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  1. Remove all opinions from the question and simply look at the numbers. UPT and SunPath build more rigs than any other manufacturer. Either of those companies have most likely built more gear than all the other manufacturers combined. If you take into account UPTs longer history and the fact that their Tandem Rigs also go into their Serial Number count, then I would be willing to bet SunPath has probably built more sport rigs over the last 20 years than any other manufacturer.
  2. You mean to tell me that PD decided the Sabre opened better than something :-)
  3. I'm with you. In the sense that the head wind vs tail wind will affect perspective and not actual performance of the wing in its given envelope of air.
  4. SunPath sets the bar for all other manufacturers to follow. I am yet to see another manufacturer that can hold a candle to the Team at SunPath, and my customers have had issues with almost all of them at one point or another. Edit: True story. I once had a customer come in with a brand new Jav that fit poorly (sized by another rigger). SunPath flew one of their staff out to the DZ to re-measure the customer and build her another new rig.
  5. Hey Ed, There are several manufacturers with "Longer" Rigs for sale. Feel free to contact me for more info. But you can check out the "L" variants of the Mirage G4.2s or the Icon L series gear. Both are definitely longer than your average. The Icon is the longest standard size I have seen of any rig to date. It is loooong.
  6. You get that little oxygen issue figured out this time? Or are you still running trial and error?
  7. I also highly recommend ParaConcepts and have ordered Hurricane linesets from Kirk in the past.
  8. Define "member has a current valid Class 3 medical". Many things that invalidate a medical are required to be reported to the FAA if/when they happen not just at time of medical renewal. So if there was a known issue between medicals that the Member didn't disclose to the FAA that they are required to and that issue became know to the USPA then maybe.. they were within the realm of responsibility to act on it.
  9. They are the same. The one difference that comes to mind is that on the MC-4s I have seen (DOM 84ish) they used Flat Braid Dacron and the "Cascade" was simply sewn to the side of the continuous line. On the BASE canopies that are finger trapped into the line.
  10. I think it may have been the WatchThyBridle guys? They basically demonstrated (with pics) how to lock up every BASE rig on the market if the right combination of shit was to align.
  11. You can not compare these 2 rigs. There is more differences between these 2 rigs than just cutter location.
  12. Manufacturers are now all offering "Contrast Stitching" on containers, binding etc. because people like the look. So they are already doing this to a certain extent and charging a mark up for the extra effort. As for military requiring contrasting harness stitching. They aren't going to care about aesthetics and manufacturers will do whatever is necessary to maintain those contracts.
  13. I have no clue about the document you listed so total speculation here. But it could possibly be due to incidents/accidents being caused by forgetting to sew a harness after hot gluing. Rare but has happened (even in recent years) but it couldn't happen if it was never glued in the first place. I seem to remember hearing that some military are now also requiring contrasting harness thread for the same reason. When was that document last revised?
  14. support at parachutesystems dot com
  15. I recently hit them up for information regarding line trims for an old Chute Shop Hurricane 135. Got an email response the same day.