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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I'm telling you, it's a bald faced con. Not too far back I listened to him respond to Warrens proposed wealth tax. At the $100 Billion plus level that would be 3% per annum. The thing was he turned it into a joke. Instead of addressing the merits of it right or wrong he made a funny like he couldn't do the math and if he had to figure out how much he'd be left with each year well......... I am all in favor of making bags of money through hard work or better just dumb luck. That said, hundreds of millions is a crazy amount of money in todays dollars. A billion is just insane and vastly more than it takes to provide generational wealth. 10's or 100's of Billions should be achievable but very heavily taxed. We need the money in the public coffers not in someones self aggrandizing foundation.
  2. 1 point
    As noted above, you need the license from the national organization where you live. For example, I live in the US and have a USPA license. I can take that license and visit other places and jump. As another example, Canadians with CSPA licenses can come to the US and jump on those. You seem to be from Germany. I don't know what organization oversees Germany, but you'll need a license from them if you live there. If you go to, say, Spain (where the weather is really nice and they have some great DZs and excellent instructors), you'll get a license from them. You would then go home and work with a local DZ to get a license from your national organization. Typically, converting a license from one organization to another is mostly paperwork. I would talk to your local DZ to find out what they would require to convert the license from somewhere else.
  3. 1 point
    PBS's Nova show will be releasing an episode entitled "The Great Electric Airplane Race" on May 26th (at 9PM). This should be interesting. "https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/great-electric-airplane-race/"
  4. 1 point
    have you tried their facebook page? that last picture will likely be the key to returning it. skydance is a cool place to jump.
  5. 1 point
    Oh, no......not Jeff. What a guy. Made nice jumps with him at Coolidge. Bummer. Sigh....
  6. 1 point
    Two problems there bud. First, you can't just say that I do it without and have it be true. You need examples. Second, the thing you just said I do is not the same thing in reverse as the thing I said you do. Even the way you have specifically chosen to phrase your claim makes it quite clear that the same logical flaw does not necessarily apply. It is ironic that in attempting to demonstrate a non-existent irony, you have only further demonstrated your lack of understanding of either irony or logic.
  7. 1 point
    Hi, Skyhigh Skydiving is probably your nearest DZ for AFF. Check out www.skyhighskydiving.co.uk or our facebook page. Bryn
  8. 1 point
    Contact Scotty Milne at Active Skydiving via his website. He can give you the pro's and con's of AFF in Scotland and, if necessary, give you good advice on an alternative solution.
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