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Everything posted by notsane

  1. I wouldn't bet on seeing that bead of sweat. I opened and saw Avery fly away from me .. he kept going and going and ... I remember thinking "Damn! I'm gonna get to see someone land a wingsuit!"
  2. I really enjoyed jumping Rob Jones' back-vented Phantom .. it's a great all around suit. On its back it really feels nicely inflated. Rob tells me though, that there is some performance penalty due to slight differences in the wings for belly-flying when the back vents are on the suit. How much is very hard to say. Scott
  3. That's me in the photo. The only PC mal I've seen was MoonGlo's where her hackey went right into one of the holes in the bottom of the PC. That's when I switched to the lightweight PVC tube even though I prefer the hackey for grabbing. Unless you're holding the entire PC rather than the handle I don't see any way that 9 feet of bridle is going to stay neatly trapped in a wadded up piece of nylon while 100mph of breeze is blowing past. As soon as any part of that bridle sees the breeze it's going to blow upwards first. And I'm a grab and pitch type .. I don't hang on to it. A great big BASE PC or a low speed deployment might look different, but I'll bet most skydiving pulls look pretty much like this. The old Racer pud-on-the-bottom-of-the-PC might look different too. Unless I'm wrong of course.
  4. I use a mudflap mount, though I never look at it. Between looking at the ground and my audible there's not much point.
  5. Come on out to ZHills between now and then. We can certainly get your first few wingsuit flights done there. There are lots of demo suits/types/makes available. If you want your own before PR probably only Tony can get one made. Everyone else will take longer.
  6. Yuri .. when you say 5lbs do you mean 5lbs total or 5lbs per leg? Can you also post a pic of your Gatorade bottle modification?
  7. Most folks avoid the right foot to decrease the possibility of a pilot chute snagging it.
  8. I love my 150 Pilot loaded at about 1.6. If you're not jumping BASE or pulling low all the time, full flight openings are unnecessarily hard on the gear and body. They're also more prone to spinning up the canopy unless you've done the container mods.
  9. Took it from Jari at WFFC 1999 ... met Robi there too. I'm not sure if either was an official BMI at the time.
  10. ohmygodarewestillhavingthisconversation? and manufacturer wars too? that's so 2004
  11. Arms in as you run down the aisle ... heart beating fast ... there's the "door"! .. fall into the opening .. well, this isn't so ba ... BLAM! Jump run speed is quick .. probably around that of a high speed Casa . I think Zack was able to get up to the level of the T tail at WFFC. He said he could smell the exhaust ... cool. He was last on the pass and was able to get a good exit rather than dive out and blow up a wing.
  12. Great jumping with you James! Come back anytime .. but especially for Flock and Dock! Scott
  13. A Kalman filter is a mathematical transformation you can use on your dataset, like a FIR or IIR. A tool like Mathworks Matlab has a filtering tool that will do the job nicely.
  14. I'm hearing from a few folks that concentrating on smaller groups with just a few full-up big ways is more appealling. Is that more like what everyone would like to do? Speak up now! That would make 3.0 more of a skills camp than a big way get-together ... and I don't think that's a bad idea at all. There are some issues to be overcome, like having video for each smaller group, but we can figure that out. Speak up!
  15. I spoke with Rob this morning. The dates are confirmed. Bear in mind that we have the last few days of the 200 way event. They'll either have already succeeded by that time or they won't be in the mood for much hard core jumping. Rob says the registration form should go live on January 1st.
  16. I've had a couple of girlfriends who were able to do this. I think it really depends on the firmness of the grip.
  17. Jason .. Not to take this off thread, but you asked what's the plan ... big ways, smaller technical stuff ... I'll ask you folks.. whattaya want to do? We could keep things smaller on Friday ... a plane load or half a plane load depending on how many show up when. Then go big Saturday AM for 3 or 4 jumps and then break back up for some smaller stuff. We could put up one more big one Sunday AM, then break up smaller again. That would give us time to get the cool pictures and time to zoom around. Even I get tired of flying base the whole weekend. How's that sound? Any other suggestions? I'm open. I'd also like to start a list of cool dives to do (please add to the list!): Big Way double chevron (of course) wedge bottom - stack - wedge 2 or 3 flying vagina with penetration
  18. I don't think Omar wanted it any tighter, but that's another story. I'm pretty sure Chuck called that his "balls first" entry.
  19. I know there's going to be a crowd at Z-Hills that weekend, but nothing that hasn't been handled before. Those 200-way folks will be lucky to get 3 or 4 jumps a day. We'll easily be able to fit in between AND we get their airplanes .. Z-Hills rarely gets tailgates. I'll bet we easily go over the number of wingsuiters that the normal 2 Otters will hold. We'll be glad for the lift capacity as well as the tail. Any of you guys from 2.5 remember the "triple pentration flying vagina dive"? I say we do TWO of those .. one in front of the other and have the penetrators fly through both. Hell, if we have enough people we could do 3. Matt, how about making a clip of that and posting it?? Scott
  20. I think starting a flower fund for the first guy to do this intentionally is a good idea.
  21. I thought Nathan Lane was much funnier .. although maybe he had a "head start". What makes you think THAT'S why we were looking at you funny??
  22. TK fixed up the old student gear area and carved off half of it for us. Whattaguy.
  23. File this under "look how far we've come"... TK at Skydive City (Zephyrhills, FL) has set up a room just for the wingsuit folks. Flockers can hang out, stow their gear, BS, etc in a nice air conditioned space now. Thanks, TK! Is Skydive City wingsuit-friendly or what?! Not to mention that one of our Otter pilots is a wingsuiter too! Scott
  24. Steve .. I'll be out of town for the next few day doing the family Thanksgiving thing. I'm sure though that there will be several wingsuit folks around to help you out ... Grey Mike, Jeff (My Eyes), Mark (eNormiss) Cochran to name a few. I may get out there Sunday, but I'm not sure. Have fun!