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Everything posted by CanuckInUSA

  1. Yes this has been an interesting thread to read and to get different people's view points. Obviously to a certain person, they likely think that I'm already a dead man seeing as I made 'X' number of skydives before I ever made a BASE jump (which hasn't even happened yet). But what can I do? I can't reverse the past. I do recognize that the two are NOT the same and that my freeflying and swooping experience does not translate into BASE skills. But here's my read on some of what has been said and on how I think I may approach BASE: 1) I will listen to the people I have met at my DZ who are experienced BASE jumpers as they know way more about it than I do. And I feel that I may be in the right environment as contrary to a certain person's views, the people in my neck of the woods who both BASE and skydive are NOT the flakey individuals that a certain person feels they are. 2) There is a certain DZO who is working towards setting up a BASE canopy control training program (with the help of the people I will be doing my FJC with) and I definitely will be spending some time at this DZ working on my BASE canopy control skills once this program is in effect. I also have access to some talented CReW dogs here in CO and will be bugging them once they are ready to take to the air again this spring. Heck I've already talked to one of the CReW dogs about the merits of doing some CReW jumps with some BASE canopies and their only concern was gathering the approriate gear at the appropriate wing loadings. 3) My first 'X' number of BASE jumps will be done out at the Perrine with what I believe to be a very reputable and respected pair of BASE instructors. Plus I see no harm in continuing to work with the DZO (from point #2) even after my FJC. 4) I have already been practicing my packing techniques thanks to a friend who has graciously lent me one of their older rigs (and there's no way in hell I will be jumping this rig for numerous reasons). My packing is definitely getting better. But there is still room for improvement and I look forward to being able to watch some of the other pack jobs from the other jumpers who often frequent my home DZ. And then once I take delievery of my own rig, I will obviously do many practice pack jobs on that unit. 5) A while back, I found a new found love of tracking dives and while I don't think the initial exit from the airplane will help my BASE tracking needs, the overall experience of doing more and more skydiving tracking dives can only help me if/when I do some big-wall jumps and this is not something that the non-skydiver gets to experience. 6) I will be looking to do some balloon and helicopter jumps this year. And while in the past I may have been looking for the visuals of the exit, now I find myself only wanting to practice my exits and getting into a good track. 7) I will be looking to ground crew (if they'll have me) with some of the experienced and not flakey jumpers who I have met at my home DZ. It can only help to suck any info out of their brains before I jump the same objects as well as to watch and learn. 8) I may choose to try and spend sometime at a local swimming pool practicing some exits, but I should only do this after my FJC as I wouldn't want to develop any bad habits. 9) While I feel that I grew up fast in the skydiving world, I am nothing more that a fetus right now in the BASE jumping world and I need to start all over from scratch. Jeez I'm not sure what else to say? I look forward to the opportunity to jump, but as I've told myself all along. I am in no rush. I have the rest of my life to gain the appropriate amount of experience and I am old enough and hopefully mature enough to know that I am NOT invicible. BASE seems to be much more about attitude than anything else? I still don't understand the thinking that skydivers make for bad and dangerous BASE jumpers. But what do I know about BASE? I do know that I will continue to be a skydiver as it's brought me a certain happiness to my life that didn't seem to exist during my whuffo days. Oh final note. I have often heard people say that BASE jumping finds you, not you finding BASE. And in my case this seems to be what's happening as I was not thinking about becoming a BASE jumper when I first started into skydiving. But what about those people who made some skydives only because they wanted to BASE? It seems that they are the ones seeking out BASE. Of course these are only words and may not mean anything. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  2. What are the jump ticket prices for the Easter Boogie? I still have three full price Eloy jump tickets left over as an incentive to return. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  3. I like "A" better, but that's just me ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  4. [Trying to hijack this thread] I don't know if I can think that far in advance. What about the Easter Boogie in Eloy? [/Trying to hijack this thread] Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  5. Looks like you were joking here, so I'll just quote Kevin Gibson: "A hook turn is when a turn goes bad and you have to go to the hospital". Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  6. A wing can stall at any speed and at any attitude (something which is taught in primary flight training). So yes, the risk of a stall always exists when performing radical moves. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  7. Well there's three of you to the one of me. But since I will be selling one of my container, reserve and cypres setups soon, I guess I must yield to your gear-rat superiority. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  8. Sabre2s are very good canopies (I used to own a 190 and a 170). It'll give you lots of performance, yet still remain somewhat docile (if that's the right way to describe it). It usually opens nice, has a good glide ratio and if done right can still be swooped like a mother %#@&^*. There are other good canopies out there, but the Sabre2 is an excellent canopy for the intermediate skydiver and advanced skydivers like SkymonkeyOne also fly it. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  9. Ice climbing is fun!!! But you really should venture down to Ouray or Lake Louise when possible. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  10. Hey you're not in the minor leagues (you've made enough of a financial commitment with your setup). You just need to work on your toy collection that's all. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  11. You'll be fine. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  12. I would be jumping if I didn't have to work tomorrow. But am I really working? Hmmm ... is it time to cutaway yet? Nah ... too many toys to pay off first and I'm not experienced enough to be a professional bum ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  13. I think I like #4 better? Kind of different pattern schemes you've got going there. But being different is good sometimes. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  14. Yahoo!!! My new (used) Spectre 150 canopy has arrived. What with the arrival yesterday of my new Wings container, the arrival of this canopy and the arrival last week of my new (used) Vector3 container for this canopy, it feels like Christmas all over again (awe heck I didn't have a Christmas this year as I was too busy at the Eloy Holiday Boogie). Anyway, all I need now is my FLiK 293 canopy and my Vertex container ... oops I'm supposed to be patient with those as they aren't slated to arrive for another two months and of course the arrival of my new GTi wingsuit (which hasn't even been ordered yet), then I'm all set to have some serious fun. Are there any sugar-mamas out there willing to help me pay off all of these toys including jump tickets and plane tickets to exotic destinations? I didn't think so ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  15. Hey I'm not looking for a fight as you did make a good post here. But there is no such thing as a safe canopy. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  16. Plus aren't you UK skydivers not allowed to venture into freeflying until you've done 'X' number of jumps and all that sort of regulation? But I must say though in my short 19-20 months in this sport and here on DZ.COM, some eastern Europeans do have a riskier attitude than what many others may have. Of course once I'm done soaking corporate America (basically once they smarten up and fire my ass), I am seriously considering spending a year or so in certain parts of Europe practicing the true black art (assuming I'm experienced enough by then). Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  17. There's plenty of crazy North Americans as well. I mean I've been some what aggresive with my downsizing. Of course I've yet to "knock on wood" crater in. But some Europeans do have a different view point towards this sport. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  18. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Listen to the experienced people on this forum, they've seen stuff like this before. Hell they're probably still waiting for me to crater and I didn't jump an elliptical canopy until jump #401. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  19. Screw the X-Games, I'd like to see Swooping in the Olympics. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  20. Looks like I'll be there for the Easter Boogie, so no unfortunately I don't think I will be there for the Money Meet (if that was what you were referring to). Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  21. Seeing as you told me I sucked yesterday, I'm not so certain I should be doing this? But as one of the temporary stars in my video, I guess I can over look what happened. Happy Birthday Bro ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  22. Why, do you have any more Vector3s you want to sell me? Are you keeping that one then? If so, I'll cash that check now. It looks like a keeper ... it doesn't fit as well as my new Wings container, but it still fits. The reserve only appears to have been packed once and well the Cypres was the only downer (what with it needing it's 4 year), but that's not a biggie. Unless I'm missing something here, this Vector3 rig looks like it's been sitting on the ground for a long time. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  23. Why, do you have any more Vector3s you want to sell me? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  24. Wow I'm in no position to say you are right or wrong, but you've got to admit that your thinking is pretty much the exact opposite of what most so called experts would say. I do believe that certain gifted athletes with experienced mentors could do what you advocate, but what about Joe-blow off of the street who wants to get into BASE and doesn't know anybody? Can they find a qualified mentor and survive one of the most dangerous things a person would do with little or no canopy training as well as little to no gear knowledge? Radical thinking you've got there ... either that, or you just don't like skydivers (and well you pretty much already said that you didn't like skydivers). By the way, regardless of whether they like me or not and would even consider helping me (I will be doing a FJC with a reputable instructor), I am exposed to some pretty darn experienced BASE jumpers who I have met and occasionally skydived with at the DZs here in Colorado and I would not consider any of these people to be the "scary, untalented, and insecure people" that you refer to them as. These people I speak of are very experienced, very talented and very much respected (at least I am told so) in the BASE community. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  25. You've got a hell of a setup as well and once I sell my current container, reserve and original Cypres, my setup won't be as impressive. But I'll need the $$$ to pay for some of my new toys and I can't forget to save some money for jumps. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over