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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Be careful Brent, I think he's a troll.
  2. 2 points
    I for one find value in these posts. It reminds me of who is beating us into the ground while we protest mightily yet remain unable to negotiate, go to the polls, or bite our tongues when we don't get 100% of what we want. Nuanced thought and intellect isn't winning. They are.
  3. 2 points
    If only it could have been the return of ConcreteReboundHammer...
  4. 1 point
    Over the edge - BASE Magazine I've tried putting together a new base magazine, with the intent of making it a more regular thing with news, tips and educational articles. Big thanks to all that helped with issue #1. Feedback and help with future issues is more than welcome :)
  5. 1 point
    I had no idea the "jack-in-the-box effect" was this spectacular:
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    The purpose was to give disproportionate representation to the slave-owning states so they prevent slavery from being abolished. The fact that the slave-owning states were more rural was just coincidental.
  8. 1 point
    Hello everyone, We wanted to ask if somebody has a plane to offer for this season for renting or for selling. Please contact us via email: [email protected] with your offers. Very much appreciated.
  9. 1 point
    Actually, the best Russian tank at the moment, until the Burlak is developed, is the T-14 Armata. It truly is a jewel of a main battle tank with many advantages including an unmanned turret, a protective armored compartment for the crew, advanced targeting, a superior explosive armor defense system, a 1500HP engine etc. They've been showing it off at parades since 2015 and planned serious production starting 2018. But at USD $4 million a copy there was, apparently, too much money to be skimmed so only some (20-40?) have been built. Had they actually built several hundred that could have been deployed early things might have turned out very differently. Spasiba, Russian Oligarchs.
  10. 1 point
    How is it that everyone does not see this? The fact that Luke has not resigned already means that he’s putting it on the organization to take the action against him. He should do the right thing and just resign. NOW!!!
  11. 1 point
    Hi Phil, Re: Mold and rot. Just like Russia. I think, more than we realize. I was reading an AP article in this morning's newspaper that said Russia was running out of modern missiles & would soon need to use their missiles that are over 20 yrs old. IMO so much for the 'all-powerful Russian military.' Jerry Baumchen
  12. 1 point
    Hi Peter, Back in the 70's, RWS could not keep up with the production demands. So, they entered into an agreement with Guardian Parachute ( subsidiary of FXC Corp ) to build rigs for them. Three employees of Guardian stayed late at nite & built bogus rigs; these rigs were never entered into the production documents. They then sold the rigs out of their cars at various dz's in SoCal. When Guardian found out, all three were fired immediately. This was told to me back in 1978 by Chuck Embury, one of the three. Jerry Baumchen
  13. 1 point
    That reminds me about trying to sell a Vector II for a friend, maybe 20 years back, that had had a few owners over the years. When I checked the size code listed on the rig, it just didn't exist in the manual. And when I checked the serial number, it said "BOBBY". Hmm. I got the impression it was a rig that some trusted production line guy was allowed to assemble for himself.
  14. 1 point
    I like the story that Moe Viletto told about building ~ 70 counterfeit wonderhogs and having you inspect his personal rig with a white harness at a Nationals. So the story goes, you said when seeing the white harness, "those assholes in Production, always building custom sh1t for their friends, no wonder we can't deliver fast enough". True? PS, love your stories told on Skydive Radio about trips to the Poles. Be well. Craig
  15. 1 point
    I haven't figured it out completely. There actually needs to be two books...one for my family, and one for jumpers. Right now I'm just writing down everything I can remember, mostly in order. I'm up to the invention of the hand deployed pilot chute. Trouble is, a lot of this stuff happened over 50 years. There were also no cell phones, so I don't have nearly enough photos to back up the stories. So I do hope other people can add some memories, insight, and photos.
  16. 1 point
    Everyone is getting laid off from all the western firms that have pulled out of Russia. Hey even a troll needs to put potatoes on the table. Perhaps we shouldn't be too hard on him/her. If they fail and get kicked off DZ. They could be sent to the Ukrainian front and end up 200.
  17. 1 point
    That's obvious and simplistic. We who do this are all, generally, open to risk. But that's not what is the problem here. The problem is that an official of the United States Parachute Association whose family operates a large DZ asked the Federal Aviation Administration for a waiver from the Federal Aviation Regulations to perform the stunt and was denied in writing. He then ignored that denial and went ahead with the attempt over United States soil. That is bad for skydiving and skydivers in America by making us look like scofflaws at the highest levels of our organization. That's the problem.
  18. 1 point
    I'm pretty stocky too - 5'4" and a little on the heavy side. I'm also a pretty damn good skydiver. It's much more a mental game than physical. Join us!
  19. 1 point
    From CSPA Chat D-5 Canopy Formation – 2-way Longest Sequence (60 sec. Working time) General: August 4, 2008 Western Conference Cup, Eden North 14 points, “Plaid Jackets” Lyal Waddell, Aidan Walters, John R Smith (video) D-4 Canopy Formation - Largest Formation General: July 13, 2008 Eden North Group, 20 persons: Serge Blouin, Lyal Waddell, Robert Harris, Henry Komant, Dean Schell, Chris Day, Bernie Cyr, Andrew Donald, Michael Wallace, Blair Johnson, Aidan Walters, Vic Veinotte, Trevor Fitzpatrick, Paul Wing, John Scott, Anthony White, Francois Huot, Patrick Coupal, Ian Chisholm, Jason Cameron. Videographer: John R. Smith
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