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  2. They must have teen age girls or girlfriends.
  3. Arizona legislators do the right thing. Even two Republican state senators found a backbone.
  4. JoeWeber


    Get ready for a lot more Jesus.
  5. Today
  6. In fact, to Trump, using the term "dog" is the ultimate insult. An incomplete list: Mitt Romney “choked like a dog.” A newspaper was "kicked out of a debate like a dog." Rev. Jeremiah Wright was “dumped like a dog" by Obama. Kristen Stewart cheated on Pattinson "like a dog." Brent Bozell "begged for money like a dog." Ted Cruz "lies like a dog." George Will was "thrown off NBC like a dog." Glenn Beck, Chuck Todd and Bill Maher were all "fired like a dog." Perhaps his new insult should be "treated like a Noem."
  7. gowlerk


    Given the record and makeup of the current SCOTUS I would think that a change toward favouring more blatant governmental support for mainline religions is inevitable. It is already occurring on several fronts, especially support for parochial schools.
  8. The linked article was from Gizmodo. It is pretty blatantly anti-Musk but it says they’re laying off all of supercharger and new vehicle employees. If true, you gotta wonder what Musk is thinking.
  9. My guess is soon, someone is going to announce that they are leaving Tesla and start up a business of installing superchargers. Kind of like JB Straubel did with Redwood Meterials. Otherwise, I have to agree. It makes zero sense to reduce that portion of Tesla. I haven't seen the actual details, did the entire organization get eliminated or it was just reduced in size and the media is misrepresenting the facts with click bait headlines.
  10. Oh, I’m sure that shortly you’ll hear about how much better it would be if electric utilities could just go back to their real business of powering incandescent bulbs Wendy P.
  11. Agree Noem's dog was 14 months old. As compared to President Biden's dogs had histories of over 24 "incidents" involving 11 secret service agents and others. Everyone likely knows about Trump's hatred of dogs and the fact that he has never had a pet in his life.
  12. At least now that it's an open standard other people can start building superchargers. There's not enough market data yet to determine how that market works precisely (i.e. pricing vs location vs ease of use) but with 4 million EVs on the road, it's clear there is profit to be had.
  13. If you want to know who someone really is, watch what they do with people or animals that will not affect the course of their lives. Waitresses. Dogs. Flight attendants. Former political allies and adversaries. Salespeople. It's often said that if a woman is thinking about marrying a man she should watch how he treats waitresses, because that's how he will treat her in 10 years. There's a lot of truth in that. It's also worth noting that the Bidens had two problem dogs - Major and Commander. Both had a biting problem. Both now have new homes away from the White House.
  14. Seriously the press secretary's main function is to spin. Been that way for decades.
  15. billvon


    It is explained away by claiming that (for example) the Prayer Room is for all denomination; it does not respect any one establishment of religion over another. Of course, that doesn't work with "under God" since it excludes all the pantheistic religions. On the plus side, every time it's been challenged, the law has been interpreted as "you have to include all religions if they want in" when it comes to government support of religion. That will likely change if Trump conservatism takes hold.
  16. wmw999


    I’m sorry, they don’t define the Christian agenda any more than the Mormons, the Catholics, or the Jehovah’s Witnesses do (many evangelicals don’t consider any of those to be Christians either). Its their agenda, and I really hope that enough people see it as the White Nationalist bullshit it is Wendy P.
  17. Well, this exchange on the topic on Xitter made my day. (Not the first response below her post)
  18. This is what the face of depravity looks like: She recently admitted to killing a puppy for ....being a puppy. "In her forthcoming memoir, obtained by The Guardian newspaper, the conservative Republican describes how, after a hunting excursion gone awry, she shot and killed her "untrainable" 14-month-old dog Cricket. "I hated that dog," Noem, 52, wrote in "No Going Back," according to excerpts published by The Guardian. She explained how Cricket had spoiled a pheasant hunt with her "excitement," Above quote from France 24. News of the heartlessness of republicans has spread all over the world.
  19. Well, if the Supreme Court declares complete, full, retroactive, beneficial, and fun Presidential Immunity there will be an ever so tiny bit of hope. Think positive.
  20. Phil1111


    The Center for Renewing America is led by a former trump official. It has an agenda to spread White nationalism and the control of Christianity in government. During the next trump presidency and after trump is gone. They are organized, zealous and driven by the idea that liberals are out to destroy the Christian faith. They like trump because they can make deals with him. Bend him to their cause. part of their agenda is "overturning same-sex marriage, ending abortion and reducing access to contraceptives." Roe v Wade was just the start, a preamble to the Christian agenda.
  21. In my dyslexic speed-read I initially saw "Another Trump stooge for beheading." I wish.
  22. “I thought I was wrong once, but I found out later I was mistaken.” — Edward Abbey
  23. JoeWeber


    And what goes around comes around, apparently.
  24. gowlerk


    The USA is still largely controlled by those who are culturally "Christian". Meaning euro-centric and white. It has little to do with deities or theology. It is all about those who belong to the group with the most power clinging onto it as tightly as they can. It is a similar thing to how Hinduists have taken over in supposedly secular India. All US leaders must embrace the phrase "God bless America", it is a prerequisite even if only done performa.
  25. kallend


    Once upon a time everyone knew that the Earth is flat and that most ailments are cured by bloodletting,
  26. So now that the industry is moving toward Tesla's charging connector, and agreements to use its charging network, what is Elmo's next brilliant move? Elon Musk Laid Off Supercharger Team After Taking $17 Million in Federal Charging Grants
  27. wmw999


    Oh come on — everyone knows that sometimes you have to break the rules to get the results you want! We wanted to make sure we knew who the godless communists were, and just like sunlight to a vampire or water to a witch, they’d melt when faced with just the right antidote Wendy P.
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