
Should I downsize to a vision ?

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I have a little over 200 jumps, been jumping a sabre 150 for about 160 jumps.

I now have great deal for a new vision 117. It would be loaded at about 1.6 since I'm a light guy, the sabre was loaded at about 1.2. I never had problems with it.

Only one screwed landing.:S but that wasn't bad either B|

Now the question is, should I go for it ?



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The vision is an elliptical canopy wether the sabre1 is not. Switching to an elliptical canopy puts you under a less forgiving canopy. You are planning to downsize from 1.2 to 1.6? I think that's asking for trouble at 200 jumps and think that if you buy that canopy you will regret it in the near future.

Maybe it's a better idea to be looking at a sabre2 135 or similar instead if you want to downsize?


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A large downsize coupled with the change to eliptical will put you in the same loading and category as a friend of mine currently in intensive care, except you have 700 less dives than him.

Maybe you can PM me your DZ name, and a couple of other details so I don't need to hunt around for them if I need to post about you in incidents.

Just PM them to me with "Future Incident" as the heading.


It's the year of the Pig.

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I have a little over 200 jumps, been jumping a sabre 150 for about 160 jumps.

I now have great deal for a new vision 117. It would be loaded at about 1.6 since

Thanks, I needed a good laugh today... That is one of the funnier things I have seen..... wait you were not serious were you...????? Naw, could'nt be with a jump number of about 200 thinking about a WL change to over 1.6 from 1.2 not to mention a planform change to a higher performance eliptical.. Naww, just has to be a joke, so good one!!

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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From 150 to a 117 is a HUGE step, not recomended for even expert canopy pilots. Never mind the change shape.

Do not ever downsize because of a Great Deal(tm). Great Deals(tm) come along far more frequently than you'd think. Wait and get a properly sized Great Deal(tm) when it comes along.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I understand everyones concern for this jumper's question and I understand that questions such as his has been ask many times over (I don't post much but I read almost everything in this forum). People in this forum are very passionate about both skydiving and safety and I appriciate it. However, as a person who works with youth we all know that if you tell someone not to do something, chances are their going to do it anyway.

IBX: These people care about you enough to piss you off, please heed their warnings.

Fellow posters: I understand your frustration but please understand when you put someone down or make fun of their questions like some have you're just pushing them in the direction you don't want them to go in.

Just my opinion. Keep up the constructive critisism, just don't forget the most important part of your post of these types CONSTRUCTIVE

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Ditto to everything else already said. The only reason I'm replying is that I just got back from the DZ and I scared the SH@$ out of myself today. I have been jumping a 1.6WL for about 100 hundred jumps and have just over 800 jumps total. I have been through numerous canopy piloting classes and get daily input from the local coaches. Basically, I pushed it a little too far and had to rely on every bit of skill I've developed so far AND a good amount of luck to save my ass. Needless to say, I'll be taking it easy for a while. I haven't seen you fly your canopy, but I'd be willing to bet this could happen to you. Take your time, downsize when ready not when cost effective.

Arizona Drive 4-Way VFS - www.DriveVFS.com

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Hy guys,

thanks for your input, I guess I wasn't really serisously thinking of getting the deal....

But maybe you how it is when you get a good offer, it's exiting and a part of you wants to go for it !

I needed confirmation for my own thoughts, not wanting miss out on a good chance.

After I had posted I got pretty much the reaction I had expected.... I will not be getting the deal! You convinced me that I'm doing the right thing !


now I have my own downsize thread :)--john

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Why rush downsizing? If you don't downsize at least you'll still be around to downsize later, if you do - then you might not be around long enough to realise it was a mistake.
I recently watched a low-number jumper mess him self up with a canopy loaded at 1.5-1.6, it aint pretty.

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Don't get too excited over a good deal that's a bad deal.

There are always tons of good deals that come along. It's important to know what you want and need, then you'll really know a good deal when you see it!

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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plus its a vision in addition to what the others said ;)

When was the last time I saw one flown...oh yeah it was at the christmas boogie two christmases ago and it was a demo ;)


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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