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DB Cooper

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Do you think Carr or any likewise informed whuffo would have been able to recognize ripstop?

Absolutely. Ripstop is EASILY recognizable and looks very different than twill. I have examined photos of the Amboy canopy. The one showing the mfr data has decent resolution. I'm very sure that the canopy material is twill not ripstop.

To me there are a lot of unanswered questions about the Amboy canopy. but none of them link it to Norjack.


Here's one of those questions, Three-Seven-Seven:

What is the truth of the Amboy chute? Why are there so many different variations of the Amboy Chute Story? - road grader, not, buried, dug up, where, by whom, etc.

When Meyer and I visisted Amboy, we were told a back-hoe dug it out intentionally, and not a road grader unintentionally.

The story that Blevs heard from his interviewees at Ariel I have heard about six times from Amboy residents. It goes like this:

"Oh, I know where the parachute was found. My sister used to be married to _____________, (or baby-sat for __________, or worked with the brother of______________) and he is the _______________of the landowners who dug up the chute. I forget the name of the people who found it, but their place is real easy to find. It's only about ______________miles from______________. You can't miss it."


Further, if the Amboy chute is DBC's, then where is everything else? Body, dummy reserve, container, money bag, bomb, briefcase, paper sack, etc. If it's buried out there, is anyone looking? If not, why not?

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******"And then, of course there is always the chance the chute was not buried that long to start with for whatever reason."

it was in the search area and yet nobody seen it. could of been covered with brush, but that would of died off and exposed it. was it in a ball as you would think it would be if you were trying to conceal it. it was discovered half out of the ground, what was it's position 2, 3+ years prior?

let's assume it was Cooper's chute. how does this help the FBI? they can't ask the public for help. does it help there reputation? they have to already know it's bruised from not solving the case, so where does lying about the chute help anything? then we assume there not lying about anything else, just the chute? Really?

The story that I remember is that the father was grading the road and the blade caught the corner or edge and pulled it partially out of the ground. Could be that it was inadvertently "buried" when the road was cut as opposed to purposefully buried by someone.

"A tattered, half-buried parachute unearthed by kids had D.B. Cooper country chattering Wednesday over the fate of the skyjacker, who leapt from a plane 36 years ago and into the lore of the Pacific Northwest."

several links repeat the same about it being half buried. I have also read about the tractor hooking it. so who found it, Dad while grading the road, or his kids after he left the area?

That published story has the kids with the Dad as he was
grading to improve a road into a field ... the tractor snagged
the buried chute ... they tried to pull it out but couldn't ... at
length they all went home but came back later ...

Blevins should have the article - he says he has them all. Ask
Blevins to post the article.

Isnt there somebody around this Dropzone with twill, ripstop, and silk fabric photos!?:D

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Bruce Smith says in part:


'The story that Blevs heard from his interviewees at Ariel I have heard about six times from Amboy residents. It goes like this:

"Oh, I know where the parachute was found. My sister used to be married to _____________, (or baby-sat for __________, or worked with the brother of______________) and he is the _______________of the landowners who dug up the chute. I forget the name of the people who found it, but their place is real easy to find. It's only about ______________miles from______________. You can't miss it."

BS. This is NOT what I told you yesterday in my email.

Since you decided to use me as an example, I will make that info public. I told you THIS:

There is a very nice couple who attends Ariel each year. I interviewed the wife for the video. They are from Amboy, and their main claim to fame is that they have raised about 350 foster children for the State of Washington. The wife's name is Carol, I believe. Check the 42 minute point of my Ariel 2012 video on that.

Interviewing the wife privately, she said they knew the people who owned the property where the chute was unearthed. They were neighbors she said, and I believe her. These people are well-known in the Amboy/Ariel area and are lifelong residents. The wife is a petite brunette who looks younger than her 60+ years. The husband is 'portly' and always wears a string tie, dresses like a cowboy, about 70 years of age. Very nice folks. I'm not giving out their full names. You want to know who they are, where they live? Ask Dona Elliot.

Bruce: Last time I ever drop any information on you privately.



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Do you think Carr or any likewise informed whuffo would have been able to recognize ripstop?

Absolutely. Ripstop is EASILY recognizable and looks very different than twill. I have examined photos of the Amboy canopy. The one showing the mfr data has decent resolution. I'm very sure that the canopy material is twill not ripstop.

To me there are a lot of unanswered questions about the Amboy canopy. but none of them link it to Norjack.


Here's one of those questions, Three-Seven-Seven:

What is the truth of the Amboy chute? Why are there so many different variations of the Amboy Chute Story? - road grader, not, buried, dug up, where, by whom, etc.

When Meyer and I visisted Amboy, we were told a back-hoe dug it out intentionally, and not a road grader unintentionally.

The story that Blevs heard from his interviewees at Ariel I have heard about six times from Amboy residents. It goes like this:

"Oh, I know where the parachute was found. My sister used to be married to _____________, (or baby-sat for __________, or worked with the brother of______________) and he is the _______________of the landowners who dug up the chute. I forget the name of the people who found it, but their place is real easy to find. It's only about ______________miles from______________. You can't miss it."


Further, if the Amboy chute is DBC's, then where is everything else? Body, dummy reserve, container, money bag, bomb, briefcase, paper sack, etc. If it's buried out there, is anyone looking? If not, why not?


I don't know what the truth is about origin and discovery of the Amboy chute but I do believe the FBI photos are real and accurately depict the canopy.

I can tell when it was made (mfr date stamp) and that it was twill fabric. That alone tells me that it wasn't Cooper's. Too old and too unsafe for a rigger to be packing as an emergency chute in 1971. Am I 100% sure? No, it's just an educated guess.

The FBIs handling of the chute and the initial statements they made raises questions but more about their competency than any coverup or conspiracy.

Cossey was no dummy. If it was Coopers chute it would be very valuable to collectors and he might be able to claim ownership. If he was already paid for the canopy by NWA, their insurer or the govt then he would have likely released title to the payor.

If you ever find the chute site and do some digging, look for the ends if the lines which should terminate in a riser attachment fitting of some sort. That item would tell us a lot about whether it was ever in an NB6 or NB8 container.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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"These are just some of the reasons why that chute should be examined by outside experts."

It appears the FBI did that. in a KOMO news video the FBI asks for help to come and look at the chute. not over the phone, but someone who has experience back in that time period. they have Cossey on record looking at the chute, but how do you know that nobody else looked at the chute. I'm sure they got dozens of calls.

I also provided some pics of silk and ripstop & silk material. also a photo that seems to show they did stamp the repacking dates on the chutes at one time.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Let's face a couple of facts on Cossey here. First, he lied about owning the parachute Cooper actually jumped with. That has been established by an official FBI document. (Attached)

Second, he perpetuated this story in multiple media interviews over a number of years.

I am also re-attaching a military doc that shows the different uses and parameters for military chutes up to 1978. These include the use of not only ripstop and twill nylon, but variants on the same.

Norman Hayden was the owner of the two backpack chutes Cooper was given. Cossey was the person paid to repack them. It is entirely possible he ignored the fact that the second chute, the military chute, may have been twill. No one really knows. But we DO know (according to Hayden's telephone interview) that Hayden never saw inside those containers. He did not know the nature of the canopies. Only Cossey saw those.

And yet, thirty-seven years later Cossey tells multiple reporters that the reason he wrote off the Amboy chute was because it was made of silk, not nylon. And this seems unlikely. In his interview with the Oregonian, he tells them he probably can't ID the canopy without the harness and container and states he thinks the Seattle FBI is 'barking up the wrong tree'. In another article he says 'it was over in ten seconds,' (his identification effort when the FBI brings him the chute)

This tells me it is entirely possible that a twill canopy was packed in the NB6/8, and that after Cossey heard the FBI was bringing him a REAL chute this time, from the area where many believe Cooper jumped...that he decided to bail and then play the media on the whole thing.

We already know that Cossey was answering his phone that week as 'DB Cooper,' and lied to at least two reporters, saying the chute WAS Cooper's. One of them called him back and bit his head off over that.

These are just some of the reasons why that chute should be examined by outside experts.

Tom Kaye and his team come to mind.

Every point you made is possible, but IMO less likely than my speculative conclusion Robert. Occam is on my side on this particular matter.

Cosseys lies and inconsistent statements puzzle me. Your account gives a motive to lie about the Amboy chute. Mine really doesn't.

Crazy things have happened in the rescue gear business. Most survival systems are never used. Unscrupulous people have taken advantage of that fact. An airport operator for years serviced emergency oxygen gear and filled tanks with AIR rather than O2. Another outfit paid to replace single chamber aircraft life vests (which were illegal after a certain date) sewed through the single chamber ones to give the appearance of dual chamber vests but rendering them useless. The owner of that outfit went to jail.

Cossey was a gambler. They can be like junkies. Might he have swapped a good canopy of Normans for a junk twill one and sold the good one? Possible but unlikely.

I think the Seahawks might beat us. I keep my mouth shut around here.

Enjoy that new big screen. I hope you have the agony of watching a 49er win in HD.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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"We already know that Cossey was answering his phone that week as 'DB Cooper,' and lied to at least two reporters, saying the chute WAS Cooper's. One of them called him back and bit his head off over that."

this is the worse case/best case scenario i was talking about that you do. how does an admitted joke turn into a lie? he clearly said it was an April fools joke.

Cossey seems to indeed have a big ego, but sometimes what he says might not be what the FBI wanted him to say. the same goes for you, JO Marla and dozens of other who claim they know who Cooper was. since the FBI doesn't conclude anything on these suspects, you guys continue to speak out as if you know the truth. you guys feel you are far more superior over the FBI and wrap the case up into little PDF files that are lacking complete verification, or truth to them. you THOUGHT the PDF sent to the FBI was complete and accurate. this is not the truth either. it seems you also have some accuracy issues yourself. some you already admitted to but fail to correct. this could also put you in a position to be called a liar just like you are doing with Cossey! also seems when you do it, it's a mistake or oversight, or doesn't really matter, but, Cossey is a liar, Cossey is a liar.....Really?

Unfortunately the dead can not speak, so you guys crucify them once this happens. similar to when someone gets fired from work. all the blame goes onto him. is it the FBI concluding the chute from Cossey, or is it the media painting this picture?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Bruce Smith says in part:


'The story that Blevs heard from his interviewees at Ariel I have heard about six times from Amboy residents. It goes like this:

"Oh, I know where the parachute was found. My sister used to be married to _____________, (or baby-sat for __________, or worked with the brother of______________) and he is the _______________of the landowners who dug up the chute. I forget the name of the people who found it, but their place is real easy to find. It's only about ______________miles from______________. You can't miss it."

BS. This is NOT what I told you yesterday in my email.

Since you decided to use me as an example, I will make that info public. I told you THIS:

There is a very nice couple who attends Ariel each year. I interviewed the wife for the video. They are from Amboy, and their main claim to fame is that they have raised about 350 foster children for the State of Washington. The wife's name is Carol, I believe. Her husband is Frank. Check the 38:43 minute point of my Ariel 2012 video on that. Her interview begins just after that point.

Interviewing the wife privately, she said they knew the people who owned the property where the chute was unearthed. They were neighbors she said, and I believe her. These people are well-known in the Amboy/Ariel area and are lifelong residents. The wife is a petite brunette who looks younger than her 60+ years. The husband is 'portly' and always wears a string tie, dresses like a cowboy, about 70 years of age. Very nice folks. I'm not giving out their full names. You want to know who they are, where they live? Ask Dona Elliot.

Bruce: Last time I ever drop any information on you privately.

Interesting, Robert. I met that guy at Ariel and talked to him for a few minutes. (Not too difficult to remember as he was the only old guy who was dressed like a cowboy). If I had known who he was, I'd have asked him about the parachute.

You're right...he looks like he's about 70. I was very surprised when he told me was 80! That's 12 years younger than Betty White! ;)

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


nice pic. I have seen several like that. what is your thoughts on the markings of the Amboy chute. no visible manufacture, nothing but a number and date. would they stamp a cargo chute differently than a personal chute?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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you have made many implications that it was Cooper's chute. where is the proof only one person looked at the chute over the phone?

you still haven't provided the link stating they will not discuss it any further? if it's not silk and not Cooper's chute. who cares?

The FBI is on record stating several times that were not going by Cossey alone. this is exactly what you put Robert99 through every time with the flight path being correct vs Robert99 saying it's wrong. you have less experience in navigation, engineering and investigating skills than most. I have mentioned many times that I will wait for R99's completion before I make a decision as to what his conclusions are. by not coming to a conclusion as fast as you wish it would. I would hardly call it BS as you have stated.

again, you constantly criticize people for inaccurate, faulty, sloppy work, when the truth is you have explained Robert Blevins.

Now, in all fairness I have contacted several vintage parachute "experts" in order to try and see what they come up with. I contacted Gary Peeks last night after seeing his name in the article. he responded that he only commented about chutes being buried in muddy conditions etc. he didn't have an answer on the chute itself.

the people I contacted have more than enough experience in the field of parachutes. I will show there websites and credentials as well. it's a start. it's possible the serial number can at least be traced to a type of chute it was.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Hangdiver, I think you have just proven that the "Feb 46" on the Amboy parachute is NOT a date stamp.

On the stamp for your chute (shown in your attachment), the date portion is listed as "Date of MFG: May 11, 1945".

I presume cargo parachutes also had date stamps and that they would be done in a similar manner as above. Thus, the "Feb 46", which is isolated from any other markings, is NOT a date stamp, whatever it may be.

In any event, the Amboy parachute is not relevant to the Cooper hijacking.


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Blevins, let's get a couple of things straight here.

Regardless of what you think about the FBI and everyone else, you are NOT a major player in the Cooper investigation, or anything else in this life as far as I can determine.

In fact, the planet Earth seems to be doing a reasonably good job of existing without any meaningful inputs from you.

A better use for your talents would be to identify the man on the grassy knoll in Dallas. I feel certain you could come up with a name.


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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


That's too cool Hangdiver.

It's obvious why the American Lady Corset Company never made skydiving canopies.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


That's too cool Hangdiver.

It's obvious why the American Lady Corset Company never made skydiving canopies.



I must have missed something. Please explain the basis for your statement.:)


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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Hangdiver, I think you have just proven that the "Feb 46" on the Amboy parachute is NOT a date stamp.

On the stamp for your chute (shown in your attachment), the date portion is listed as "Date of MFG: May 11, 1945".

I presume cargo parachutes also had date stamps and that they would be done in a similar manner as above. Thus, the "Feb 46", which is isolated from any other markings, is NOT a date stamp, whatever it may be.

In any event, the Amboy parachute is not relevant to the Cooper hijacking.


I found several chutes with stamps on them (see photo) almost all of them are similar to the picture hangdiver produced except one. it's in the upper left corner (yellow) it's a reproduction of a WW2 silk cargo chute?

added...the correct photo is on there now B|

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Hangdiver, I think you have just proven that the "Feb 46" on the Amboy parachute is NOT a date stamp.

On the stamp for your chute (shown in your attachment), the date portion is listed as "Date of MFG: May 11, 1945".

I presume cargo parachutes also had date stamps and that they would be done in a similar manner as above. Thus, the "Feb 46", which is isolated from any other markings, is NOT a date stamp, whatever it may be.

In any event, the Amboy parachute is not relevant to the Cooper hijacking.


I found several chutes with stamps on the (see photo) almost all of them are similar to the picture hangdiver produced except one. it's in the upper left corner (yellow) it's a reproduction of a WW2 silk cargo chute?

added...the correct photo is on there now B|


If the "Feb 46" was suppose to be a date of manufacture, then both your and Hangdiver's illustrations would read something like "Feburaryxx,1946".

That is both the day of the month, the complete four digit year, and probably the entire spelling for the month, would be stamped on the fabric.

Your illustration further suggests that the "Feb 46" is not a date but just a coincidence meaning something else.


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7) In articles, Cossey is often repeated with the same thing. The chute, he says, is silk and not nylon, and that's why it can't be Cooper's. But more significant is when he tells the Oregonian BEFORE he was shown the chute that he probably can't ID it without the container and harness and thinks the FBI is 'barking up the wrong tree'. The problem with that statement is that Cossey already knew from news reports that it was a full-size parachute and not a scrap, or a pilot chute this time. And he knew it was found in the same area many people believe Cooper jumped. Even the FBI says it's the 'A' area. This makes it look as if Cossey was preparing to write off the chute no matter what the FBI brings him to examine. In a later article, he says 'it (his examination) was over in ten seconds'. You can infer what you wish on that, but he DID say that.

Robert, I see no problem with this. He says he won't be able to ID the chute he gave them, "without the container or harness". But, once he knows its silk, he doesn't need the container or harness to know that is not the chute Cooper used.

My Super Bowl pick: Seattle over New England. My Cowboys continue to suck, but my Vols will be back in 2015. I'm more of a college fan from here on out.
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Hangdiver, I think you have just proven that the "Feb 46" on the Amboy parachute is NOT a date stamp.

On the stamp for your chute (shown in your attachment), the date portion is listed as "Date of MFG: May 11, 1945".

I presume cargo parachutes also had date stamps and that they would be done in a similar manner as above. Thus, the "Feb 46", which is isolated from any other markings, is NOT a date stamp, whatever it may be.

In any event, the Amboy parachute is not relevant to the Cooper hijacking.


I found several chutes with stamps on the (see photo) almost all of them are similar to the picture hangdiver produced except one. it's in the upper left corner (yellow) it's a reproduction of a WW2 silk cargo chute?

added...the correct photo is on there now B|


If the "Feb 46" was suppose to be a date of manufacture, then both your and Hangdiver's illustrations would read something like "Feburaryxx,1946".

That is both the day of the month, the complete four digit year, and probably the entire spelling for the month, would be stamped on the fabric.

Your illustration further suggests that the "Feb 46" is not a date but just a coincidence meaning something else.


it seems to be less of a concern for data on a cargo chute opposed to a personal chute. obviously there seems to be a difference in markings.

I think the Amboy chute was Feb 12, 1946 not sure though, but it does resemble the cargo chute markings provided in the pic.

I have the pic include of the Amboy stamp...it was the 21st not the 12 th.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Thank you. Now we are getting somewhere.
Here are some sample of ripstop if the websites are correct.

I could not find a photo of Twill parachute material.

Here is silk previously posted - note its pattern.

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Thank you. Now we are getting somewhere.
Here are some sample of ripstop if the websites are correct.

I could not find a photo of Twill parachute material.

Here is silk previously posted - note its pattern.

the only twill I found was one on Ebay. it's description is Rip-stop and Twill: Nylon Fabric.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"These are just some of the reasons why that chute should be examined by outside experts."

It appears the FBI did that. in a KOMO news video the FBI asks for help to come and look at the chute. not over the phone, but someone who has experience back in that time period. they have Cossey on record looking at the chute, but how do you know that nobody else looked at the chute. I'm sure they got dozens of calls.

I also provided some pics of silk and ripstop & silk material. also a photo that seems to show they did stamp the repacking dates on the chutes at one time.


You can clearly see a square pattern in ripstop. That pattern is
missing in the amboy chute closeup.

What does twill look like?

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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Hangdiver, I think you have just proven that the "Feb 46" on the Amboy parachute is NOT a date stamp.

On the stamp for your chute (shown in your attachment), the date portion is listed as "Date of MFG: May 11, 1945".

I presume cargo parachutes also had date stamps and that they would be done in a similar manner as above. Thus, the "Feb 46", which is isolated from any other markings, is NOT a date stamp, whatever it may be.

In any event, the Amboy parachute is not relevant to the Cooper hijacking.


I found several chutes with stamps on the (see photo) almost all of them are similar to the picture hangdiver produced except one. it's in the upper left corner (yellow) it's a reproduction of a WW2 silk cargo chute?

added...the correct photo is on there now B|


If the "Feb 46" was suppose to be a date of manufacture, then both your and Hangdiver's illustrations would read something like "Feburaryxx,1946".

That is both the day of the month, the complete four digit year, and probably the entire spelling for the month, would be stamped on the fabric.

Your illustration further suggests that the "Feb 46" is not a date but just a coincidence meaning something else.


it seems to be less of a concern for data on a cargo chute opposed to a personal chute. obviously there seems to be a difference in markings.

I think the Amboy chute was Feb 12, 1946 not sure though, but it does resemble the cargo chute markings provided in the pic.

I have the pic include of the Amboy stamp...it was the 21st not the 12 th.

Good. Are we further agreed that since the Amboy stamp is similar to that on a known cargo parachute, and not similar to stamps on known personnel parachutes, that the Amboy parachute is probably a cargo parachute?

If so, then the great Amboy parachute mystery can be put to rest as not being related to the Cooper hijacking.


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I have a silk chute...it's in storage at the moment, but here is photo of the data stamp.


Thank you. Now we are getting somewhere.
Here are some sample of ripstop if the websites are correct.

I could not find a photo of Twill parachute material.

Here is silk previously posted - note its pattern.

the only twill I found was one on Ebay. it's description is Rip-stop and Twill: Nylon Fabric.

oh well ... if that's twill it still has the square pattern seen in
ripstop, but missing in silk weave.

377 or Hangdiver: does this look like twill to you - the twill you
are talking about?

The amboy chute does not appear to have a square or
rectangular pattern in the fabric ?

Thanks Shutter.

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If you ever find the chute site and do some digging, look for the ends if the lines which should terminate in a riser attachment fitting of some sort. That item would tell us a lot about whether it was ever in an NB6 or NB8 container.


I was told several years ago by a parachute dealer in the Portland area that Cooper's parachute was an NB-6 with the shroud lines sewn to the risers. That is, there were no separable links between the top of the risers and the canopy.

The above is a very distinctive feature, or was in the early 1970s, and the NB-6 that I owned until just a few weeks before the hijacking had the shroud lines sewn to the risers.


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