You clearly have left the state of PA and seen other parts of the world, yes? The question regarding offspring is in reference to your vision for the future. The term "global warming" is dead, so are you denying "CLIMATE CHANGE"? Answer that question purely from your own life experience from childhood, have you not seen a CHANGE in weather? I feel the same frustrations as the masses, no matter what, our hands are tied and no courses of action will help at this point.
  6. https://www.hbo.com/documentaries/ice-on-fire All lies???
  7. 1st three jumps on my new WINX (166), all slick/terminal. My conclusion: compared to my 170 Storm, WOW! SO much more GLIDE, so much more FLARE. The brake lines were pretty slack and didn't "grab" until about half brakes and still had ample flare(on a fairly windless day)! I'll be hooking up the Race suit next time out.
  8. currently you are NOT current! Yes is the sense of being current for your license, but to echo the group, JUMP MORE! I also think the tunnel is wasting your jump time at this level of your progression... It's a great tool, but doesn't teach you how to skydive in the true sense of the word. IMO!
  9. NOW THIS I CAN GET BEHIND. I started my skydiving adventure thru my affiliation with the 82ND AIRBORNE back in the late 90's. There were at least two clubs on post, the Green Beret, and the 82ND free fall clubs. The clubs supported active duty members and there family members. I can't thank the men who ran the club and all they did for me and the rest of us. Thank you. THAT BEING SAID, I've heard(sadly) that these clubs no longer exist, AND THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. Simply for the NEED to have an outlet for all these men and service women returning from the field of battle, scared forever, carrying around that baggage and VERY much needing that HEALTHY OUTLET. So, there you have it. Scrap the four walls idea ALL TOGETHER, and put MY money where I want it. = BRING BACK/FUND MILITARY FREE FALL CLUBS. 22 a day...
  10. FOR SURE! We all start out from jump #1 and progress. Trust me, as a brand new WS pilot trying to make pull time less stressful, you look for ALL the answers!
  11. To all; I'm going to summarize almost all of your points into one response and then I'm done. GOT IT!
  12. I'm going to guess that the hang up on abortion for you is a religious thing? Or just strong moral convictions?? (But also, stay on topic!)
  13. Allow me to add my .02. A few hundred WS jumps only, BUT certainly have learned a lot along the way! Firstly, glide ratio is a nice thing, however, if your flying/navigating the flight correctly, this should NOT be an issue! I bought my custom 170 Storm with wingsuiting in mind. Yes, it's ground hungry, BUT I knew this BEFORE I order it. I love it, but there are far better options IMO. Yes, I still get line twists from time to time, but don't blame the canopy! "See body position"/pack job! I'm SOOOO stoked to hear the glowing reviews about the Winx, mine just got hooked up and hope to jump her on Friday. So, to echo some experienced pilots, canopy selection certainly plays a role in the outcome of the deployment, BUT, there are other critical areas to consider in the dive.
  14. did you stand up the tandem? No shame in sliding in intentionally... Food for thought. I say this because I jump with a woman with a double knee replacement.
  15. HEY LOOK, COMMON SENSE!!! The problem is the clown behind the trigger, not the triggers... Welcome to the revolving door called life.
  16. Mcvay used a vehicle...Think outside the box.
  17. totally agree Joe, the idea of a complete ban is ludicrous.
  18. Bolt action=sniper. So essentially a ban on ALL firearms is the only real solution... Any "repeating rifle" is to be considered an assault weapon. This is a problem that is uniquely American and guns are simply a part of our lives. Separating the two will be impossible. The underground market that would rear it's ugly head is just ONE factor to consider. Guns are NEVER going away. Live accordingly. Being very familiar with firearms I will say this: You want to get a handle on guns, don't control the gun, CONTROL THE AMMO. (no one has mentioned this novel approach.)
  19. timski


    Threat analysis. It's an adult check list to limit the threat potential. Use it every time you decide to walk out the front door. Or not, that's the great thing about life, choice. YOU may choose to go thru life with blinders on, or be diligent about your own safety/well being. What does that mean? Make an educated decision on where to spend your time! Be vigilant when you are out in public. Military experience has given many of us a unique mindset and perhaps an "edge" on dealing with the threat of guns...
  20. timski


    overwhelming ignorance of the general population...
  21. timski


    Dear Don, just because "we" don't like living with the constant threat of "bad people", the FACT remains, they aren't going away, just like ALL THE GUNS. Dude, this is REALITY, deal with the situation around YOU. If YOU decide to cower under the table and piss your self like a beaten puppy, THAT is YOUR option. I choose to live in a rural farm like community surrounded by "GOD fearing types" where we wave at one another and give away our extra produce and live a pretty fucking good life. That my friend is MY choice. I know what direction my moral compass points. The moral of my comments are simple, know what evil is out there. Complacency is death. You don't have to like it, but what I say rings VERY true. There are too many who give ZERO regard about/for your well being and are ready to take it ALL from you. Die like a good scout, prepared.
  22. timski


    At the end of ever tragedy we ask the same questions, what was the motive and why??? What drives people to kill others(for no obvious reason)? One would immediately think, CRAZY, insane, off the rocker, or JUST NOT RIGHT, right? Mental health issues... But we keep looking at the wrong issue of "controlling" physical items, ie firearms in stead of managing the people who wheeled them... That is SIMPLY not the right option. That being said, YES, WE NEED MUCH TIGHTER GUN CONTROL measures for the purchase of... You can't fix crazy, but you can recognize and acknowledge it and keep a tight(er) leash on it... Never think for a second that Americans would give up there guns that we currently own. We all know how that would play out... Take my next statement to heart, "This is the world we live in, live accordingly." It's a dangerous world out there, Be prepared for it.
  23. https://abcnews.go.com/International/canadian-manhunt-teen-murder-suspects-zeroes-small-remote/story?id=64587135 And here you thought all the action was down south.