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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Odd one isn’t it. What Conservatives classically do is very different from classic conservatism.
  2. 1 point
    Some people need to discredit Rataczak and Soderlind to move Cooper's LZ south.... not happening. Cooper jumped minutes before the call to Soderlind in the suburbs of Portland,, Soderlind was listening in and taking notes. He used those notes to establish Cooper's LZ.. He also used the FDR data including heading.. Rataczak was consistent.. Rataczakleave1996.mov
  3. 1 point
    Is massive extra government borrowing classically conservative?
  4. 1 point
    My limited knowledge of this indicates the opposite - that she's actually quite supportive of Ukraine against Russia. One of Liz Truss' good qualities is her support for Ukraine, but right now her claim to fame is she's crashing the UK markets with some rather brain-dead policies even rich bankers in the City are betting against. (Who by the way, are the main beneficiaries in her round of tax cuts)
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I'll agree that its difficult to have a completely different line of drivel in each paragraph. But then Slim showed up and now there are two.
  7. 1 point
    Can we try that again, in English please....
  8. 1 point
    I don't know who that is. I do know who David Rogers is. He was the pilot for the Lolita Express - and he testified that Trump did indeed fly on it. Not once, not twice, not three times - but seven times. I do know who Matt Gaetz is. He's the republican congressman under investigation for sex with a minor. I do know who Joel Greenberg is. He's the republican who was Matt's wingman. He is now in jail for sex trafficking of minors. I do know who Ghislaine Maxwell is. She's in jail for sex trafficking too. And even after her arrest for that crime, Trump wished her well - not once, but twice. I do know who Donald Trump is. And he has bragged about barging into the dressing room of minor girls. He's also on trial in a rape/slander case, but since that wasn't a minor, it doesn't _really_ apply here. So if pedos are what you hate, perhaps not supporting Trump and his pro-pedo party is the hot ticket.
  9. 1 point
    It all comes from Flo's testimony and yes I think it's more a reference to her being insulted by the "pick up this bag" moment.
  10. 1 point
    Riggers often pro-pack on the floor. Which is just a technique of pro-packing. It can look like side packing to a non-rigger. It is also how BASE canopies are usually packed.The classic side pack that is often improperly called a flat pack is not done with reserves anymore.
  11. 1 point
    The new suits are incredible, but the performance asymptote is being reached. Average G/R is still in that low 3 range, for average glide. It likely always will be because the human wingspan is fixed to its height. Remember a wingsuit is nothing more than a really shitty glider, almost no aircraft have as poor of a glide ratio as a wingsuit. The real performance gains have been in the flares though, 2-300 feet of altitude gained. If you want to see the numbers behind it, Skyderby is the place to be: https://skyderby.ru/virtual_competitions/2/year/2022
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