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Everything posted by CanuckInUSA

  1. On a footnote to this "pro-active" talk, I'd like to share somthing that a badass skydiver said to me this morning concerning our own personal skydiving goals. I am not going to say who this person is (why drag them into this, they didn't ask for it), but trust me when I say that this person is truly badass, has no negative skygod attitude towards themself and recently did something pretty incredible in the skydiving world only because they had set out a while ago to achieve something in this sport. Here is what this person said to me: It's crazy how in this sport if you want something badly enough, and put in the time, your efforts will almost certainly be rewarded with success. Unfortrunately, I have found that personally, my results seem to vary when I apply the same attitude outside of jumping. C'est la vie. Hmmm ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  2. Dang we have an anonymous angry poster here today. I voted for "The DZO is helping to improve the overall vibe at MileHi" because if you look back one year ago today, the DZ is a better place today than what it was last year. The DZ still has a way to go to make itself the type of DZ which will attract jumpers from all over the place, but it's not the total tandem factory that it used to be. Frank and Brad have done a good job making this a DZ which people can make many loads in a day. But is it their responsibility to ensure that you are having a good time, or is it yours? Hmmm ... care to give some concrete examples or is this just a blanket statement? Things at Mile-Hi are far from ideal, but I don't see things the same way your do. It is everyone's responsibility. Obviously the DZ must foster an environment which attracts jumpers ... bringing an Otter in for the summer is a step in the right direction. Having the DZ help setup canopy control coaching is another step. But it really is up to the individual jumpers to make it happen. Not having anyone to jump with sucks and unfortunately this happens at Mile-Hi to some people more often than it should. Part of it has to do with the click at the DZ (not unique to this DZ), and part of it has to do with the DZ not offering any sort of load organizing and part of it has to do with the solo jumper not being motivated enough to take it upon themselves to get in on some jumps. Ask people ... talk to people ... be pro-active. Don't be one of those jumpers who shows up at the DZ, sits in the corner not talking to anyone and wondering why you don't get in on any jumps (not saying you are one of these people ... heck I don't even know who you are). Look at guys like Colin, Glenn and Steve Z. All relatively new-comers without numerous hundreds or thousands of jumps. They all spent many days doing only solos at Mile-Hi. But they all have their skydiving goals and each one of them has been pro-active in pursuing these goals. And now the three of them along with Brad Cole have formed a 4-way intermediate RW team. It's not uncommon for myself to manifest myself for a load not knowing what I'll be doing and not knowing who I'll be jumping with. So when I show up at the trailer, I do a once over to see who's on the load, if I know the people and have jumped with them I will talk to them about what they have going on. If they are doing something pre-planned and don't want any more people, no problem. I'll either look for another group or go do a solo (I have so many things I want to work on, that the odd solo is good for me). So in other words, ultimately it is up to the individual jumper to make things happen. But talk to some of us, you never know that maybe your goals are the same as someone else's. Be pro-active with your skydiving goals. I have done my far share of recent Mile-Hi bashing what with the recent price increase, but you still find me jumping there on almost every weekend (except this one coming up as I will be up in Canada) and you'll also find me hanging around for one of the sunset tracking dives which are open to virtually any licensed skydiver. Maybe it's time that the DZ introduced RW and Freeflying load organizers (now that an Otter will be around), but once again. I feel the ultimate responsibility for a jumper to have a good time at the DZ rests on their own individual shoulders. Be pro-active with your skydiving goals. If other people don't know what you want to do, how are they going to know to help you (assuming they are even in a position to help you). Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  3. Gillian Parker? even though she must be rapidly approaching her 1000th ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  4. You're assuming that all jumpers have access to loads which accomodate 4-way formations. What about small Cessna DZs? What about clicky DZs where you're lucky to find one person let alone three people to jump with? What about the people jumping at tandem factories? 4-ways are a luxury not everyone has access to. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  5. Well all of a sudden I feel a little better about my performance. For a while there I was thinking that my jump wasn't very good when you said you did 78 seconds from the same altitude (I know Gray was saying he can get some sickly long delays). But now things make a little more sense. Using the ProTrack readings (since we both jump a ProTrack), we both exited at 5400 and I was open two hundred feet lower than you did with 5 seconds (not factoring in the 200 feet) of less freefall time. So the S3 versus GTi, your weight and body compared to mine and our different experience levels sort of make your and my numbers make a little more sense. But those are just numbers ... I'm still on a high from the experience. The sort of jump which I did on Sunday has it's dangers (tracking over a residential area), but it was an adventure and I never was in danger of actually landing in the streets. I had no trouble flying my canopy almost back to the DZ as I safely landed in a field about 1/4 mile south of the DZ's landing area. The video just makes it look like I was going to bounce on some guy's house. Dang ... as long as I stay safe and healthy, things can only get better from here on out. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  6. Weather conditions. While winds shouldn't effect fall rates and time in the air, it will have an effect on the ground track. So if two people of different sizes were to jump together, the winds aren't an issue. But if they are comparing jump results, from two seperate jumps at let's say seperate locations and/or seperate times, the winds could influence the results. At least as far as distance covered across the ground is concerned. And when I think about the type of wingsuit flying which really appeals to me (wingsuit BASE and out of hot air balloons), what matters is being able to track to the desired landing area, not how long I'm stayed in the air. Staying up in the sky long is just an added bonus making longer jumps even more possible. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  7. I did talk to an experienced wingsuit BASE jumper about what sort of exit technique I should use before this jump (I've yet to review the video with him though). But this was my first ever jump of this sort of type and it's hard to practice something which we rarely get to practice to begin with. But yes you can see me loose several hundred vertical feet before the suit actually kicks in. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  8. Congrats on your 500th Denise ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  9. 78 seconds? Dang!!! I suck ... I exited from 5400, and by watching the video you will see that I got a 30 second delay (my ProTrack read 35 seconds for the entire jump) before pitching my PC at 2500 feet and surprisingly I was open by 2100 feet (I'm beginning to wonder if the canopy opens faster on wingsuit jumps). All this on a GTi suit that I am still in the process of learning to fly. But 78 seconds? Shit now I'm all bummed out ... I obviously still suck at this ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  10. Did I commit a BASE faux paux? Dang, they might not give me the secret password now. What can I say. I'm not dull, but I'm also not the sharpest crayon in the box. I didn't know 3-2-1-CYA would be frowned upon on a balloon jump. Now that I've made the jump, I pondering how it compares to some other stuff. No it is not a BASE jump, but is it really a skydive? Technically yes, but look beyond that. I jumped into the unknown yesterday. Fortunately I exercised decent enough judgement not to put myself into a bad spot. But we are jumping into the unknown at times with these wingsuit balloon jumps. I think this sort of jump does share some similarities to the BASE jump and it's a great experience for those with the appropriate wingsuit and canopy control experience. My memories from the actually jump flying the suit, deploying at 2500 feet, flying my canopy and safely landing are radically different than the video Stacey shot. It's kind of surreal. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  11. I'm wondering what kind of a club I joined yesterday (what with my first wingsuit out of a balloon jump). I'm sure it's small, but it can't be that small. So who's done what and did I miss any other options? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  12. yup!!! The Monkey seems to have gotten quiet lately here on DZ.COM. I guess he's too busy jumping to post. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  13. I would if I could. But unless I'm mistaken, I'll be in Idaho on that weekend. Sure would be fun to make another wingsuit balloon jump though. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  14. Kalyne I voted "Ground yourself & allow adequate time for it to heal?", but [knock on wood] I've yet to really hurt myself. I have suffered minor foot bruising injuries and continued to jump, but who knows how I will feel. One thing is for sure, if you are going to jump with an injured body part, make sure you are flying an appropriate canopy for your soft landing requirements, and complete all of your flares. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  15. That was one heck of a fun jump Kalyne. It had it's dangers, but I was on the ball enough not to put myself into a bad spot. It's not a BASE jump, but it has it's similarities. One thing is for sure. I love the video Stacey captured. But it's not the same memories I had of actually flying the suit, pulling when I pulled and safely landing where I landed, one field south of the monster field we call our landing area. But I knew better not to attempt to cross the fence low under canopy with the nasty ditch filled with jumper eating rocks. So I decided to walk a little further and land on a nice pitch. I can't wait to do it again. Balloon jumps are fun, but they do require good landing judgement and canopy control skills as you are landing off in unfamiliar terrain on every jump. And this is only magnified with these wingsuit balloon jumps as you don't always know where you'll go when you step off. So always stay ahead of the your situation in the air, make good judgements as to where to setup for your landings, always have an out and land safely. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  16. Gillian rocks!!! She and I have roughly the same numbers of jumps (I think she's ahead of me but not by much) and we've been in the sport almost the same amount of time (I think she started a month or two before I did). But she is a world record holder and I'm ... well I'm just me. I had the pleasure of making several jumps with her a couple of weeks ago in Eloy and she's given me a project or two to work on towards becoming a better freeflier. Once again, Gillian rocks!!! Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  17. I'm still many many moons away from trying my first wingsuit BASE jump. But yesterday I took a step in the right direction towards this long term goal of mine. The footage seen here is from a jump I made yesterday morning with a wingsuit of out a hot air balloon and I am quite lucky that my friend Stacey came along with her video camera to record the event. Next step, my FJC at the Perrine in less than one month. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  18. Thanks to my friend Stacey, I am happy to be able to show this footage from my 666 Devil Jump. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  19. Check out my latest upload at Wingsuit Jump from a Hot Air Balloon Date: Sunday May 2nd, 2004 Place: Longmont, CO, USA Jumper: Steve Armstrong Comments: This was my 666th jump. First ever balloon jump and only my 22 wingsuit jump. I exited the balloon at 5400 feet, got into a track and about 35 seconds later I was pulling my pilot chute at 2500 and sniveling only to 2100 feet (all this according to my ProTrack). I landed safely one field south of the DZ's main landing area. What a fun jump I tell you. When can I try it again? Oh and ... "The Devil made me do it." Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  20. John ... I just uploaded (or at least I think I uploaded) Stacey's footage of my wingsuit balloon jump onto so hopefully people will get to see it soon. Stacey also got good footage or your exit and deployment. I'd have to say that both of us are quite lucky that she had the motivation to be at the DZ with her camera looking to hitch a ride. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  21. You two are the same size too ... anyway welcome to the flock Jen and thanks for the vid from the balloon jump Stacey. That was one hell of a fun jump (I wish Balloon jumps were cheaper and more readily available). I still have much to learn and much to experience with my GTi, but now I know why I bought it and have no regrets. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  22. CanuckInUSA

    weekend #'s

    Come now Wingi, you knew we always thought you were a killer. 0:10:1 No humps ... 10 jumps including taking a wingsuit out on my first ever balloon jump for my 666th Devil jump. I got a 35 second delay from 5400 to 2500 feet on my GTi. It was a fun jump I tell you and Stacey capture some great video of the jump as well. I'll try and post it in the morning. Beer owed (not paid ... ) for my first ever balloon jump. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  23. Well things were kind of delayed one week, but I made my 666th jump this morning and celebrated the event in true (Devilish) fashion. You see I had to mark the occasion by doing something different. So this morning I woke up at 4:30 am to be out at the DZ by 6:00 am and I made a wingsuit jump out of a hot air balloon. It was my first ever balloon exit and my 22nd wingsuit jump. So there was some Devilish and mischevious behavior. Anyway, I exited the balloon at 5400 feet AGL and deployed my PC at 2500 feet (it was my Devil jump, so I had to go a little lower than normal) and experienced a 35 second delay and was able to track across a neighbourhood and came within one field of making it back to the DZ's main landing area. It was a fun jump and I look forward to doing another similar jump sometime in the not too distant future. Plus a friend videod the whole event from the balloon, so if possible I will be looking to post it tomorrow. So has anyone else done something just a little beyond the ordinary for their 666th jump? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  24. Not sure when the next local water training will take place. But if you really want to get your water training out of the way, you've got some $$$ lying around and you want to jump. Get in touch with some of the larger DZs across the country, find one which holds water training fairly frequently and go visit it. When I was in Eloy two weekends ago, I overheard on the PA them talk of the people or the water training to get their rear ends into the classroom, so they are one DZ which does it. Of course Eloy is starting to wind down with the up and coming summer heat furnace months, but it may be worth calling around to a few DZs. Also, having a home DZ to jump at is nice. But you will be a better skydiver in the long run by visiting many different DZs. I am really looking forward to checking out a few new DZs to myself this year as well. Next on the list should be the Ranch in NY ... Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
  25. Any modern freefly friendly rig with an articulated harness and especially cut-in laterals is good. I'm very happy with my setup right now: A Wings container with all the bells and whistles (fits like a glove that even OJ would like). A Crossfire2 119 main (this is a new canopy to me and I really need to be smart under it and be patient with it), a PD143 Reserve and a Cypres2. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over