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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    It amazes me that anytime conservatives have to defend Trump's lies the standard fallback is STILL "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". Every single time. Never anything else. The two examples you gave, could not be more different. At the time Obama made that infamous quote, the legislation was still in a form where it wasn't a lie. The GOP - true to their on-the-record mission statement of sabotaging anything Obama did regardless of benefit to the people - did everything they could to cripple the ACA and MADE it a lie. Trump said he'd scrap Obamacare and replace it with something far far better, and repeatedly stated he would protect pre-existing conditions. He then signed in laws to strip those protections and had absolutely nothing in place to replace the ACA. One of your dot points before was about how Obama wasn't bipartisan enough, then in this same thread you criticise him for the results of his bipartisan efforts - which the GOP used to try fucking him over. Trump is an absolute dumpster-fire of a person, who has zero business being in the office he holds. I held off judgement when the election results came in on the HOPES that he might turn things around like you keep hinting he could - he can't. He's shown that repeatedly for the last 3 years. Quit it with the "both-sides" false equivalence. It's horseshit and you know it.
  2. 2 points
    No! I'm Q! And so's my wife! Can't ever turn down a good Life of Brian quote.
  3. 2 points
    Well there's also the very simple fact that the whole concept of a 'wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific' is utterly idiotic.
  4. 2 points
    I only registered to vote for the first time last election and am currently a registered Democrat, simply because I'd like them to put forward who I consider to be the strongest candidate against Trump. Until the 2016 election I always thought the two parties were mostly even in terms of how unprincipled they are. Swings and roundabouts. I always knew Trump in office would be a shitshow, but I never guessed how quickly the Republican party would jump on the 'fuck absolutely everyone if it gives me, personally, power' bandwagon. Once Trump is out of office my party affiliation might well change. As I've said before on this forum, in somethings I'm profoundly liberal, in others, very conservative.
  5. 1 point
    Long time DZO of Lake Wales and Phoenix Z-Hills passed away this morning. She did a lot for our sport and she will be missed.
  6. 1 point
    Like he gives a shit. The Republican Party have proven that they’ll back him no matter what. This is what happens if you tell a criminal they can do whatever they want.
  7. 1 point
    https://dailycaller.com/2020/02/12/interior-department-donald-trump-obama/ USA! USA! USA!
  8. 1 point
    The problem is that Trump is only a manifestation, a symptom of that bandwagon. The R party went down that road a few years ago. "Voter ID" laws, promoted as preventing voter fraud (which was really rare, and seems to be perpetuated recently by... Republicans) that really disenfranchises older and minority voters. Gerrymandering (done by both sides, but the Rs really ran with it). Vicious and false attacks against HRC. I don't like her and didn't vote for her The "Benghazi" and "E-mail" hearings had no merit, or substance, but did a good job of attacking her. Flat out refusing to hold hearings for a Supreme Court nominee. It's become abundantly clear that the Republican leadership has no interest in anything but retaining power.
  9. 1 point
    NO Georger, I didn't claim Kaye found only one diatom, he clearly stated he found many, I can read. I was referring to the question of whether Asterionella was the winter or summer variety, that is the context. The real point was,, where was the bill in the packet. I don't know if you genuinely lack contextual discrimination due to a disorder or are just being a troll, but many people are really fed up with your nonsense. You continue, without fail, to discredit yourself. You are more a hinderance than an asset to the Cooper case and your toxic behaviour toward others doesn't elevate your relevance. You were caught lying and you refuse to admit when you are wrong which is often. You spend more time copying and pasting my comments with added disinformation than doing any of your own research. You can choose to be a positive influence.
  10. 1 point
    Except you know that wasn't the reason. The White House even put out a official statement talking about retribution. You're also completely ignoring the thing Trump did to Vindman that I said I thought was outrageous. Why?
  11. 1 point
    Just to clarify some of my position as I believe it's also (possibly) been misinterpreted or misunderstood - I don't think the Democrats SHOULD be playing dirty or sinking to the GOP's level. I'm just saying that it's absolute hypocrisy for anyone to state one party has to be principled while the other one gets away with blatant corruption.
  12. 1 point
    There are a couple of factors at play here. One, it sounds like when you're unpacking, you're pulling the main out of the main container more or less parallel with the backpad, which isn't how you'll be deploying in the real world (hopefully!). If you lift the main out perpendicular to the backpad, the secondary riser covers should open before the line stows release. For the primary (over the shoulder) riser covers, regardless of the type, they're not likely to open until your main creates enough drag to start pulling you vertical, so the canopy will be out of the bag. Having a body in the harness will certainly give you a more realistic sense of the forces required to open the primary riser covers. The issue of risers being placed under or over the tuck tab pockets was never an issue until a company came out with a design that allowed the risers to find their way too far under the pocket and cause locking issues in the field. Instead of redesigning the riser covers, they decided to put a label on top of the pocket instructing the users/packers to put the risers on top of the pocket, and other companies followed suit. The Infinity top flap is designed to prevent the risers from finding their way to the "wrong" side of pocket when the risers are placed underneath it. You can put the risers in either location, but the covers will be a little more secure if the risers are placed under the pockets/top flap.
  13. 1 point
    Trump IS cancer, and the cancer has metastasized to the Senate and the DoJ. You still haven't refuted a single statement in the OP.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    As a judge, I loved working competitions (especially Collegiates) at Lake Wales. Betty was always so attentive to the judges as well as the competitors, because she wanted everyone to have a great time and a great meet. So sad to hear this news. I'm sure the crew at Lake Wales is really hurting, but I am also sure they are supporting each other.
  16. 1 point
    Betty's face was one of the kind faces I always looked forward to seeing at Lake Wales when I went through my student progression there in the early 2000's...She will indeed be missed.
  17. 1 point
    dumb. The TM should never have let that happen.
  18. 1 point
    Um... no. Is stupid and reckless. JW Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...
  19. 1 point
    It's not hilarious or great - this is plain stupid and dangerous. Apart from the distraction added by handling his phone, think of what would have happened to him (or his tandem master) if the phone slipped from his hands. Think of what would have happened if the phone hit somebody on the ground. Getting hit in the face or in your head by a phone at freefall speed? Absolutely hilarious... And to answer your question - things like this tend to happen more and more. I've had numerous discussions about why it's not possible to bring your own phone or camera on a tandem skydive. I've had people show up with meter-long selfie-sticks. I've have had tandem passengers try to smuggle Gopros into the airplane, even though we strictly forbid it. Social media show people a lot of stupid things and as most people are not used to thinking on their own, they try to recreate everything that might generate a few likes and online-attention without considering the possible consequences. Nice words are not always true - and true words are not always nice.
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