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Everything posted by notsane

  1. I can't make it to Dublin, but Chuck, Jeff and Scott Campos will be there. Just keep your eyes peeled for guys waddling to the airplane in dresses.
  2. fmmobley ... There will be plenty of instructors there that can hook you up with a first flight course. As long as you have a BOC, a relatively docile canopy and enough money to buy beer afterwards they'll take care of you!
  3. Speaking of solos ... Mike (IslandGuy) told me he was making some solo's last weekend playing with his Mach 1 and got 177 seconds from regular altitude. I'm sure he could post a screen cap of his Paralog profile ... Mike's 6'1" but he's no lightweight at 190lbs or so. DAMN! That's nearly 3 skydives for the price of one!
  4. I'm sure there will be someone there who can let you in.
  5. Holy sh*t that was close! At 4:00 minutes the guy in yellow/red appears to pass between Jeff and the cameraman. He looks like he was tumbling ... at least he was in the frames after the near miss. That's way too damn close!
  6. Hell yeah, Heffro, I'd rather eat a clam than an ear of corn any day ... especially when that ear of corn is attached to you. Most everybody goes by their name , although I'm thinking of changing mine from "notsane" to "wakes with wood".
  7. Don't let Omar enourage you ... he's got an irrational fear of flocks. Come play with us, you'll like it. BTW, for anyone that hasn't jumped at Z-Hills in awhile you can speed up your check-in by filling out the waiver ahead of time.
  8. "less gay"? Meaning "not entirely straight"? I like that .. nicely ambiguous ...
  9. I was jumping into downtown Atlanta years ago from the local TV station's helicopter. The cameraman was harnessed to the door and standing out on the landing skid in front of me. When I got out I grabbed ahold of him and said "Do you wanna come with me?" You should have seen how fast the color went out of his face ... it was really funny to me, although I'm sure he told his buddies a death story later.
  10. notsane


    I flew base for some dives in Puerto Rico with my V2 when the arm zipper on my S3 started acting up. The V2 flew a fine base. BTW, that very suit is still for sale! Scott
  11. Heffro occasionally calls himself a birdbabe .. I'm not sure what's up with that
  12. 26 people have registered, but I am told that NONE of the locals have registered. Kathy tells me that you MUST register to participate (this means you, Jeff).
  13. I'll email Rob/Kathy to see what the count is, but usually half the people register at the last minute for some reason. If you're still on the fence whether or not to attend the event, take a few minutes to watch Matt's video of Z-Flock and Dock 2.0 ... then ask yourself if you want an 11x14 print of one of the biggest flocks you've ever seen on your office wall with YOU in it. See you there!
  14. notsane


    ... having the ability to navigate is more important to me. Next would be having fun. You can learn to max the suit out by making a bunch of wingsuit dives after you've got the first two things down.
  15. I'll be out at the Hills if there is a good day this weekend. Right now it's not looking good.
  16. I wasn't me that had the mal, it was Jen from TX. When I saw her pilot chute with the hackey inside the hole at the bottom I switched to a PVC handle. I just don't need that kind of surprise. Mine has no possiblity of a snag since it's sewn end to end as well as through the middle. That way it'll always stay in place. The single connection way that most hackeys are attached to the PC apex is the real danger point. To prevent the finger in the tube issue I rolled up some foam, sprayed it with hair spray and pushed it in the there. It's stayed in place for a hundred plus jumps.
  17. We'll do our best to make you hemorrage jump tickets.
  18. There's no doubt about it .. we'll make a ton of fun dives, we'll make some really big ways, there'll be pictures for the magazines and enough beer to float a boat will be drank. Oh yes, it will be fun ... tailgates or not.
  19. I just got a message from DZO TK Hayes. Apparently the owner of the Casa's sold them all without warning. TK is replacing that lift capacity with Otters. So at this time there is 1 Casa and a bunch of Otters. I can only guess that Casa's cost a bunch more to maintain and operate than Otters do. So if you were coming for the tail, that's likely not going to happen. A lot of bitchin' dives will happen though. Stay tuned ...
  20. notsane


    Almost always the Hills.
  21. notsane


    I should have my new Mach 1 by then ...
  22. notsane


    With temps in the 50's this weekend things will probably be a little slow anyway .. we're wimps when it comes to "cold" weather.
  23. Scott and Chris (why do I keep calling you Gary?)!! It was great meeting you guys .. welcome to the flock!! And it's always a pleasure to jump with the Texas folks and our PR brothers. Let's do this again next year!! Scott