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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Recently yoink mentioned that reaction points (green merits) should be forum specific. I think that makes sense. Are there any valid reasons why not?
  2. 1 point
    Wendy, I'm sorry but that's a crock. You can't know any of what you claim to doubt or reduce to probably's or might's. You wrote: "The fact that something bad to us has to happen for those things is the divide. How one focuses one’s analysis might be a reflection of how they view the topic." That could mean anything. No one is yanking his chain. He's angry, defensive and combative. Why? That's easy, he's holding an empty bag. He knows it and he knows he cannot give a millimeter or his entire blame us game will fall to pieces. So he rears up and snarls. Based on Coreece's posts, in particular the ones way back where he was lamenting that those who were most familiar to him, who were a part of so many of his great memories, but who were now vexing him I am convinced he is doubting his faith.
  3. 1 point
    The hate that the evangelical movement in America exhibits towards those who do not fit their version of “what god wants “ is always an inspiration to me. If you are angered by that it is on you, not me.
  4. 1 point
    One problem with debating the 'legality' of going against Mfr's recommendations is the liability issue. I wouldn't pack something the mfr says is 'too old'. My 'fear' wouldn't be issues with the FAA. It would be with the ambulance chasers who could convince the family that I should be held responsible (financially) if something went wrong. "Ladies & gentlemen of the jury. My client's father (son, daughter, mother, husband, wife, whatever) trusted the so-called 'certified' rigger to safely inspect and pack his reserve. Instead, the rigger ignored the manufacturer's instructions to not pack one that old..." Perhaps I'm overcautious. But I would not take the chance.
  5. 1 point
    ZLX is just Aerodyne's marketing name for vectran.
  6. 1 point
    I had not noticed this place had become a popularity contest. Now it feels like the constant challenge to get FuckedupBook to show me posts in a timely order versus a popularity order. I don't really care, do you?
  7. 1 point
    Non-parachutists never understand why we do it. It is easiest to just lead a double-life and keep your weekend thing secret.
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