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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Yeah, well I think your english is just fine. Even more importantly, your expertise in the subject and delivery is excellent.
  2. 3 points
  3. 1 point
    Maybe the USA should have thought of that before they stuck their noses in and broke it? Honestly it’s that attitude that makes some people say fuck americans
  4. 1 point
    Well FFS . . . Whatever you do - DO NOT PANIC!
  5. 1 point
    Looking back in history, the entire ME looks a lot more peaceful before the US started meddling in their business.
  6. 1 point
    Here you see a V306 and V314-1 next to eachother, both with +- same size in main/reserve inside. The 314-1 is flatter and longer. Not sure if anyone wants to jumps this (esp. reserve size) if you're really into big suits, but it shows a good size comparison of two rigs and what the vector -1 series is.
  7. 1 point
    Probably, that would be best. Your personal sense of right will never let you be quiet if you see a dangerous thing. Obviously, if it's an immediate thing you have to speak up, even at the risk of being wrong. If it's not or if it's being offered more for your ego than anyones benefit and safety then inform staff or the most experienced and current local jumpers you can find. The reality is that after a few, or several, thousand skydives and decades in the sport currency is a different thing. But one or two jumps a year shouldn't be emulated. And, really, even if it's at the same DZ you'd be a transient jumper at best. Sure, just like back in the day, we still have a cutaway handle, a reserve ripcord handle, a reserve and a main and, maybe, an AAD. But it's not all the same, including how we use the things. As I see it, it's not about you or me or any other old timer. Pass the torch and the authority to the ones who are current and there every day. It's their turn to be senior now, give them their due and their turn to earn respect.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Uh, newsflash! WE WERE NOT AROUND TO BE AFFECTED BY IT THEN!!!!!!!!!!
  11. 1 point
    I use it as a high-precision cutter for many materials, not just steel. But CO2 is good enough that it was a contender for the Boeing YAL-1 Tactical Laser for shooting down ballistic missiles. So yes, I'll take you up on that offer. Yes, water vapour does absorb more energy than CO2, but that's not the point - if we had 2 identical earths, one with normal prehistoric CO2 concentration and one with 400ppm as we do now, then expose them to the same amount of sunlight, the one with more CO2 will heat up more. We can do this as an experiment with 2 identical vacuum containers with say 10000 ppm water vapour. now let's add 400 ppm CO2 to one and 100ppm to the other, then expose both to sunlight. Sure, both containers will heat up mostly due to water vapor, but the one with more CO2 will heat up more. It's a high-school level experiment. To simplify even further, imagine microwaving a cold meal - sometimes you take it out and the middle is still freezing cold. But one bit of it is blazing hot, and if you take the average temperature, it's hotter than before you put it in the microwave. And if you mix it then it will be warmer. It's basic thermodynamics. Now the earth is one huge container and it will take time to fully mix the heat. But by then it could be too late - we need to remove the bit that's absorbing the extra energy (CO2) as soon as we can.
  12. 1 point
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