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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    He's not, There are 9713 approved and permitted oil well sites in the US that oil companies simply don't want to drill on - because keeping supply low while demand is high helps them keep prices high, resulting in record profits. Again, what's your solution there? Should the government mandate that oil companies drill on their thousands of unused sites? Should the government itself drill and pump oil, and then undercut the oil industry? Or do you not care about any of that, and just want to blame Biden?
  2. 1 point
    All - Getting word about some Ukrainian instructors who had to flee and leave their gear behind. They are now in Slovakia but can't work until they get gear. Asking for gear donations!!!! Rigs and reserves must be less than 20 years old. Anything else just needs to be air worthy. Husband and wife, and probably others soon. Contact Tatiana Radchenko if you can help. She is https://www.facebook.com/taniarukr on Facebook. Cash donations can be made via Paypal to [email protected]. All help appreciated for brothers and sisters over there!
  3. 1 point
    Hi Chuck, Re: Luke is a meticulous engineer What engineering specialty did he get his degree in? Jerry Baumchen
  4. 1 point
    Been out of town for a few days. To your point - it is being done. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2001/08/03/01-19418/identification-markings-placed-on-firearms-98r-341p As to the child shooting the parent - Again, biometric mountable cases start at $129.00. If you can afford a gun; you can afford a lock box. The proper storage of a weapon was discussed in the proposal earlier in this thread. If you guys don't write your congress critters; it's going to continue. I believe three more states went constitutional carry in the past week. One is just waiting on the Governor's signature.
  5. 1 point
    Unlike internet forum posters?
  6. 1 point
    It is skydiving. It is not parachute landing. lol I know Luke very well. He's a brilliant stunt engineer and an amazingly talented guy. I have no doubt he and Andy will nail this one.
  7. 1 point
    As long as we life on a rotating planet revolving around a star giving us night and day we will live our lives by some sort of local time. We are still diurnal mammals.
  8. 1 point
    And perhaps a society that trains people to fear for their safety without a gun in their hand.
  9. 1 point
    Sure Bill, it was smart phones. How about given how unlikely it is to ever need a loaded gun for self defense in your home that you don't have readily available loaded guns in homes, much less your damn car, with kids. And if you do and your kid kills you (best case scenario) or themselves then you get to go to jail? It's a choice, right? And, while the article didn't mention it, I'll guess it wasn't a Barrett .50 but maybe a pistol. And before a revolver that might have too hard a trigger pull for a 3 year old I'd guess a Glock without a safety. And no, I don't consider trigger safeties to be safeties. Too many easily available guns and too many dipshits is the problem.
  10. 1 point
    Yup. The fact that people keep engaging is something I also don't understand. But apparently some find it amusing and who am I to judge?
  11. 1 point
    What if the method you are using to counteract the armed thugs is actually increasing the number of armed thugs?
  12. 1 point
    Hi Don, I always read any link that I post. I just wanted to put somewhat of a happy face on what might be a major problem for her. Jerry Baumchen
  13. 1 point
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