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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Most Trump supporters, as far as I can tell, have one overriding desire - to be better than the guy next to them. So mocking the disabled guy next to them? Makes them feel like they are better than that guy. Grabbing women by the pussy and getting away with it? Makes them feel more powerful than the woman next to them. Mexicans are rapists? Blacks get roughed up - and are from "shithole countries?" Makes them feel like they are superior to those types. Waiters, bartenders and hotel clerks? Treat them like shit, thus demonstrating how much better you are than them. Golf? Cheat as much as you can, because then you are (on paper) better than the people you are playing with. Something proves you wrong? Take a Sharpie and fix it, so that you are right and the guy next to you is wrong. Two courses of action to take? Take the one that "owns the libs" because then you are superior to them. Even if it hurts you - as long as it hurts them more. Successful trans women? Mock them and take them down a peg, to make yourself feel a bit more superior. That's what makes them happy - and that's what makes them want to emulate Trump. Trump is the very embodiment of the effort to be superior to the people around him. There was a recent debate about the term "liberal." And the classic definition of liberal would apply to most people on this forum, even if the more recent definition of "liberal" is "a democrat." That's misleading because (for example) the rights to personally own property and guns are very liberal rights. However, with Trump there is a clear delineation. Trump is anti-liberal in the classic sense. A classic liberal's definition of "better" when it comes to politics is something that makes everyone (or almost everyone) in the country better. Maybe it's the right to free speech, or the right to own guns, or a nationwide road system, or an EPA that prevents factories from polluting so much and harming Americans. But for Trumpies, "better" means "better than the guy next to me." And you can get there by improving your situation - or making his worse. Both ways the Trump supporter "wins."
  2. 2 points
    Keep in mind Putin has been strongly cracking down on domestic dissent since the invasion started. I think a lot of Russians could be very wary of telling a random person on the phone that they don't like the President.
  3. 1 point
    I'm amazed that Brent's ISP can provide service so deeeeep in that rabbit hole. A Chinese provider would be cheaper if he just went a couple more feet.
  4. 1 point
    For the gazillionth time, it's not about how well Harris or Biden are serving our country it's about how Trump is not mis-serving our country from the oval office. And really, if you were a true patriot who wanted Trump nowhere near the Whitehouse or Congress again you wouldn't be doing your damndest to tear them down for no other reason than you have an internet connection and are perpetually bored.
  5. 1 point
    I can follow that. The majority of the former POTUS's ramblings, OTOH, not so much.
  6. 1 point
    Uhh no. Let me put it in you terms. You: Why did you believe them when they said X but not Y? Me: They never said X and neither did I. You: <silence> Its a bit rich when someone who doesn’t read his own sources complains about other people not reading more sources.
  7. 1 point
    Ripper knife handles are made of cheap plastic that distorts and allows lines, etc. to get trapped between blades. You would be wiser to buy the stiffer knives with fiberglass or metal handles. See the CANPARA article on hook knives that I wrote back in 1984.
  8. 1 point
    I don't think it is a "coincidence" that Hunter's laptop is being brought back just as it comes out that a SC Justice's wife was planning an insurrection with the President's Chief of Staff. And that same SC Justice is the only Justice who voted against making materials available to the Jan 6th committee. I think you have much bigger problems than trying to decide if Hunter Biden made money cause his last name is Biden.
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