
how many of us were that guy? the one who everyone told to slow down our downsizing

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Just wondering as I keep havign to say I was that guy and then got hurt and then started to listen and seek advice :-P


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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yes - and I got hurt.

After that wakeup call I sought coaching, took it easier and began my path to actually learning something about canopy flight.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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Not me. I had over 2000 jumps before I ever jumped a sub-100 foot canopy. I did, however, jump what was definitely the "hottest" canopies available, only not in the very smallest sizes (even though I generally only weighed about 140 pounds back then). I still managed to drag all the skin off the tops of my toes swooping in flip-flops too. Never broke a bone until 2002 at Quincy (two knuckles on my right hand, sliding to a stop after swooping the pond).

I remember people telling me I was out of my fucking mind when I test jumped 150 square foot canopies for a company back in the mid 1980's. Oddly, a 150 is now considered almost a "novice" canopy to some people.


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"nope, nice and slow..."

i wouldn't say i had a slow progression but i also wasn't the one people said i needed to slow down. i've been lucky to have a very knowledgable canopy pilot mentor me from almost the very begining. that coupled with me having very specific goals and steps to reach those goals i think help prevented me from getting hurt thus far.
Slip Stream Air Sports
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Yeah. I was that guy. The canopies were "big" but loaded pretty high. Luckily I came away clean and with only a blown-up knee, no titanium.

Now days I try very hard to help out guys (and gals) that are like I was, but they're like I was and don't listen anyways.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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My progression has been slow in parts and lately kind of quick - although i've never been called "that guy".

I have hurt myself though, a broken fib/tib combo after getting back from doing a lot of jumps overseas and not realising just how much of a difference there is between 1000ft asl and 5000ft asl :$

My currency this year has played a big role in my most recent downsize, but my plan is to stay with this canopy for the next 300 jumps at least.

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Yes - And I got hurt, although it was as a result of what I was doing since there was no downsizing in those days. We all jumped 7 cell, F-111 type fabric canopies around 220 sq ft, but I was the only one trying to swoop mine...:$

Even a few minutes after smashing myself I was pretty sure I'd learned my lesson. Pity it took nearly a year to recover from my mistake. Much like Chuck, I had over 1000 dives by the time I was on a 120, and over 3000 dives by the time I went to a 107. Maybe I'll go sub 100 when I get to 5000.. or maybe I'll change planform instead..

There really is no hurry.

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No, I was not "that guy," and thank God because I made a mistake and hurt myself on jump 999 on a canopy that I had loaded at 1.4 and I had been on that canopy (Sabre) at that loading for at least 500 jumps. Before that, it was a PD f-111 at 1.2. Had I been jumping a canopy like alot of people are nowadays at 999 jumps, I probably would not be typing this right now.

I then took a step back and developed my canopy flying over the next 1,000 jumps and slowly went from 1.4 to 1.9 over that time. It wasn't until about 2,000 jumps when I first got a crossbraced canopy and only after I had learned as much as I could on other canopies. Now, at 2,900+ jumps, I am loading my Velocity at 2.2

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I also don't think that there should be a "didn't get hurt" choice. That implies that there is a point when you have "made it" and are no longer a risk. Even if you are on the canopy you plan to stay on and feel you are done with your canopy progression, the lack of experience using a slow progression can still contribute to you making a mistake and hurting yourself for a long time.

No one is ever "out of the woods," and those people who have a few hundred jumps and are flying very high performance canopies have not beat the odds or proven anyone wrong. That lack of experience and attitude will be there to bite you well after you have convinced yourself that you are a good pilot. And worse, you might hurt someone else.

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Luckily I came away clean and with only a blown-up knee, no titanium.

Pussy!:P:D I was "that guy" My first canopy was a Sabre 170 and at 150 jumps i got a cobalt 135. At the time i was jumping four way and not trying to swoop it. (not a justification) At about jump # 600 or so i started demoing canopies and ended up with a crossfire2- 109 Now i have a stiletto 135. I always told myself (and others) i would never jump a crossbraced canopy until i had over 1000 jumps. Now, it will probably be more like 2000:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I can't really say I had a slow progression. I went from 220 and 240 sqft mains straight to a F111 PD 9cell 150 and then to a Sabre 2 150. I know now that that wasn't really the best way to down size, but I lived. 150 sqft was 1 to 1 at the time. Now I gained weight instead of down sizing.:$

Just now I am starting to do double front riser landings. I am taking it real slow. I really don't have the money to get a new canopy, so I will push my current canopy as far as I can.

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I was reluctant to vote since I didn't see an option which I fit into. I ended up voting for "No nice and slow" but it was more like "No ... but I've been lucky a few times".

I didn't go cross-braced until I had over 900 jumps and only recently found myself on a sub 100 footer (just barely under 100 I might add). Plus I had received some canopy coaching several times before I was on a cross-braced and order up some more coaching soon after going cross-braced. But I did progress at a faster rate than most canopy nazis would recommend. I've had to dig myself out of the corner on a Sabre2 190 and Sabre2 170 a couple of times and I'm sure I would have been a statistic had I been on a smaller canopy. I seemed to fair okay on my Crossfire2 139 and 119 without any major corner incidents, but it wasn't until I got some high performance coaching from Mr Slaton while on my 119 that I started to understand what to do up there. I did come close in the spring of 2005 on a sunset load with a Velocity 111 as I spent too long trying to aquire the red entry gates in the flat light and definitely dug myself out of my grave on that occasion. There there has been one scary landing in competition (I should have aborted and taken the donut) as I tried to carve into the course on a failed approach. Plus I learned how painful a rear riser stall can be during a downwind speed carving course at the CPC Champsionships (don't confuse ground speed with airspeed). So it's not like I haven't been hurt swooping. I just (knock on wood) haven't femured or anything.

Each and every one of us (including those with thousands of swoops) is capable of messing up. Don't ever let your guard down. But patience, a good attitude and coaching can go a long way towards making us better swoopers. It's not the canopy, it's the pilot controlling the canopy.

PS: I got more serious with my swooping in the summer of 2004 after I came close to taking someone out on a head down freefly jump. After that incident I told myself to slow down (freefly wise) and concentrate on my canopy control. Ever since then I've done tons tons of high and low altitude hop n' pops and my freefly skills aren't as good as they once were. But I am a better canopy pilot because of this.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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get a 210, yer gonna hurt yerself again..........:ph34r:

haha mr scary camera flier...ready for me to pack your velo again ;)



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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get a 210, yer gonna hurt yerself again..........:ph34r:

haha mr scary camera flier...ready for me to pack your velo again ;)



the scary part of my jumps are the openings when i use packers........

HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

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I was never called tht guy, at least to my face and I have some pretty honest friends, and I got hurt. STOP HOPING YOU'LL GET LUCKY, OR YOU WONT BE THAT GUY..... fly like your that guy, because you along with everyone, you hold the potential to be HIM. its all a card game of skill so dont play hands you cant win. Practice and education will get you where youwant to be. heres a lucky one... check the attachments.....
Watch out for planters.

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