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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I’m not sure. I think this one is genuinely clueless as well as being a troll. Trolls will go for anything where there’s the slightest chance of arguing the toss, but whether any teacher has ever survived a shooting or whether Obama was in charge of Afghanistan in 2001/2 are just straight up facts. And he even (eventually) retracted the Obama thing. So I think he’s not purely a troll, but also an ignorant person making very stupid mistakes.
  2. 2 points
    I'm feeling Trumpian today, I shall disregard your laws
  3. 1 point
    Barre Seid has donated $1.65 billion dollars to a GOP linked political group. To fight abortion, fight taxes, fight climate change together with other GOP trumpish policies. The donations all tax free is the biggest in US history and larger than the biggest 15 donations to democrats in all of 2020. The money dumped into the Marble Freedom Trust will be used to attack democrats in future elections. America has permitted and legislated a "golden rule" winner take all political system. Now republicans have the gold..er..cash to rule.
  4. 1 point
    Wrong again. Somerset Academy Bay Elementary, October 5, 2018 - School security guard left a gun in the bathroom. A 5th grade student found the gun. Sagemont School, March 5, 2020 - School security guard accidentally shoots a school employee in the eye on campus. Weightman Middle School, April 30, 2019 - School employee accidentally fires a gun into a cafeteria. No injuries. Jefferson Davis Middle School, February 14, 2019 - Officer entered the school during a lockdown and accidentally fired his weapon in a hallway. No injuries. North Broward Preparatory School, February 15, 2018 — Deputy fires his weapon on campus, hits himself in the leg. River Ridge High School, December 17, 2019 — School employee draws his weapon and threatens to shoot a student because they were truant. No injuries.
  5. 1 point
    So how's that militia working for you? Which company are you a part of? Wendy P.
  6. 1 point
    Trump stopped the border wall before it was completed. He built 47 miles of new wall where there were no walls before. 47 miles, out of a border of 1954 miles. That's 2%. So if he kept going at that rate, he would have finished it by 2072. If he reused the old decrepit sections he might be able to do it by 2054. So if you think Trump was going to finish the wall and have Mexico pay for it, congratulations - you have been duped yet again by right wing media, which you have made a decades-long habit. Nope. Another example of your gullibility. He has cancelled all new construction and returned the money to schools for military families. The only remaining work he signed off on is completing half-finished sections and putting in things like drainage and signage that you need so it's safe and it doesn't fall over onto someone. You have GOT to get a better source than FOX News. (Here's your cue to bleat 'but I don't watch FOX News! Not at all!')
  7. 1 point
    Its quite simple - has nothing to do with competence vs incompetence. Cooper was either nowhere where people looked or he was not identifiable and got overlooked. Could be a combination of both of those. I always go back to the Unabomber and how long it took to connect dots and find Ted. In the end its was Ted's family that brought him to the attention of LE in spite of a massive manhunt. Once he came to the FBI's attention, the dots connected very quickly with 100% certainty. In Ted's own village he was very well known and suspected of crimes. Outside his village he was hardly known at all and forgotten. DB Cooper might have been one of those forgotten people who was never identified. In some small village he may have been well known. Its the same in every venue of discovery including Science and Criminology.
  8. 1 point
    In that case you should be aware of Nixon's southern strategy, continued under Reagan and Trump, to win the southern racist voters for the GOP.
  9. 1 point
    As soon as the blacks got guns, republicans voted for gun bans. Republicans don't want everyone to have guns. Heck, they even ban guns in the audiences at their own speeches. They just want THEMSELVES to have guns.
  10. 1 point
    Errm, so in every school shooting, everyone dies? You sure about that Slim? It sounds a little shady.
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