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Everything posted by PLFKING

  1. Hey Michele -- Not only did your father raise a persistent and eloquent daughter, he also has incredibly good taste in professional football teams..... The PLF Professional
  2. all resemble a thirty-something black-haired male model hawking diet aids.... The "Puzzled" PLF King
  3. This is April's tribute to Whoopi Goldberg's comedic genius -- she calls it "Freaksister Act 2 "......

    Newbie Questions

    Yes....I forgot all about Poynter's book (hard to believe since I've read it cover-to-cover about 6 times now) has a HUGE amount of info in it. And now that I recall, Sis referred me to that book almost one year ago to the day, when I made my first post to these forums.....the time sure flies when you're having fun ! And Sis is serious when she says she'll kick anyone's ass who flames you....I know she'll do it ! (I liked Freaksister #1 better, tho........) The PLF General
  5. Hey Clay -- Man, must be something in the Raeford air ! I was there Saturday with a friend. Did a botched 3-way, tracked away, and pulled at 4000. Opened into severe line-twist, and a hard right spiral. I started kicking like mad, but it was twisting up as fast as I could untwist it. Finally kicked them all out, but by now I was down to about 2200, and STILL spiraling ! Finally saw that my right toggle was still stowed, but my left brake line had snapped about 3 inches above the keeper loop. I thought about chopping for about 2 seconds (I sometimes think it would take an Act of God or a flaming canopy for me to actually cut one away !), but I always practice rear riser turns and flares at least every other jump, so I felt good about riding it down. I knew I had to flare even later, because I was using my risers, and actually surfed it in on my knees for about 10 feet. Cool ! (I may have found a solution for my flaring woes -- just remove the toggles and brake lines altogether !) Practice, practice, practice, never know when it will come in handy. The PLF Practitioner
  6. Anne -- If that's the case, my career #s (since last August) would be 60-70 : 48 : numerous : 8 ! (They don't call me the PLF King because I'm blue-blooded !)

    Newbie Questions

    Hey Fred -- Welcome to our world ! We try not to do that a lot here..... No, I'm 6'1", 205.....abd there are a LOT of jumpers out there both taller and heavier than me. I have never heard of this (unless it's a reference to harness size, or something) If you were trying to spin it a lot, this is natural. Most first-jumpers would just cruise along, and make gentle turns, for fear of collapsing a canopy, or twisting it up, etc.....on my first jumps, I was afraid i would "do something" to it to cause myself harm, so I was very docile. If you were really working it, that would explain the tiredness. Burying a toggle requires some strength, especially to hold it there. I would think 2-3 would work. This is all new, and you should give yourself some time to reflect on what you did right or wrong before the next jump. You should try to jump as often as possible, however, while you're a student, so you can remember what you're learning, and stay current on your emergency procedures, and the practicing of same. If you're jumping a Manta or something equally large, it will be hard for you to input enough to get in a lot of trouble, but of course, anything radical COULD develop into something you don't want. The big thing here to remember is moderation while you're learning. Also, while practicing up high with your flares and stalls, be sure to let the toggles up slowly after burying them -- if you release them quickly, you could encounter some problems. You always want to be in control of your canopy. I would strongly advise you to read the "Safety and Training" forum on this site -- it helped me immeasurably when I was a student, and still does to this day. One of the best things about this site is that the folks are willing to share their mistakes in the hopes that it will help others, and I've always been grateful for that. The PLF Emir
  8. So many dumb things to do, and so little time ! My top three... 1) jumped off a 100-foot cliff into a lake when I was 17 -- split my sneakers and cut-offs, bloodied my nose, and walked around limping for 3 days (felt like 20 guys had taken turns kicking me in the crotch -- OUCH !) 2) Jumped out of the back of a pick-up truck (over the side) doing about 30 mph on a paved road when I was 12 -- scraped all the skin off both knees (down to the muscle), and chipped two teeth (AND got grounded for two months !) 3) Pissed on an electric fence when I was 10 (won the dare, but it wasn't worth it). The PLF Dumbass
  9. Sounds like Sis is going to fit right in with the Quincy crowd..... Can you say "major debauchery" ? The "dealing with a mental picture now" PLF King
  10. (wiping tears from eyes) Too funny, Mikey !!
  11. Hey mbolism -- You may get your chance -- I'll be headed up to Ann Arbor the weekend of Sept. 15th to catch the Wolverines vs. Western Michigan with my brother and some friends (he lives in Dexter). I'm planning on jumping either that Friday or Sunday....can you recommend any DZs nearby ? The PLF Sultan
  12. AND it automatically scrolls to the next new reply ! Damn, man....awesome job !
  13. Hey Sangiro.....I LIKE it !! And it's faster too ! (My cup runneth over with blessings...)
  14. Wow.....guess I win the award for largest main (fat-ass !) I feel like a Packard running with the Ferraris ! Vector, PD-230 (loaded 1:1), Raven 218 reserve, no aad, no rsl --great, reliable, and comfortable rig....... And if I don't figure out this flaring shit, I'll be up-sizing soon........riggerrob, can you get me a deal on a used SET 400 main ? The PLF King (suffering from a scarcity of obese, slow-footed children)
  15. Hey Jess -- For what it's worth, I think a soft red/auburn color would look great on you. Don't go pink, please ! A really attractive girl at work did that, and now she looks like "Frenchie" from the movie GREASE ! "A blonde lets you go when you're satisfied -- a redhead doesn't let you go until SHE'S satisfied !" The PLF Admiral M-0002.....and junior member of the Whuffo Conversion Team
  16. Hey Frank ! Seems like forever since I've seen you post......I thought you had been banished to the ends of the earth (or Canada, which is basically the same thing....) The PLF Prime Minister
  17. Hey Andrea, Marc -- Since I can't be there, would you mind applying a pie for me also ? Something that will stain a jumpsuit, or necessitate the cutting off of hair for removal purposes ? I'm thinking rancid grapes, or a "bubblegum" pie.... Thanks ! The PLF Dude
  18. You go, home-girl. I am so proud of you hanging in there, and finally achieving the goals you set for yourself. You have become a member of a very small fraternity. I especially want to say thanks for sharing your stories along the way. Almost without fail, every one of them reminded me of the same feelings I had while going through student status, and they never failed to bring an inward grin when I remembered what it was like to nail each one of those TLOs, and get affirmation from my JMs on a job well done, and the feeling of euphoria and accomplishment .... and yes, PRIDE....I felt in myself. What can I say ? Awesome stuff..... Don

    Fear Factor

    Rolling on the floor, laughing my fuckin' ass off ! (plop -- left cheek, plop -- right cheek..) Too funny, Pamela ! That teary-eyed PLF Guy
  20. Hey AA -- i agree with the Albatross on this one. I too enjoy reading about other people's feelings (and fears) when they are facing this great unknown we call skydiving. If you don't like what you're reading, turn the station. Not only do I like reading these stories, I also realize it takes a lot of balls for a person to sit down and write about their true feelings, then post it on an open forum for others to read. This is on a par (to me at least) with public speaking -- something the majority of our population would not do at all. On a lighter note, I read your story, and enjoyed it immensely for the satirical writing that it was. You have a great sense of humor ! But I can't recall anyone flaming you for writing it. I think Sangiro does a great job in keeping his site free of back-biting and slander of a personal nature -- respect his intentions, okay ? Live and let live. The King (stepping, PLF-ing off his soapbox.....just for practice, though.....)
  21. Wow -- that's tough luck, Sin......hope everything mends well and you're back up in the air soon..... The PLF King
  22. Hmmmmm.....SpeedRacer's bio says he lives in Wheeling.....wonder if he knows that's IN West Virginia ? The PLF General
  23. I seriously doubt that you've offended even a very small minority of the dz.commers -- we still love our 'Sis ! Besides, I just figured you were being your normal controversial self.....{or should I say 'abnormal'?}.
  24. Way to go, Chuck ! As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the same pic you use on your posts. Even a quote also ! However, the blatant corporate endorsement causes you to lose your "crusty old codger" you've gone the way of the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, et al....selling out for the "corporate dollar". Sigh. The PLF CEO
  25. Well, I don't have a PLANE, but I'm leaving now -- should be there around 9pm Thursday...... That "phened-out" PLF Thing ps....and you mispelled "dammit"! Can't you Texas girls get ANYTHING right, DAMN IT ?